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「TV Binge Affects Your Body」的圖片搜尋結果
6 Ways a TV Binge Affects Your Body, and How to Fight Each One  By Amanda MacMillan

Here are all the ways your body is affected while you binge-watch, plus how to fight each one.

Your appetite
Watching television often goes hand in hand with mindless overeating and unhealthy snacking, Dr. Higgins says, and watching episode after episode can make that worse. “You probably don’t want to stop for an hour to cook yourself a healthy meal, so you order pizza or fast food, or you snack on junk food the whole time.” And if you think that one bad-for-you dinner can’t hurt, think again: A 2012 study from the University of Montreal found that a single meal high in saturated fat can can damage arteries and restrict blood flow in the body. Furthermore, watching high-paced, action-oriented programs also triggers more distracted eating than less stimulating news or talk shows, according to a 2014 study by Cornell University.

Your mood
A recent study by University of Texas at Austin researchers found that binge-watching is linked with feelings of depression and loneliness. People often try to lose themselves in TV to distract themselves from their negative feelings, the authors say, but often they’re unable to stop—even when they know they are neglecting work and relationships. Spending a whole weekend watching TV may also cause feelings regret and guilt, says psychiatrist Grant Brenner, MD, adjunct assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, but those are usually temporary.

For viewers with pre-existing mental health conditions, however, a binge session may have bigger consequences. “Perhaps they’re in a vulnerable state and the material triggers a negative reaction—such as activating trauma or amplifying irrational beliefs of some sort,” Dr. Brenner says.

Your sleep
And not just the sleep you lose by watching straight through the night (you probably already know you shouldn’t do that); it’s possible that your shut-eye schedule in the days after your binge session could be affected as well, Dr. Higgins says. “If you watch in a dark room with a lack of sunlight it can screw up your circadian rhythm and disrupt sleep-wake cycles.” On top of that, research suggests that the blue light emitted from televisions, computers, and smartphones can impair the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps promote sleep. (Not to mention, it can cause headaches and eye strain.)
How the TV program affects your body?
Why is watching TV so bad for you?
What are some of the bad and good influences of television?
Does watching television affect your appetite?
Does watching television affect your mood/your sleep?
How much does your TV affect your spending habits?
中央社記者裴禛攝 104年9月12日
An outdoor picnic held by TLC Saturday in Taipei  CNA

          TAIPEI -- Tom and Henry Herbert, hosts of the Travel & Living Channel's (TLC) TV series "The fabulous baker brothers," said Friday in Taiwan that the best dishes are created by the love of food, a sense of sharing, and care for people.

The British brothers, set to participate in an outdoor picnic held by TLC Saturday in Taipei, said they have found the stories behind each plate and the goodwill it delivers most precious, which is also the reason they like Taiwanese food.

For instance, the brothers said they are impressed with the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival and the tradition of families reuniting and celebrating with moon cakes.

Thanks to the great variety of food selections in Taiwan, the brothers said, they can play with different combinations of flavors to make the dessert unique to each person they are made for.

"That is what life is about at its best," said Tom, expressing his passion for hand-made food, perfected by a personal touch.

It is also an interesting experience to compare the difference between Taiwanese and British dining traditions and explore new ways of mixing the two distinctive concepts, said Henry.

British should be more adventurous in trying new food, while Taiwanese should pay more attention to the origin of food, he suggested.

It is always a good idea to be aware of where the food you are eating comes from and decide for yourself how it should be prepared, he said.

To share with Taiwanese more of their thoughts about good food and lifestyles, the duo, who work for their family business, the Hobbs House Bakery, will interact with participants of the picnic at Meiti Riverside Park.
What do you think about the outdoor picnic held by TLC Saturday in Taipei?
Have you ever tried an outdoor picnic?
Do you like barbecue?
What are the good Taiwanese food?
What are the activities good to do on autumn?
“This picnic event held by TLC discovery TV channel” 
What are the TV programs you are recommend?


台北市長柯文哲(前左)12日到美堤河濱公園參加「 TLC野餐日」開幕活動,與主持人Janet(謝怡芬)(前右)一同席地而坐野餐,大口吃著主辦單位準備的三明治。中央社記者裴禛攝 104912
台北市長柯文哲(前左)12日到美堤河濱公園參加「 TLC野餐日」開幕活動,與主持人Janet(謝怡芬)(前 右)一同席地而坐野餐,大口吃著主辦單位準備的三明 治。 中央社記者裴禛攝 104912


柯文哲今天出席在美堤河濱公園舉辦的「TLC 台北國際野餐日」,主辦單位Discovery也贈送柯文哲專屬野餐籃,感謝北市府支持;柯文哲則回贈小籠包造型的胡椒罐組,還說野餐籃餐具太多,自己只需要碗公和湯匙。






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