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Tips To Handle People Who Stab You in the Back   Celestine Chua  lifehack

Cut this person away
For me personally, there is no place for hypocrisy in my life. I had more than my fair share of hypocrisy when I was in primary school (a separate story for a separate day), which is why I decided that I’m done as far as unauthenticity and shadiness of character are concerned. Whenever I meet someone whom I feel is unauthentic, I would cut the person from my life because I have no wish to deal with misgivings, distrust, disloyalty, etc.

Do damage control
Then, I did damage control by rectifying the statements which had been made. I shared my side of the story to whoever they were aired to. While it was still up to the party to make his/her conclusion, at least I got to say my piece in this situation, rather than leave things hanging.

If you have been backstabbed, take a step back and evaluate your situation. Has there been any “damage” done? Yes? No? If yes, what is this damage? Is it damage to your reputation? Damage in terms of potential business deals? Damage in terms of relationships? For the damage rendered, what can you do to reverse it?

Let go
One of my biggest qualms is that people might have bought into what the badmouther said and used those words to formulate their impressions of me, thereby making it impossible for me to ever form a true, authentic relationship with any of them. My life mission is to connect with everyone in the world, and to know that some people might have closed their hearts from me because of certain comments made by another is truly devastating.

From this episode, I learned quite a number of things about myself, surrounding my fears, my anxieties, and my treatment of friendships. I learned to be more appreciative of true friends who have always been there for me. I learned to be more sensitive to other people’s feelings. I also learned that I can be dead wrong in my judgment sometimes, and what I think is my intuition at work can just be a neurological dysfunction in my left brain.
How to handle with a “friend” stabbed you behind your back?
How to deal with a person who badmouthing you in a pretty malicious way?
Do your gossip behind the back of your coworkers?
How to know if your friend is toxic? 
How to handle toxic friends?
How to cut the person you dislike away?
Do you do self-reflect when something go wrong? And how to self-reflect?
Head Cold Cures using Honey and Citrus | Natural Home Remedies ...

Flu-related complications, including 84 deaths   TAIPEI TIMES

The Ministry of Health and Welfare was heavily criticized by legislators for acting too slowly against the flu pandemic, with insufficient medical resources for treating emergency cases of serious flu-related complications at a meeting of the legislature’s Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee in Taipei yesterday.

In the ministry’s report, Chiang said as of Sunday, a total of 1,419 serious flu-related complications, including 84 deaths, had been reported since July last year. The peak of the annual flu season in in late February.

Tips for Avoiding Cold and Flu      WebMD  By Suz Redfearn

Get a flu shot. It's the No. 1 thing you can do to prevent the flu.

Wash your hands -- a lot. No matter what line of work you’re in, if you come in contact with people who are contagious, you have to wash your hands over and over, says Alan Pocinki, MD. Pocinki practices internal medicine at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC.

 Wash your hands as much as you can stand, and then some more -- especially after wrapping up a visit with someone who’s sick,” Pocinki says.

It sounds so simple, but soap and water are the constant companions of doctors and nurses. To completely get rid of viruses from your skin, you need to scrub hard for 20 seconds or more. A good way to time yourself is to sing "Happy Birthday" twice while scrubbing the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. It doesn't matter if the water's hot or cold -- the very act of scrubbing will physically remove the germs.

Avoid getting close to people who are sick. For example, don't shake hands.

Doctors tend to be very cautious about hand shaking,” says Terri Remy, MD, medical director of Medical Associates at Beauregard in Alexandria, VA. “Just explain, ‘To keep transmission of colds and flu down, I’m not shaking hands.
What do you think of the news reported that flu-related complications, including 84 deaths?  
What are the tips for avoiding cold and flu?
How to kill flu germs?
What are the remedies to get over a cold? (example: ginger soup)
How to get physically stronger
Does wash your hands important?
Why do some people get cold easily?
What are the healthy living tips to prevent illness?

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