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「如花 周星馳」的圖片搜尋結果
Ways to Reverse a Bad First Impression   realsimple.com

Turn Around

My research has shown that women and men tend to orient their bodies differently when talking to each other. Women typically face one another and look steadily at each other's faces; they feel like this shows that they're friendly. But when faced directly, men tend to feel that they're being closed in on. Men generally sit at angles or even parallel to each other, only occasionally glancing at each other's faces, which may seem rude to women. If you sense that you've made a bad impression with someone of the opposite gender, engage him differently the next time: Change the way you're positioned and notice whether you're maintaining your gaze or looking at him only now and then—it may alter how he thinks of you.

Let Your Guard Down

Most of the people I advise lead very busy work lives, so they are often preoccupied. I've had clients brush off an important person or use a brusque tone with someone they've just met just because they were in a hurry. I encourage clients to proactively follow up and say to the person they rubbed the wrong way, "I was distracted because of a looming deadline. I'm sorry about our last run-in, and I would love to grab a coffee. I want you to know how happy I am to meet you." People appreciate the authenticity of an apology and the personalized attention that comes with it.
How to give a good first impression?
How to reverse a bad first impression?
Why are first impressions so important?
How to change about your popularity?
How to make a genuine apology
How to impress a girl/a guy?
How to look attractive?
How to be friendly?
Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself  Adam Dachis

On countless occasions, you've likely said to yourself "I wish I knew how to do ______." Then, of course, life got in the way and you put it off until you could find the time.
1. Repair Just About Anything
Sure, you don't need to repair anything anymore. You can just pay someone else to do it. But where's the ingenuity in that? Plus, who wants to waste a bunch of money on simple tasks you can handle on your own? If you've adopted the DIY spirit, learning to repair your own stuff is one of the easiest and more rewarding skills you can acquire.
2. Pick Up an Artistic Skill
Although it often won't earn you the big bucks, artistic skills are highly desired because they provide you with the technical abilities required to create something beautiful. You're going to have to find your own inspiration and subject matter, but the skill you'll need is really just a matter of technical aptitude and practice.
3. Learn to Defend Yourself
Who likes getting their ass kicked? Probably a very small majority. If that's what you're into, it doesn't require much skill—just endurance. If you'd prefer to not end up hurt or injured as the result of an unexpected attack, perhaps it's time to pick up some self-defense skills.
4. Improve Your Design Skills
Design and style aren't an exact science, as tastes differ and change as time goes on, but there are a few principles you can pick up that'll make your work, home, or whatever needs an aesthetic boost looking better than average. If we're talking traditional design, you'll first want to learn the basics of type and layout. These
5. Play a (New) Instrument
Whether you already know how to play an instrument and want to learn something new or are musically inept, you'll find plenty of resources online to help you teach yourself to play just about anything. If guitar is your thing, you're in luck as you'd be hard-pressed to not find online lessons. JustinGuitar.com offers over 500, and we've rounded up plenty more. The internet can also teach you piano, drums, and even orchestral instruments like the flute and violin. Just like with repair skills, you can find a lot of how-to videos on both YouTube and VideoJug.
6. Cook Like a Pro
With so many recipe sites and cooking skill how-to videos online, it's a surprise that everyone isn't a master chef at this point. There are so many simple things you can learn that can vastly improve your culinary skill set really quickly.
7. Become Fluent in a New Language

When we asked you which skills you really wanted to learn, language was at, or close to the top of many peoples' lists. Fortunately for you, this clever technique offers a way to all but master a new language in a short period of time by teaching yourself. You'll still have to work hard and put in the minutes every day, but you can come out speaking fluently in about half of a year. (lifehacker.com)
How to learn a new skill?
What are the life skills we need?
Do you want to pick up an artistic skill?
Do you want to learn cooking skills like a pro?
Do you want to learn to defend yourself?
What are the universal skills you need to succeed at anything?
How to discover your talents?

Ways to step outside your comfort zone and learning something new?

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