週四(3/10)1.豪門爭繼承權2. 為什麼你浪費時間

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左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
War of succession underway over Evergreen   China post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Evergreen Group (長榮集團) has found itself at the heart of a power struggle among the children of group founder Chang Yung-fa (張榮發), who died in January leaving a fortune and business empire worth billions.

On Thursday, Chang's youngest son caught Evergreen Group off guard by publicly announcing that his father had named him chairman of Evergreen Group in a final will.

The children of Chang's first wife, who hold a majority stake in Evergreen Group, responded one day later by using their combined voting power to terminate the position of chairman, according to media reports.

There will no longer be a chairman, and senior executives will be dispatched to look over each subsidiary, according to reports.

"Evergreen Group will always have only one chairman, and that person is Chang Yung-fa," an internal announcement stated.

When asked by reporters to confirm the reports, a spokesman of Evergreen Group declined to comment.

Evergreen Group employees said the first wife and second wife had long-standing unresolved issues.

Veteran staff of the conglomerate had expected the household of Chang's first wife to control the marine services of the group, while the second wife's household manages the airline-related businesses.

Local media reported that Chang's first wife had objected to the division and that the public exposure of the will would likely ratchet up tensions between them.

Favored Son?

On Thursday, EVA Airways Corp. Chairman and the youngest son Chang Kuo-wei (張國煒) made public the will of Chang Yung-fa, stating that he would be succeeding his father as the new chairman of the conglomerate while retaining his chairmanship at EVA.

Later, Evergreen Group called it a "particularly regrettable" move for Chang Kuo-wei to "unilaterally" reveal the private will, while the process of succession was still being discussed.
What do you think the news reported that war of succession underway over evergreen?
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Small Things You Do that Waste a Huge Chunk of Time        prolificliving.com

You get 86,400 seconds every day. And guess what? You are ultimately in charge of what you do with those seconds. Whether you use them well or waste them, there are consequences. Nobody knows the battle that you are fighting, or the road that you are taking, but it is your life and nobody controls your mind, your heart and therefore your actions, other than you. You are not living in prison and no matter what your circumstances, you can change them, as long as you believe so.
Getting back in charge is not a leap. It happens in tiny steps. Here are some small things that sneak up on you and steal away your energy and waste a huge chunk of your time before you realize it:

Here are some small things that sneak up on you and steal away your energy and waste a huge chunk of your time before you realize it:
Procrastinating by making excuses. It makes you dread the task you delay and makes you feel guilty.
Watching a ‘little’ TV to decompress, and turning it off reluctantly 2 hours later.
Going out to a crowded restaurant to eat instead of cooking at home.
Reading magazines. 99% of the magazines anyway.
Watching commercials, infomercials, advertisements.
Popping by YouTube and getting sucked into something totally irrelevant.
Watching random videos that scroll across your feed about someone’s child or cat or
Hanging out with people you don’t enjoy just to pretend you have friends.
Trying to change someone’s mind. Their opinion is none of your business. (Unless it’s your child of 18 years or younger.)
Watching depressing movies when you know they give you nightmares and bring down your spirits.
Staying in a relationship when it is obviously bad for you. Stop hurting yourself.
Shopping and going to the mall only to pass the time when you don’t need anything special.
Engaging with anyone who likes to gossip and judge and resent the whole world for their own reasons.
What are the things you do that waste of time?          
How do you get over the bad habit of procrastinating?
Do you waste time for watching commercials, and advertisements?
Do you like engaging with people who likes to gossip?
How much time have you spent on YouTube and Face book?
Have you ever try to change someone’s mind? And how?
Does shopping waste of time?

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