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「Having So Much Trouble Finding True Love」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons This Generation Is Having So Much Trouble Finding True Love    elitedaily

Some people find it easy to fall in love, others not so much. We tend to fall in love with people who meet a certain criteria in our mind.
Loving a person can be extremely difficult — here’s why:

Fear of failed relationships
It’s become so common to see the people around us getting screwed over. It’s practically impossible to trust someone these days.
We’ve all heard stories from our friends, family and colleagues being related to some sort of cheating scandal. As a result, some have major trust issues, while others might feel burdened with insecurity from their partner.

Having high standards
As we grow older, we add more things to our list of what we look for. We understand what we want in personality qualities, physical attraction, values, interests, etc. This makes finding a partner tricky because each person has a certain score for his or herself to determine his or her own worth.
When we meet someone, we tend to point out the negative aspects we see and focus on those. It’s definitely good to maintain high standards because you want to be with someone who matches your worth, but sometimes, standards can become unattainable. This will only result in constant disappointment.

Unknown definition of love
For some, love is a feeling of being in the moment much more than just being loved. For others, love requires a lot of personal growth.
Our culture has dismantled the definition of love through the exposure of Disney and Hollywood ideals. When someone doesn’t meet the true love standards depicted in the movies, one can be weary of what it means to fall in love.
Very few couples lock eyes and just know that they’ve found “the one.”  Keep in mind that love might not come as natural or as intensely as it does in the movies.

Not wanting to hurt others
On the other end of the spectrum, some find it hard to fall in love because they have never felt a deep connection with anyone. Dating someone who has gotten really attached to you could make a breakup messy, which makes you want to stay clear of relationships all together.
It’s hard not to hurt people, and it’s even more difficult dealing with the guilt that comes with causing pain to others.
What are the reasons that this generation is having so much trouble finding true love?  
Do you make certain criteria in your mind when fining a future partner?
How to find “true love”?
Do you agree the saying that “it’s practically impossible to trust someone these days”?
“Personality qualities, physical attraction, values, interests” which one you prefer when fining a future partner?
What are reasons why lovers break up?
How should one end a relationship without hurting the other?
「Being Selfish」的圖片搜尋結果
4 Reasons Why Being Selfish Is Good for You

Selfish people are healthier. Selfish people are more self-focused and pay more attention to their own bodies and health. They take care of themselves: do exercises, eat healthy food and also try to please themselves with what they love. Did you know that selfish people travel a lot?

Selfish people have better relationship. Self-focused people have healthier relations just because they don't let others manipulate or take advantage of them. You always can say “No” to something that disturbs you or something you don't like. Sacrificing yourself and your needs for the sake of relations won't make you happy.

Selfish people are better leaders. Numerous studies have shown that selfish people may have an advantage in leadership role. Selfish people are more confident in themselves and are not likely to give up on their goals. They just go for something they want apologetically and they are not afraid to ask for the raise or promotion.

Selfish people are happier. Will you be happy, if someone tells you to live a miserable life to please others? We bet you won't, so make yourself happy. Travel, enjoy, do what you like. Your happiness will make your relations with other people healthier, you will become more altruistic and helpful to others. Happiness will make you more creative and resilient. You will become a better friend, colleague and citizen.

However, remember, that selfishness is two-edged. Keep balance in order not to harm yourself. And whenever you think that you might please yourself with it, don't hesitate, because a little selfishness is good for you.
Do you agree the idea that” Being selfish is good for you”?
How to deal with people who take advantage of you?
Why do some people always or often want to be the center of attention?
How to handle annoying behaviors of self-centered people?
How to ask for the raise or promotion?
How to be a better friend, colleague?

What are the reasons make people are happier? 

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