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坐的越久 死的越快
How sitting down is killing you         menshealth  By Tom Banham

You probably don’t see yourself as sedentary. You lift weights for an hour most days, right? Perhaps you even fit in a lunchtime jog. But what about the rest of the day? In all likelihood, you park yourself in your office chair for over eight hours, bar the occasional tea run. You sit in your car or on public transport to get to the gym, then to get home. You kick back on the sofa to let your muscles recover in the evening (it is legs day, after all). Then you spend seven hours prostrate, until tomorrow, when you do it all again.

Added up, to put it bluntly, that’s a lot of time on your arse. Which should worry you, because a growing body of research shows that sitting down is destroying your body. According to a study published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure, men who sit for five hours or more a day have a 34% increased risk of heart failure compared to their chair-avoiding counterparts – no matter how much they exercise. Their diabetes risk is doubled, they sleep less, and they put themselves at greater risk of depression and cancer. Jumping out of your seat yet?

The average man spends 9.3 hours a day seated and around another 7 asleep. Sedentary jobs have increased by 83% since 1950 and according to a recent survey by Sanlam Private Investments, office workers spend five years of their life at their desks, while 47% get less than an hour of exercise a week. We’re experiencing a global epidemic of obesity, heart disease and preventable cancers that can, partially, be traced to our time spent parked.

Not moving doesn’t just grow your spare tyre. It also has an insidious physiological impact, says professor Marc Hamilton of Pennington Biomedical Research Centre. “The underlying signals that are sensed in inactive muscles are different than the signals sensed when you’re doing exercise,” he explains. Hamilton’s research found sitting suppresses enzymes that counter cardiovascular disease, an effect that heavy exercise didn’t reverse. In other words, staying in your chair actively raises your chance of a heart attack, and hitting the gym won’t undo the damage. Instead, he says, you need “a large duration of low-intensity contractual activity throughout the day.”

So what exactly does that mean? “The key is a non-fatiguing type of physical activity that can be sustained for enough hours during the day,” explains Hamilton. Which translates to staying constantly active. Think of our ancestors who’d work in fields or forges, constantly moving but not overexerting: “They didn’t go weightlifting or jogging then sit around all day.”

The real issue is that we’ve experienced a cultural shift where inactivity’s become the norm. “If you haven’t done anything, then resting doesn’t make sense,” says Hamilton. “You need to rest from something.” He likens sitting to food and sleep. Some is vital, and without it, we die. But when we gorge, it brings problems.

Though we know sitting’s a risk, we’re not yet sure precisely why. But while research continues, there are theories. Sedentary people have increased blood lipids and fluctuating glucose and insulin levels, says Buckley. “Accumulate that over a lifetime, and it's likely to be why those people are affected by heart disease and diabetes more than people who don’t sit.” Both Hamilton and Buckley draw comparisons between sitting and smoking. Exercise’s effects are curtailed if around your supersets you’re sucking down 20 Benson and Hedges. It’s the same with sitting. Too much chair time stresses your insulin response and ups your diabetes risk.
Do you believe the idea that sitting down is killing you?      
How many hours you sit down in a day? Why sitting down is bad for health?
Do you sit around all day? How often you sit in front of a computer monitor?
What are the reasons that causing the sedentary life styles?
How often do you do exercise?
Why inactivity is become the norm?
What are your advices to the office workers who has long sitting time?
「Sacrificing for the Ones We Love」的圖片搜尋結果
The Pros and Cons of Sacrificing for the Ones We Love

Your spouse comes home from work and excitedly tells you that he just was offered a promotion — in another state. Do you quit your job and move away from your family to an unknown city so that he can pursue his career ambitions? Should you?

Close relationships require sacrifice. In fact, many people include sacrificing in the very definition of what it means to truly love another person. Sometimes that sacrifice can be life changing, such as deciding to move to a different state in order to be with your partner, other times it might be something small and seemingly mundane such as seeing your partner’s pick of an action movie instead of the comedy you would have chosen. Although sacrifice may be inevitable, when the time comes to do it, it’s not always an easy choice.

 -A longer-lasting and happier relationship. Relationships are more likely to last when people are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. Couples are also more happy in relationships where the partners are willing to sacrifice for each other… it’s nice to know you care about each other enough to make the other person your top priority. 

-A nice little pat on the back. By making a sacrifice for your partner, you’ve proven to yourself that you have what it takes to be a good relationship partner. It also feels good to help someone you care about. Seeing your partner’s happy grin when you agree to attend their high school reunion instead of stay home and work may make the sacrifice worth it.

-A happier partner who is likely to reciprocate. Being willing to sacrifice for your partner lets them know that you care about them – and a happy, cared about partner is a good partner. A happy, cared about partner is also a partner who will be more likely to sacrifice for you when the time comes.

-Feeling inauthentic. Particularly in the US, we are raised with the belief that we need to be true to ourselves. By giving up something you want, or doing something you don’t want to do, all for the sake of your partner, you run the risk of feeling like you aren’t being true to yourself.
Are you willing sacrifice for the one you love?
What are the pros and cons of sacrificing for the ones we love?
Do you quit your job and move away from your family to an unknown city so that he can pursue his career ambitions?
Would you giving up something you want for the sake of your partner?
Are willing to make the one you love your top priority?
How to be a good partner? (good boyfriend or good girlfriend?)
How to have happier relationship?

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