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Every profession has its superstitions     english.pravd  Irina Shlionskaya  Pravda.Ru

Doctors, for example, try not to exchange their night duties. If they do, they will have a tough night, they say. They also try not to have sex the day before the night duty. There is nothing funny about it because people usually get relaxed and become less attentive after sex.

Surgeons have plenty of superstitious beliefs. For example, a surgeon will never operate their relative or a loved one. It is considered bad luck to operate a patient, whose first and middle names coincide with those of a surgeon. A surgeon identifies such a patient with himself, which increases chances for mistakes during surgery.

When putting rubber gloves on, a surgeon starts with his left hand. If a glove bursts, the operation may not go smoothly. It is also considered a bad sign to sit down on a surgical table, or to pick up a tool from the floor.

Representatives of another "emergency" profession - fire people - believe that if they clean their boots on duty or if a new man appears in the brigade, a fire call will follow soon. When a fireman returns from vacation, his co-workers pour water on him, otherwise they have to answer a fire call the same day.

Teachers have their own professional superstitions. If a chair breaks during a lesson - the teacher will not have a raise for a long time. It probably means that since there are no funds to purchase new chairs, there are no chances for raising teachers' salaries.

It is considered bad luck for a teacher to be late for the very first class in their career. It means that he or she will not be able to make a good career at school.

Sales people are in a habit of taking a banknote from their previous earnings to stroke their goods with the note so that the goods could sell well. If the first client is a male, it means that a vendor will have good sales during the day. If a male client gives a large note for his purchase, it means that the day will bring a very good profit.

It is considered a very bad sign for a driver to run over a dog - not a person, but a dog. If it happens, a driver should get rid of his vehicle as quick as possible. Otherwise, the driver will have car accidents on a regular basis.

The most popular and well-known omen among sailors is to have a woman aboard a ship. Life aboard a ship in open waters is hard and full of difficulties, but it is much harder for women. If a woman appears on board, she will inevitably attract men's attention, distracting them from their routine work. From this point of view, a woman on board brings bad luck indeed.
Do you know any professional superstition?
In your opinions, why a surgeon will never operate their relative or a loved one?
Why do people believe in superstitions?
Are you superstitious? What are the superstitious beliefs?
Do superstitions really have any effect?
Do you believe in bad and good omens?
What is your lucky symbol or numbers? Why?
Why Worrying Does More Harm Than Good?

Worrying just makes you miserable. (by Jim Taylor, Ph.D.)

Worry is a natural part of the human condition. It has historically played a vital role in our survival and it helps us cope with many of the challenges we face today. At the same time, worry that is too intense, too frequent, and too unrelenting can definitely cut down on your happiness and enjoyment of life.

We all experience worry. We know that nagging feeling that something is wrong and the persistent anxiety that it produces. But what precisely is worry and why do we worry? Interestingly, thefreedictionary.com notes that “The ancestor of our word, Old English wyrgan, meant ‘to strangle.’ In the 16th century worry began to be used in the sense…‘to assault verbally,’ and in the 17th century the word took on the meaning ‘to bother, distress, or persecute.’ It was a small step from this meaning to the modern definitions ‘to cause to feel anxious or distressed’ and ‘to feel troubled or uneasy.’”

Worrying is obviously not a pleasant emotion, but it is actually an essential, normal, and instinctive emotion that has been hard-wired into humans to help us survive since we rose out of the primordial muck. We worry about something because we perceive it as a threat to our existence and worry causes us to focus on it and protect ourselves from that threat. Back in the prehistoric days, carefree cave people, though probably a very fun bunch, were killed by hostile tribes or eaten by wild animals because they didn’t worry about or focus on the potential threats. Cave people who worried, though probably not the life of the party, survived these threats and passed their genes on to future generations. So, worry has been keeping us alive as a species since the dawn of humankind.
Why worrying does more harm than good?
What are you worried about?
Do you worry about financial problems?
How to stop worrying about money?
What are the reasons make you unhappy?
How to stop worrying?
How to get rid of negative feelings?

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