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「the poor the rich who happier」的圖片搜尋結果
Can you be poor and happy?             debate.org
68% Say Yes        32% Say No

Poor can be happy
For a poor family, they swim in a river that has no end, they have stars above their heads at night, they have the whole horizon to watch and use as their patio, they have the endless fields, they grow there own food and have pride in it and their friends protect their land. Sometimes I wonder if we can call ourselves rich. Maybe the “poor” people are actually the rich ones, they are so content and they have natural materials and resources as some of our recent technology, sometimes I wonder poor people are actually the ones living better lives.

I'm Poor and Happy.
I'm Poor and Happy. I'm pretty uninterested in material wealth and the things that this society offer in exchange for dollars. I personally prefer to have less responsibilities and spend time living for me and the people i love. Even more, it's possible to have great experiences if you lower your standards of luxury. Materialism is something I'll never spend effort attaining.

Every day is a struggle
Every day a poor person person is robbed off dignity. How can you be happy knowing that there are people you will never meet, places you will never go and dreams you will never accomplish because the world does not know you exist? We live in an excessively materialistic world where the value of human life is determined by what you have to offer. The homeless, illegal immigrants and people living in the slums of Asia and Africa are tied in a cyclical life of despair. It is difficult to be happy when every day is toil, hunger and despair.

Poor people have little power to change
I am 24 years old, I have $1250 in my account. Nothing in my wallet. I have a wife and we live in our studio apartment. I am the only one able to work so I support both of us. (Before you ask, have you thought about your wife working? Yes we have and there is no option for that for reasons I cannot disclose here) Half our money goes to rent and the rest to bills/debt every month. We save nothing. We never go anywhere for fun. Movies? What are those? We have hardly nothing in our fridge for lunch and absolutely nothing for dinner. No saved canned foods or anything to use for meals. The problem with being poor is that you are always worrying! It never ends. How do I pay off my $15000 student loan debt? How do I pay my $9000 car loan since the bank owns my car and not me? What about the $6000 credit card debt you got by trying to survive and not just blowing your money on clothes you don't have? I go to my 9-5 job come home to my beautiful wife and look her in the face and all I can think is I'm sorry. You feel so low. You are busting your butt just to stay afloat. You never have fun because everything costs money and if it doesn't it at least costs gas to get there which you can't afford. You try to change it but you can't. You're stuck. You either learn to deal with it or give up. Either way you feel horrible. All you want is to be able to go to the grocery store and say go baby get whatever you would like but you can't. I haven't given up but I'm breaking. No family to help just you and you alone to find a way every single day. I have my wife and she keeps me alive but when you know you are letting two people down no matter how hard you try it is demoralizing. Stay strong. Work, eat maybe, sleep and repeat. Stay strong!
Can you be poor and happy?
Do you think rich people are happier than the poor?
Are you interested in material wealth? Or uninterested in material wealth?
Are rich people have more power to change?
How to live a happy life?
How to live a great life even if you have money problems?
Do you admire or envy the rich?
Rich people are smarter/talented than poor people?

Things Men and Women Argue About Most     by eHarmony Staff

Money Matters
Not surprisingly, both men and women confess to arguing about finances. Whether it’s who is spending too much or who may be a bit frugal, it’s an issue big enough to split some couples up. To merge or not to merge bank accounts? That is the question – and something to figure out (help us Suze Orman!).
What is at the center of most of our arguments? A group of men and women bravely revealed what they bicker about the most…

Household Chores
I’m a guy so I take out the garbage, and you do the laundry.” While some women are perfectly cool with this, others may love hauling out the trash (well...maybe that’s a stretch). The bottom line is not to assume that one gender will automatically take care of certain responsibilities. Talk it out together and figure out what is going to work best for both parties. The solution may just be a housekeeper!
What is at the center of most of our arguments? A group of men and women bravely revealed what they bicker about the most…

You’re an Independent – and he’s a Republican. You respect Hillary Clinton, while he adores Sarah Palin. Can it work? Yes, we have seen that it can. Is it easy? Definitely not if your topic of frequent conversation is the differing political parties. It is important to respect another’s beliefs and not to force your own agenda. Unfortunately, many lose sight of this, and this is why politics made the list.
What is at the center of most of our arguments? A group of men and women bravely revealed what they bicker about the most…

It’s a wonderful thing shared between two people, yet this subject can cause lots of turmoil. Some couples argue about whether to engage in sex before marriage. Some couples argue about different levels of desire. The most important thing? To stay true to yourself in this intimate arena.
What is at the center of most of our arguments? A group of men and women bravely revealed what they bicker about the most…

I saw you looking at her!” “I don’t want you going to lunch with him.” This relationship killer is at the center of many, many squabbles. While many men and women have no reason to be jealous (and could be just controlling and insecure), there are boundary issues which every couple should clearly define together.
What is at the center of most of our arguments? A group of men and women bravely revealed what they bicker about the most…
What are the things men and women argue about most? 
How to talk to your partner about money
What are the good topics for conversation?
Is sex important to a relationship?
What are the ways to deal with a jealous boyfriend / girlfrend?
Why talk political issue easily cause conflict?

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