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Too Much Optimism Can Be a Problem   By Rick Nauert PhD  Source: Duke University

Optimistic While being optimistic is generally believe to be a benefit for living a high quality and perhaps longer life, too much optimism can be a problem, especially in regards to financial matters.

Researchers from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business discovered people who are optimistic are more likely than others to display prudent financial behaviors. But too much optimism can be a problem: people who are extremely optimistic tend to have short planning horizons and act in ways that are generally not considered wise.

Manju Puri and David Robinson, professors of finance at Duke, report in the October 2007 issue of the Journal of Financial Economics that the differences between optimists and extreme optimists provide important insights into the interaction between psychology and economic and lifestyle choices.

Puri and Robinson developed a novel method to assess individuals’ levels of optimism, drawing on data from the Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF), a triennial assessment of U.S. families’ financial and demographic information.

Most of the information we needed was already there, but we had to create a new way of combining it with other existing data in order to extract meaning about optimism,” Puri said.

Puri and Robinson also labeled as “extreme optimists” the top 5 percent of optimists, those who think they will live an average of 20 years longer than is statistically likely.

The differences between optimists and extreme optimists are remarkable, and suggest that over-optimism, like overconfidence, may in fact lead to behaviors that are unwise,” said Puri.

The findings could lead to useful ways to consider individuals’ investment and career planning decisions, and help people understand or overcome personality characteristics that can negatively affect important financial decisions, the authors say.

Doctors tell us that one or two glasses of red wine a day can be really healthy,” Robinson said.

But no one tells you to drink the whole bottle. It’s the same with optimism. A little bit is really beneficial, but too much can lead to some really bad economic choices.”
Do you think that Too Much Optimism Can Be a Problem?  
Pros and cons of being an optimist?
Do you still keep optimistic attitude If you were bankrupt?
Do you believe that optimists would have longer lifespan?
How to have longer lifespan?
How to keep a good mood?
What to do when encounter financial problems?

「junk food」的圖片搜尋結果
List of junk food
Here’s my list of the unhealthiest fast food items and substitutions you can make.
soda-alternativesAcidifying, chemical-laden, and loaded with either HFCS or artificial sweeteners (diet varieties), avoid all sodas at all costs. Instead, have some plain water or bring your own.
Fried chicken
fried-chicken-and-why-its-unhealthyMade from conventional chicken laden with hormones and antibiotics, covered with gluten-containing breading and chemicals like MSG and salt, and fried in cheap, rancid oils, fried chicken is high in calories, fat, and other chemicals that can make you sick. Skip it altogether. Please, please just never eat fried chicken.
French fries
french-fries-for-lunchFries are simply salty unhealthy fat bombs fried in the worst possible rancid oil. Many fast food places now offer alternatives to fries such as a side salad (no dressing!) .
Pepperoni pizza
pepperoni-pizza-junk-foodCheese and white flour combined with nitrosamine-containing salty processed meats, pizza is toxic and unhealthy. Why not try some brown rice or quinoa pasta with tomato sauce instead?
Caesar salad
Caesar-Salad-is-not-a-healthy-choiceThe salad part is okay – it’s everything else, the dressing, cheese, and croutons that are a problem. Caesar salad dressing likely contains salt, HFCS, eggs, and lots of fat. Instead, opt for a naked salad and add a squeeze of lemon and some tomato and mashed avocado for dressing.
Cheesecake-sliceDessert in fast food places isn’t much better than the main meal. Cheesecake is particularly bad because it not only has sugar, salt, and chemicals, but also hormone-laden dairy. Avoid it, and try some yummy Chia Pudding.
Many parents select milk for their kids as a healthy fast food choice. Milk is filled with hormones and antibiotics, and is very difficult to digest. Instead, drink plain water.
Health Costs of Fast Foods

harmful additives in junk food unhealthyThe result of all of this fast food consumption in America is a growing obesity problem. Obesity is on the rise in all sectors and age groups, with youth obesity being of significant concern. Disease is on the rise, as well, and much of it links directly to diet. Rates of type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and heart disease have all risen as fast food has proliferated in America. 


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