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What if You Had One Month to Live?
By Belinda Elliott  CBN.com

The One Month to Live Challenge centers around four key principles.
“Live Passionately” calls readers to stop living with the “Someday Syndrome” and begin to live their lives with purpose, embracing all that God has for them. “We’d always say, 'Someday when things settle down we’ll really focus on the kids. Someday when things settle down then we’ll really do this or that,'” Shook said. “We realized finally that things are never going to settle down. We have to carve our life out of what’s going on right now.”
“Love Completely” focuses on people’s relationships with others. “We’ve noticed that most people, at the end of their lives, their biggest regrets are relationships,” Shook said. “Loving completely means don’t leave anything unsaid. Don’t leave anything undone. Express your love today. Write a letter of thanksgiving to someone today. Do whatever you need to do today.”
“Learn Humbly” discusses learning from problems and pain. The chapter also helps readers discover who God made them to be and how to best use the talents and gifts He has given them.
“Leave Boldly” encourages readers to live their lives in ways that will leave behind lasting legacies. "We build these elaborate sandcastles and they look like they are permanent," Shook said. "Maybe it’s a big business, or a house, or material possessions, but those things aren’t going to last. One day the tide of time will roll in and wash those all away. It’s the things you can’t see -- faith, hope, love, the souls of men and women -- that’s what lasts forever.”
What if you had one month to live? What to do?
What are the things you need to do before you die?
What are your bucket list ideas?
What are the places must to see before you die?
How to express your feelings to the one you love?
How to be bold in life?
How to stop living with the “someday syndrome” (procrastination)?
How to arrange giving money to children/to someone after death?
What do you think of funeral ceremonies?
What do you want people to say about you at your funeral?

How to say goodbye when someone you love is dying?
If you could journey back through time, where would you go, what would you do and why?
I could enter a time machine, I would love to be able to go back in time when I was a child. Taking the knowledge I have now from the life lessons I have experienced, I would definitely be able to change my life and take advantage of things like my parents and a high school education. Your parents try to explain to you the importance of school and an education when you are a child, but it is only after when you become an adult that you realize the value and importance it has and how it will benefit your life and future. I guess you can say as a parent, you are going back in time with your children, except you are hoping that they will learn from your experiences and live their life how you wish you could have.
– Christine Rombawa
I would go back in time to the 1950s. Things were very cheap. I could wear a suit everywhere I go. JFK would still be alive and, most importantly, I would be in pursuit of making Marilyn Monroe my wife.
– Lawson Kurosu
I would go back 50 years. Assuming I had no money, I would work until I saved $20,000 and invest it all in Apple. Also, I would have brought with me a game book with every sports event in it. I would take my Apple earnings and bet on every game, becoming the richest man in the world and donating half to WCC and, 1 million each to the writers and editors of the Ka ‘Ohana.
– Dana Yamauchi
Honestly, if I could go back in time, I would go back to when I was a kid because life was so simple then. When I was a kid, there were no worries about paying bills, the rising cost of living, political issues, having kids of my own, etc. I would want to relive my childhood because it was full of family, friends, playing outside and inside the house. There’s this bliss that comes from the ignorance of being a kid and I miss that. The world doesn’t seem so corrupt or negative when you’re a kid.
 – Jackie Jackson
If I could go back in time, I would go back to the inventing of the time machine so that I can prevent it from being created. Everything that has happened in this world happened for a reason.  No one has the right to change the course of history.
– David Morimoto
Although there are many significant events that have occurred throughout human history, I would choose to prevent the 9/11 attacks from happening. The loss of thousands of innocent lives that day is an unquestionable tragedy.
If you could journey back through time, where would you go, what would you do and why?
If you could go back in time what would you change?
If you could go to any time in history (ex: go back 100 years), where and why would you go?
If you could go back in time, where would you travel?
What do you think the idea that I would go back 50 years. And invest money all in Apple?
Is time travel possible?
What were things you regret in the past?
How to overcome serious regrets?
Is a time machine technologically possible?
What were the wonderful things in the past you remembered?

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How to Be Charismatic Edited by Jack Herrick Wiki How

Have you ever noticed how some people have the ability to captivate absolutely anyone? No matter what they look like or how much money they have, these people can just walk into a room and instantly be the center of attention. When they leave, people want to emulate them. That's charisma — a sort of magnetism that inspires confidence and adoration. 

    1.     Exude confidence. Charisma isn't the same thing as confidence, but appearing confident can make you more charismatic because your confidence will put others at ease and inspire faith in your abilities. If people see you as a confident person, they will naturally want to be around you. 


        A charismatic person stands tall and walks with steady, determined strides. They walk into a room of strangers with pride, ready to embrace a new opportunity. They also gesture with their hands instead of crossing them over their chest.

        Improve your posture. Nothing conveys confidence like good posture. Stand or sit up straight, but not rigidly. When you meet someone, give a firm handshake and look the other person in the eye. Display positive body language while you're talking to someone or even when you're just waiting around. 


    Make people feel special. No matter whom you're talking to, you should always try to charm that person and make them feel like the only person in the world. To have true charisma, you should be able to talk to anyone about any topic, and be a good and attentive listener.
How to be charismatic person?
How to develop the ability to captivate absolutely anyone?
How to talk to anyone about good talking topics?
How to make people feel special?
How to build self-confidence?
How to prove yourself a good person?
Ways to evolve and be a better person?
Do you want to improve your appearance? And how?
Do you want to change yourself to become a new person? Why or why not?
What are the good habits you want to improve? Tips to change any habit?. 

How to Read Someone's Mind   Michael Lee

Mind Reading Trick # 1: Trust Your Intuition.

The word intuition goes by many names. Some people call it gut feel; others, a sixth sense. Whatever you might call that gnawing feeling in you doesn't matter, as long as you understand what it is trying to tell you.

Haven't you ever found yourself in a situation wherein you know something is about to happen? You can't explain how you know, just that you do.

If you're used to dealing with different people, you probably use your intuition to learn how to read someone's mind. You may not be able to directly pull the words out of a person's mouth, but you can tell whether something positive or negative is coming your way. In this cutthroat world, a skill like that is highly coveted.

Mind Reading Trick # 2: Watch The Eyes.

Since you can't exactly drill a hole in a person's head to learn how to read someone's mind, why don't you focus all your attention on the eyes instead?

They are, after all, the windows to the soul. How much can eyes reveal? Well, when a person has done something they shouldn't have and is being plagued with guilt, trust that person to look at everywhere else except the person he's done wrong to. Another eye body language sign of deception is blinking.

Is the person you're talking to genuine or not? Observe to see whether their smile reaches their eyes or not. If the smile does not reach their eyes, then it's probably a forced smile.

Mind Reading Trick # 3: Word Association.

A fun way to learn what is on someone's mind is to play the word association game. You say one word and the other person says another that automatically comes to mind.

For example, if a person is hungry, they might not be able to help but fire back words that are related to food. Of course, you can't expect to catch a person's thoughts at the first bait. You need to lead them on with the impression that the game is innocent. And when they are caught up in the moment, strike hard.

Learning how to read someone's mind will be easy for those who really want to master it. The three tips above will help hone your ability to figure out a person's agenda without getting you into trouble.
Can you read someone's mind?
How to read someone's mind?
What are the benefits if you could read someone's mind?
Do you believe in sixth sense? Do you have a sixth sense?
How to read body language?
What will you do if you could read someone's mind?
How to read body language to reveal the underlying truth?
Do you trust your intuition when making decisions?
Can you tell if someone is telling the truth by looking into his eyes?
How to tell if someone is telling a lie?





    1. 最普遍的魅力迷思就是:生性活潑或擅於交際的人才可能散發魅力。

    2. 另一項常見的魅力迷思是:你必須長相好看才會有魅力。

    3. 第三個常見的魅力迷思是:你必須改變個性。換言之,你若想變得更有魅力,不需要強迫自己改變個性,也不必勉強自己去做違背內在本質的事。




當個有魅力的人      EMBA雜誌編輯部/文



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