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I’m Embarrassed To Talk With My Family About My Job
(thegrindstone by Ruth Graham)
Just about anyone getting started in a career faces a moment in which you’re a bit embarrassed to tell your family what you really do all day: “I fold sweaters.” “I fetch coffee.” “I audition over and over.” “I make copies.” If you feel a little bashful about your current career status, take comfort in these extreme stories from people who really hate talking with their families about their jobs. Read on for stories from a pet psychic whose family thinks she’s a con artist, a Butterball Turkey employee with vegan parents, and the daughter of an investment banker who paid for her own posh lifestyle by working as an escort.
I am a medium, intuitive, horse whisperer and pet psychic. I am NOT ALLOWED to talk about my work at family functions. I have a brother who is very open to what I do and he is very spiritual so we sneak off and talk about it. My sister is jealous so I don’t talk about how well I am doing in front of her.
My mom and stepdad don’t believe in anything that I do. My stepdad thinks I am a con artist. He thinks when you die, that’s it. Your consciousness doesn’t continue. I feel so positive about my work because I have helped thousands of people and their pets and even saved lives for over 22 years. I have hundreds of repeat clients. I teach them to become empowered, not co-dependent on me and the guidance that comes through for them.
At last Thanksgiving, my brother’s dog was so anxious – he has OCD anyway. I told my brother in front of everyone that he is having trouble keeping track of his toys – he wants them all together. One toy was a hexagonal ball which was hollow. I put all his other toys in the ball and gave it back to him. He put his paw on it and promptly went to sleep. Everyone laughed but I could see my parents were very uncomfortable with what I just did.
I don’t have an ego because it is the kiss of death when doing intuitive work so I really don’t care or mind that most of my family doesn’t like it or understand it. I know that everyone is on their own path and they get it when they get it. I never feel it is my responsibility to convince anyone of the validity of my work.
Are you embarrassed to tell your job to your family and friends?
Do you have an uncommon job?
What is the most embarrassing job that you can think of?
What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in a job?
Do you like your job?
What are the ways to enjoy your job?
What to do when you hate your job?
What are the reasons you hate your job?
How to start a business in Taiwan?
How to get a better job?
Are you burned out on your job? Why?

Men seek beauty, women want wealth    By Roger Highfield

The new research confirms that, while humans may pride themselves on being highly evolved, men really do go for an attractive mate - though will make do with someone who falls somewhat short of this ideal - while women - apparently understanding this - adjust their desire for a "high-quality" mate according to how attractive they perceive themselves to be. In other words, beautiful women want rich men.

That is the conclusion of research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Peter Todd, of Indiana University, Lars Penke, of Humboldt University, Berlin, Barbara Fasolo, of the London School of Economics, and Alison Lenton, of the University of Edinburgh.

Mr Todd said the problem with earlier work that suggested that likes attract was that the scientists had simply asked people about preferences while today's work showed what they actually did in a real world setting - a commercial speed dating operation with 46 people in Munich.

After the session, in which each potential pair of subjects met briefly and recorded their interest in dating one another again, the researchers compared what they said they were looking for with what they actually did. In their self-assessments, subjects claimed their ideal mate would be similar to themselves. However, in the dating session, men and women acted in line with evolutionary theory.

"We found that what men and women say they want is not the same as what they actually choose and that the actual choices made by men and women accord with a rough evolutionary-predicted trade-off, in this case between men's overall mate value [combining their wealth and status, family commitment and health] and women's self-perceived attractiveness," said Mr Todd.

Women dominate this trade-off, he said, because "men are much less discriminating".

Although people may claim otherwise, beauty is the key for men, since it signifies "good genes", while women, the choosier of the sexes, leverage their looks for security, fitness and commitment.
What do you think the title “men seek beauty, women want wealth”?  
Do you agree the idea that men really do go for an attractive mate/ beauty is the key for men?
Why many beautiful actress want to marry the rich?
Why do women want to marry the rich men?
How to marry someone who is rich?
Pros and cons of marrying a rich man?
Is marry rich guys’ guaranty of happiness?

Let’s discuss “marriage, money and happiness”?
39歲的徐若瑄(Vivian)今年25日與新加坡富商李云峰登記結婚,29 日晚上在峇里島舉辦浪漫海島婚禮,婚禮過程溫馨感人,李云峰送給老婆的結婚禮物是他譜曲、Vivian填詞,兩人共同創作的一首中板情歌《直到遇見你》,為在婚禮上表演,他還跟Live band認真練習了兩天,希望給老婆一個完美回憶!

今天婚宴伴娘是徐若瑄25年的「少女隊」好友王思涵,伴郎是李云峰的好友,婚宴主持人是中英文流利的聶雲也是徐的好友,婚宴於傍晚開始進行,由於是在戶外舉行婚宴,現場的花材以水藍、白色、和一點粉紅為主,禮服主題是「淺色亞麻風」,每位嘉賓都精心打扮,為這場私人婚宴帶來些許度假的浪漫北非電影風。Vivian 和好姐妹王思涵、林心如、名媛陳浥萍合影時真是美呆了。

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