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「reality TV – Naked dating」的圖片搜尋結果

Get ready for the next generation of reality TV – Naked dating

Created by TV company Eyework, TV show Adam and Eve is billed as ‘an incredible experiment to find true love in its purest form.’

It sees contestants taken by boat (naked) to a tropical island where they must swim to shore (naked), with the aim of finding love (naked) – you get the picture.

The sans clothing singletons are left on different sides of the island and then left to wander to one another and begin their first date in nothing but their birthday suits.

The show’s description is really something: ‘After a spectacular and rather awkward start, the couple explores the island to find their shelter and food supply, where they will spend the night together in a breathtaking paradise: it is their true Garden of Eden.’

Having proved a hit in its native Holland, there are now said to be plans to bring the series to the UK. The question is, will they do a celeb version?

Naked dating show   wiki

Adam Zkt. Eva (Dutch for Adam seeks Eve) is a Dutch television dating show produced by Reinout Oerlemans which first aired in 2014, on RTL 5. The show's gimmick is that the two candidates are naked, and an additional twist is that a second candidate (also naked) for the main character's affections is introduced halfway through the program. The show is shot on an island in the Pacific Ocean. A reviewer for de Volkskrant was not impressed and called it just another dating show (instead of the advertised "unique love experiment").[1] Tweets by Dutch TV personalities expressed mainly surprise.[2]
What do you think about naked dating TV reality show?
Are you ready for naked dating?
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What is palmistry?
Palmistry is a method of counselling that originated in India over 3,000 years ago. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to as Samudrik Shastra, which literally means the ocean of knowledge. Palmistry is a sub-section of Samudrik Shastra and deals specifically with the study of the hand.

Your Future Is in the Palm of Your (Surgeon’s) Hand
Want to be richer? To live longer? Easy. In Japan, the latest craze is to change your fortune with palm surgery that extends your lines. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky report from the fortune-telling frontier.

In Japan, where palm reading remains one of the most popular means of fortune-telling, some people have figured out a way to change their fate. It’s a simple idea: change your palm, change the reading, and change your future. All you need is a competent plastic surgeon with an electric scalpel who has a basic knowledge of palmistry. Or you can draw the lines on your hand with a marker and let him work the magic you want.

Missing a marriage line? That can be fixed. Wedding bells may ring.

Need some good fortune? Add a money-luck line and you might win the lottery or be promoted to vice president in your firm. For the smart shopper—one willing to undergo palm plastic surgery—the future isn’t what it used to be.Doctor, I want you to change my fate. Please change my palm.”(thedailybeast.com)
Do you know something about palmistry?
Do you believe that your future is in the palm?
Do you want to change you fate?
Do you want to be richer? To live longer?
Do you think that people can change their fortune with palm surgery?
Do you believe that the fortune-telling?
Can we change our future? What are the ways to change the fate?
How to get a good fortune?
How to win the lottery? How to get a promotion?
Do you know any other way of fortune-telling?
What do you think the idea that undergoing plastic surgery?




戀愛節目風靡各國,像日本的《戀愛巴士》、台灣的《Kiss Hotel》和美國的《名人老大哥》,近年在國外吹起全裸戀愛聯誼,向來開放的荷蘭也曾推出類似節目《亞當找夏娃》(Adam Looking For Eve),該節目在荷蘭很受歡迎,參加來賓需全裸被送到海上小島,一絲不掛度過一晚,一起探索小島尋找食物,頗有生存秀的氛圍,且還會出現第3人競爭,看最終誰能攜伴而歸獲得獎金。

美國電視台「VH1」製作實境戀愛節目《Dating Naked》,參加來賓全裸上陣,藉由不斷更換約會對象,來找到最適合自己的人。節目一開播就收到不少非議,不過也成功打響名號,去年節目傳出喜訊,有來賓在節目中看對眼結婚了,意外促成良緣。(洪彩婷/綜合報導)

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