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Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick    jonworth.eu

OK, the subject of this entry is not because I’ve been on the wrong end of something next to Gare de Midi. It’s more metaphorical than that. It’s actually a line from a Steve Jobs speech given at Stanford University in 2005 – you can read the full speech here. The speech happened to be an example used as part of a course I’m teaching about government communications these few days outside London. Little did one of my co-trainers know how poignant one passage of the text would be for me at the moment. Have a read of this:

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

I reckon I’m lucky. I do love what I’m doing, or at least what I think I’m supposed to be doing – teaching people about things, and designing fun and interesting strategies for online campaigns. Being at my old workplace makes me realise I was right to keep looking. But on a practical level things aren’t working at the moment; I’m swamped and I feel I’ve been hit by Jobs’s brick. Just hope it doesn’t feel that way too long.
What to do when sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick?
What to do when life sucks?
What do you think of Steve jobs speech?
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
How to be truly satisfy to your work? What is most satisfying about your job?
How to make your life better?
Who are your role models?
How to love your job even if you don't like it?
Rude Behaviors- Are You an Offender? (tammyswallow)

There is more to rude behavior than just the frustration people feel day to day. Many factors influence a person's aptitude to be rude including a disposition to be impatient, not feeling as if they are being listened to, or being in a hurry- but the behavior all boils down to one thing:

People who are rude generally don't care about other people!

It is a sad but true fact. Our humanity is lost in the hustle and bustle of every day life. People are rushed, stressed, tired and taking it out on their fellow man. Here is a list Rude Behaviors:

Being noisy: Whether from your car, your home stereo, or in your yard, it is rude to blast loud music. Pulling into a gas station where two or more cars are blasting their bass is very irritating for all.

Cutting in Lines: It happens in the grocery store, public events, and amusement parks. No one is amused. Those who skip others in line think they are more important and have a sense of entitlement that makes them think they are below waiting their turn.

Not Returning Your Shopping Cart: This should be a simple thing to do but parking lots are full of un-returned shopping carts. When you think about how lazy we have become as a nation, such primitive things explain the obesity rate in the United States.

Barking Dogs (and neighbors who let their pets destroy your trash): Anyone who has been kept up all night by a barking dog can understand this entry. Parents with babies particularly find barking dogs to be irritating.

Bad Table Manners: Formal dining is no longer standard in the USA, but people should have respectable table manners. Elbows should be kept off tables. No one should reach over the table for food or expose a dinner guest to an armpit. Slurping, smacking, and chewing with one's mouth open is offensive.

Cutting Off Others in Traffic: Many people think their needs to get their destinations are more important than the safety of everyone on the road. Others get frustrated with bad drivers and are just trying to get away. Safety on the highways is more than good manners, it keeps everyone safe. Monitor your own driving so frustrated drivers won't have to cut in front of you.

Not Using a Turn Signal- Refusing to signal a left or right handed turn is not only rude and lazy, it is illegal in most states in the U.S. Using a turn signal only takes a minimal "flick" but yet, more and more drivers are refusing to use this system of communication with other drivers. Sadly, using the turn signal benefits the one who is turning left or right from being rear-ended or side swiped on a busy highway.

Being Late- Sure, life happens and sometimes we are all late for something. Those who habitually come to work late daily with the same excuse over and over are rude and hurt the morale of the office. Most people are understanding of lateness if they are notified by phone. Not calling to say you will be late is rude behavior. For those who are habitually late for meetings, family gatherings, dates, and work, it is strongly recommended you set all of your clocks at home ahead 15 minutes.

Improper Cell Phone Use: Acts reported as "rude" are on the rise since the popularity of the cell phone. It is rude to text someone else while having a conversation with others, talking on your cell phone during meals, DRIVING while texting or calling, browsing the Internet during dates and dinners, and answering a cell phone call while attending to other business.

Why these days people who are rude generally don't care about other people?
Who deal with babies crying and barking dogs in restaurants?
Do you ignore your partner and text during dinner or dates?
How to deal with someone who is always late?
What are some ways to deal with noisy neighbors?
How to deal with people cutting in line in front of you?
Do you talk on your phone in a movie theater?
「steve jobs cartoon」的圖片搜尋結果
Billy 最近滿頭包 人生的磚頭滿多的 
美國遠房表哥    老賈打電話來   給了這句話真棒
"人生會用磚頭打你的頭。但不要喪失 信心"

我很確定,如果當年蘋果電腦沒開除我,就不會發生這些事情。這帖藥很苦口,可是我想蘋果電腦這個病人需要這帖藥。有時候,人生會用磚頭打你的頭。不要喪失 信心。我確信,我愛我所做的事情,這就是這些年來讓我繼續走下去的唯一理由。你得找出你愛的,工作上是如此,對情人也是如此。你的工作將填滿你的一大塊人 生,唯一獲得真正滿足的方法就是做你相信是偉大的工作,而唯一做偉大工作的方法是愛你所做的事。如果你還沒找到這些事,繼續找,別停頓。盡你全心全力,你 知道你一定會找到。而且,如同任何偉大的關係,事情只會隨著時間愈來愈好。所以,在你找到之前,繼續找,別停頓。 

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