周六(3/26) 1.女人不喜歡男人的幾種型? 2.如何自己帶來好運?

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「Things Women Dislike About Men」的圖片搜尋結果女人不喜歡男人的幾種型?
Things Women Dislike About Men   havingtime
Jealous or Not Caring Much
Erik is stone cold. He seems to be on a different planet somewhere out there without any intention to care. I can go out with my friends and come back home at 4 in the morning. He will never ask how it went. He simply doesn’t seem to care that much. Some of my friends say that it’s a good thing, that I don’t have a jealous Othello near me. True that. But I’d rather have a “jealous” type calling and checking up on me, than the one, that wouldn’t even notice whether or not I’m home.” – Carrie suggested.

 Mister Scrooge McDuck
Ok, there was this guy I dated back in college. He was unbelievably stingy. At first it seemed admirable to me that this man knows how to save. That this man loves saving money. But when that obsession turned into a real nightmare I realised that I didn’t want to be a part of that picture. It’s fine when a guy counts every penny in his pocket, but I don’t appreciate when he takes the liberty to do the same with my savings too! A bouquet of roses as a surprise? Nonsense! Two tickets for a West End musical? Outrageous request! Generosity, on the other hand, is what highlights a real man” – shared Carrie.

He Never Listens
Do you have any idea how frustrating it is when you tell the same story 3 times in a row only because 2 previous times his mind wandered away leaving him here with a blank stare?  Or when he sits in the restaurant across the table checking up his phone showing no respect? Sometimes I have this urge to slap him across the face so he can have an attention span longer than 10 seconds for once. But slapping him will never solve a thing. I really dislike men when they don’t listen.” – shared Camilla.

Bad Boy
I have this colleague. I never saw a person more arrogant than him. When he speaks he looks around the room  seeking approval. He makes stupid jokes and waits till everyone would laugh. He goes over heads with a cut throat attitude. He is a shark and considers himself a Bad Boy. And my god, it sends me wondering, Why Do Women Ever go for Bad Boys?” – shared Helena.

He flirts all the time. He has thousands (!) of followers on Facebook and Twitter. He chats with women all the time just for the sake of indulging his ego. Why, you might ask? You see, Jack was fat when we first met. His self-esteem was low, as I presume, but generally, he was sweet and attentive. A nice guy. And then when he had a dramatic change in his life – he turned into a completely different person I hardly knew. He lost weight. He was a gym rat ever since. He cheats and puts marks on his list. You know, how many woman did he hunt in a week 
In your opinion, what are the things women dislike about men?
What do you think a boyfriend who sits in the restaurant across the table checking up his phone showing no respect?
What are the signs your boyfriend /girlfriend has stopped caring about you?
How do you handle a jealous boyfriend /girlfriend?
How to deal with an over-possessive boyfriend?
How to handle a stingy boyfriend/ a girlfriend?
Do you look through your boyfriend or girlfriend's cell phone?
Why do girls like bad boys?

How to deal with a cheating boyfriend?
「attract good luck into your life」的圖片搜尋結果
4 ways to attract good luck into your life   By Andrea Mann 

We may believe that good fortune has nothing to do with us and everything to do with fate, but the reality is that your thoughts and attitude create the luck in your life.

Why do some people lead happy, successful lives while others face repeated failure – at home, work and in their love lives? 

Professor Richard Wiseman worked with hundreds of exceptionally lucky and unlucky people to scientifically find out the reasons for their good fortune – or lack of it – and to discover if unlucky people could do anything to improve their luck. The good news, he discovered, is that they can.

1.    Maximise your opportunities
Lucky people create, notice and act upon the chance opportunities in their life,” says Wiseman in his book. Or to put it another way: lucky people may talk about experiencing a ‘chance’ encounter or event – but actually, their psychological make-up means they created or noticed the opportunity when it arose, and acted upon it. 

2.    Listen to your lucky hunches
When asked what was behind their successful and unsuccessful decisions, lucky people told Wiseman that they “simply knew a decision was right” – while unlucky people just put it down to “more evidence that they were destined to fail”. Listening to your gut, your intuition, your inner voice – whatever you want to call it – has long thought to be a component of living a happy, successful life, and Wiseman’s research backs that up.

3.    Expect good fortune
In other words: be optimistic. “Lucky people’s expectations about the future help them fulfil their dreams,” explains Wiseman.
So while we all have dreams and aspirations, lucky people are more likely to achieve them not because fate is dealing them a kinder hand, but because they think differently about themselves and their lives. They have high expectations of experiences and relationships with other people – and they also buy into good luck superstitions.

4.    Turn your bad luck into good
Wiseman found that lucky, optimistic people still encounter bad luck or negative events – that’s life, after all – but the key difference lies in the way they deal with them.
Lucky people are more resilient when bad things happen: they see the positive side of a negative situation, believe that things will turn out for the best and don’t dwell on their misfortune.
Can we create our good luck?
Do you believer in luck? Why or why not?
Are you and a pessimist or an optimist? How to be optimistic?
How to maximize your opportunities?
Do you listen to your gut, your intuition when making a decision?
Do you believer in good luck superstitions or good luck superstitions?
What to do when bad things happen?

How to inspire yourself?

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