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「Difficult Customers」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Handle Difficult Customers  By BusinessNewsDaily

The customer may always right, but that doesn't mean all customers are easy to deal with. Anyone who's ever worked in customer service can tell you, customers can be downright unruly. Still, if you want to stay in business, you've got to deal with them. Finding techniques that help you disarm unhappy customers and win them to your site is the key to providing great customer service – even when you really want to kick nasty customers to the curb.

Lower your voice. If the customer gets louder, start speaking more slowly and in a lower tone. Your calm demeanor will reflect on them and will help them to settle down. As you approach the situation with a calm, clear mind, unaffected by the customer's tone or volume, anger will generally dissipate.

Assume all your customers are watching. Pretend you are not talking only to the customer but to an audience that is watching the interaction. This shift in perspective can provide an emotional buffer if the customer is being verbally abusive and will allow you to think more clearly when responding. Since an unruly customer can be a negative referral, assuming they'll repeat the conversation to other potential customers can help ensure you've done your best to address their concerns in a calming way.

Know when to give in. If not satisfying the customer is going to take two hours and a bottle of aspirin and risk negative referrals, it is probably better to draw a compromise a bit more in their favor to give you more time to nurture your more productive customer relationships. Keep in mind that the interaction is not typical of most customers, and that you're dealing with an exception.

Never get angry or upset. If the customer is swearing or being verbally abusive, take a deep breath and continue as if you didn't hear them. Responding in kind will not solve anything, and it will usually escalate the situation in a negative direction. Instead, remind the customer that you are there to help them and their best immediate chance of resolving the situation - often this simple statement will help defuse the situation.

Never take it personally. Always speak to the issue at hand and do not get personal, even if the customer does. Remember that the customer doesn't know you and they're just venting frustration at you as a representative of your company. Gently guide the conversation back to the issue and how you intend to resolve it, and try to ignore personal comments.

Remember that you're interacting with a human. Everyone has bad days. Maybe they had a fight with their spouse, got a traffic ticket that morning or have had a run of bad luck. We've all been there, to some degree. Try to help make their day better by being a pleasant, calming voice – it'll make you feel good too.
What are the ways to handle difficult customers?
How we handle angry customers?
Do you agree the saying “the customer may always right”?
How to make a great customer service?
How to deal with unfair treatment?
What to do when you've made someone angry?
How to calm down when you get really angry?
「Mental Telepathy」的圖片搜尋結果
Mental Telepathy is Real    journals.plos.org

Mental telepathy, the process of transferring thoughts from one mind to another, has traditionally occupied the realms of either science fiction or the paranormal, both of which are outside of mainstream science.

Research in 2014 has changed all that, with a scientifically validated demonstration of mind-to-mind communication.

Neuroscientist Carlos Grau  of the University of Barcelona and colleagues set up a clever experiment in which signals picked up by an Electroencephalagraph  EEG from subjects in India  were transmitted over the Internet as email messages to other subjects in France whose scalps had been fitted with Trans Cranial Magnetic (TMS) stimulators.  TMS devices, which have been used to treat anxiety and depression, electrically stimulate neural activity in the brain through intact scalps using strong magnetic fields. In this experiment, TMS stimulators were placed over the occipital (visual) cortex at the back of the brain, creating a perceived flash of light, called a phosphene, through neural activations in the visual cortex.

The subjects in India were trained to generate an EEG signal representing either a one or a zero using a biofeedback monitor. A one was generated when subjects imagined moving a hand, while a zero was produced when subjects imagined moving a foot. These ones and zeros were then emailed from India to France, and routed to one of two TMS devices mounted on subjects’ scalps. Ones were routed  to a TMS electrode that caused a phosphene to be perceived , while Zeros were routed to a different  TMS device whose activity produced no phosphenes.

The six senses  Ask.com
The six senses include sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and, according to Psychology Today, intuition. Researchers disagree on the definition and extent of the sixth sense, saying there are a number of possible explanations for "intuitive hunches" and the ways in which they play out.

Full Answer
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation calls the sixth sense "subtle perception ability" and defines it as the ability to perceive the unseen world. It equates the sixth sense with extrasensory perception (ESP), premonition and clairvoyance, and expands the definition to include perception of the "subtle-dimension" or unseen realm of angels, ghosts and heaven.
What do you think about mental telepathy?   
Do you think mental telepathy is real?
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【綜合報導】台北市丁姓男子時常到同一家麥當勞點同樣的餐,店裡服務生都知道丁男習性,只要丁男一到店裡,就會主動送上餐點。今年四月間,丁男再度前往店 裡用餐時,郭姓女服務人員請丁男點餐,丁男竟然痛罵「像妳這種貨色」、「妳不要做好了」,郭女不甘遭辱提告,台北地檢署昨依妨害名譽罪將丁男起訴。

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