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To Multitask or Not?  oxfordlearning

Let’s take a look at multitasking from a pro-con approach:

The PROs of Multitasking:

    It is easy to switch mental focus when doing simple tasks, allowing people to do multiple things at once. For example: at home, talking on the phone while making dinner and sweeping the floor; At work, listening to radio, writing an email, talking on the phones.
    Multitasking can help you learn how to deal with distractions and interruptions—because life doesn’t stop happening just because you are busy.
    Multitasking allows progress on multiple tasks, even if the progress is minimal. Helps move several projects/chores/assignments toward a single deadline.
    Multitasking helps you develop the ability to cope when there is lots of commotion going on around you. It helps develop the ability to filter out the excess.
The CONs Of Multitasking:

    Interruptions—a ringing phone, the chime of an instant message—can disrupt train of thought making it difficult to return to the original task.
    Multitasking often results in busywork—doing a lot, but accomplishing nothing. Whether in the office or in the classroom multitasking creates a drop in efficiency.
    Constant distractions can lead to frustration and loss of attention. Instead of accomplishing much, very little gets done. Interruptions are especially difficult for children who have attention deficiencies and are only just learning how to activate their internal filtering mechanisms.
    The brain is the ultimate multitasker. It computes millions of message from neurons at a single time. But just like any other muscle, it can be taxed and get tired. Known as executive function, the brain’s ability to make multiple decisions can easily tire it out thus making it a less-effective decision maker.
Do you support the idea of multitasking?
Do you do different tasks at same time?
Pros and cons of multitasking?
What are the ways to stay focused?
How to stop getting distracted when trying to get things done?
How to be an effective decision maker?
「Gabby Holmes」的圖片搜尋結果
Pay as you feel junk food cafe is first of its kind to open in Liverpool  liverpoolecho.co.uk

Liverpool’s first junk food cafe has been set up in Everton by two women who are fed up with waste.

Gabby Holmes and Natalie Crean, both 23, are the driving force behind The Real Junk Food Project which recently opened on the corner of Everton Brow.

They say it is shameful that 35% of food ends up in the bin, at a time when food banks are crying out for donations.

The UK’s first cafe of this kind was opened in Leeds by Adam Smith - the man who inspired Gabby to set up the same business concept.

Waste’ food supplies are donated from green grocers, allotments, local caterers and small supermarkets.

The women work to a ‘Ready Steady Cook’ creative style - deciding what they will cook on the basis of what produce they’ve been given.

Home made hearty and healthy stews, soups, bacon butties and puddings, such as lemon curd, are often on the menu for which people pay what they feel, or what they can afford.

The social concept cafe also accepts creative donations instead of cash in exchange for food.

Gaby said: “I realised how much food rich economies waste after travelling round Asia and seeing how resourceful they were.

It’s absurd that millions of people are starving and millions of food items ends up in the bin.”

An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food ends up on the rubbish heap, annually, while one person every four seconds dies from hunger-related deaths around the world, according to the United Nations.

Gabby said: “The statistics are shocking. Ultimately, I want to see the cafe force itself out of business - because that will mean food isn’t being wasted anymore.

What do you think about this junk food café?
Is food waste a big problem in Taiwan?
What are the ways to stop wasting food?
Do you like cooking? How often do you eat out?
Reasons eating junk food is not good?
How make a smart food shopping?
What are the tips to save food and money?


餐廳老闆到垃圾桶找垃圾做成料理賣給你?聽起來像是可以踢爆的社會事件,但卻是這間餐廳的日常。英國利物浦的23歲女生Gabby Holmes和合夥人Natalie Crean就開了一間專門賣「垃圾」食物的餐廳,讓被我到垃圾桶中的食物重獲新生。

據《界面》報導,許多食物被丟進垃圾桶未必是壞掉或廚餘,而可能僅是賣相不佳或有瑕疵,於是Gabby HolmesNatalie Crean主要是尋找蔬果店、超市或大型餐廳的垃圾桶,因為可能獲得的食材不一定,所以他們會根據每天「撿」到什麼來決定當天的菜單,最常出現的是燉菜、湯和三明治等。

而由於Gabby HolmesNatalie Crean平時都有工作,所以這間餐廳其實是他們的兼職,加上食材是從垃圾桶找來的,所以付款方式也很自由,顧客想給多少錢都可以,甚至可以用物品來交換食物。(劉育良/綜合報導)

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