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「Impossible People」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Deal With Impossible People            wikihow

Realize you probably can’t have a reasonable conversation. Having a civilized conversation with the impossible person is unlikely—at least with you. Recall every time you tried in the past to have a civilized discussion about your relationship with the person. You were probably blamed for everything instead.

Don’t get defensive. Stay calm, and be aware that you will never win in an argument with an impossible person—he is referred to as "impossible" for a reason. In the impossible person's mind, you are the problem, and nothing you say can convince the person to see your side of the story. He feels that your opinion doesn’t matter because you are guilty, regardless. •Think about what you are going to say before you say it and what your goal for the conversation is. Don’t just react impulsively because the other person offended you. You don’t have to defend yourself to this person.

Detach, disassociate and defuse. Staying calm in the heat of the moment is paramount to your personal preservation. Spitting angry words, reacting with extreme emotions such as crying, will only stimulate impossible people to do more of the difficult behavior. Don’t take the reactions of impossible people personally, and don’t allow yourself to become emotionally charged in reaction to her. •Remove yourself emotionally from the situation, and treat it with indifference. The goal is to not allow yourself to get emotionally involved in the conversation, keep the person at a distance and not let the words make you feel bad.

Avoid arguing with them. If possible, don't disagree with impossible people. Find ways to be agreeable or ignore them. Arguing will only get you emotionally invested in the situation and trigger your fight or flight responses. This will make it harder for you to think clearly and respond appropriately.[4] •Impossible people are looking for a fight, so when you agree with them or some truth in their statement, you are no longer giving them what they want. If you are called a "jerk," for example, go ahead and acknowledge a time when you acted badly. This corrects an overgeneralization.
How to deal with impossible people?           
How to deal with someone who always wants to argue
What makes conflict? What are the conflict resolution skills?
What to do when you have to work with someone you dislike?
What to do if a person offended you?
How to deal with an emotional person? 
One in four deaths worldwide occur due to environmental factors: WHO            AFP

Geneva: One in four deaths worldwide are due to environmental factors like air, water and soil pollution, as well as unsafe roads and workplace stress, the World Health OrganiSation (WHO) said on Tuesday.

An estimated 12.6 million people died in 2012 as a result of living and working in unhealthy environments, 23 percent of all deaths reported globally, according to the new study.

"If countries do not take actions to make environments where people live and work healthy, millions will continue to become ill and die too young," warned WHO chief Margaret Chan in a statement.

The report defines environmental causes broadly, drawing links between a long line of environmental risk factors like pollution, chemical exposure, climate change, ultraviolet radiation and access to firearms and more than 100 diseases and injuries.

As many as 8.2 million of the deaths could be blamed on air pollution, including exposure to second-hand smoke, responsible for heart disease, cancers and chronic respiratory disease, the report said.

Among the deaths attributed to environmental factors were 1.7 million caused by "unintentional injuries", including road accidents.

The report also counted 846,000 diarrhoeal disease deaths among environmental mortalities, adding that many were linked to pollution and unsafe drinking water.

The WHO reported 246,000 deaths due to intentional injuries, including suicides, which it linked to among other things the unsafe storage and access to firearms, but also to pesticides, which are used in a full third of the world's suicides.

The report found that most environmentally-linked deaths happened in South-East Asia, which accounted for 3.8 million such deaths in 2012, followed by the Western Pacific region with 3.5 million.
The least affected region was the Americas, with 847,000 deaths blamed on environmental conditions.
Europe had 1.4 million environmentally-linked deaths while Africa reported 2.2 million.
What do you think the news reported that “one in four deaths worldwide occur due to environmental factors:”?
Is the living environments ok in your living area?
What are the unhealthy environmental factors in Taiwan?
What are the ways to create a healthy living environment?
Why suicide rates rise?
What are your opinion to the environmental risk factors like pollution, chemical exposure, climate change, ultraviolet radiation?

世衛組織:全球1/4的死亡是由於環境問題     華爾街見聞


受環境污染影響最大的是貧困、年輕群體。 在撒哈拉以南的非洲、亞洲中低收入國家,環境問題致死率最高。

報告並未考慮抽煙和飲食等個人行為所帶來的風險,而是單純考慮可以避免的外部因素。 報告稱,其中某些環境因素廣為人知,比如飲用水不干淨、衛生條件惡劣、空氣污染等等。 還有些因素如氣候變化、活動場所的環境狀況等則不那麼顯眼。

 WHO總幹事陳馮富珍(Margaret Chan)表示,如果各國不採取措施改善人們生活和工作的環境,大量民眾還會繼續因此過早的病亡。

報告強調,減少因環境問題所導致的病亡事件,存在大量的低成本措施,包括減少烹飪時固體燃料的使用,以及引入低碳能源技術。  WHO公共衛生和環境司司長Maria Neira表示:



彭博援引哈佛TH Chan公共衛生學院助理教授Joseph Allen稱,WHO報告可能低估了惡劣環境對健康的影響,正如報告所提及,部分原因是氣候變化的影響難以估計。 他表示,“氣候變化正在加劇我們面臨的每一個因環境所起的健康問題。”

不過與2006WHO發布的上一份報告相比,如今的情況已經大​​有不同,全球範圍內,能夠獲得清潔的水資源、衛生條件改善、家庭烹飪燃料有害性降低的人更多。 同時,心髒病、癌症等非傳染疾病在全球病亡原因中所佔的比例上升。

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