週四(4/14)1. 預言是甚麼?如何預言?2.抗癌食物/日本低致癌率

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「crystal ball」的圖片搜尋結果
What is a Prophecy?  wisegeek

Prophets and prophecy are an important part of human history and culture. A prophecy is simply a prediction about something that is going to happen, usually spoken by an authority such as a priest, shaman, or another type of mystic. Prophecies range from the mundane to the fantastic, and have been around as long as humans have, in an attempt to understand the deeper mysteries of life. Technically anyone could experience a premonition or forewarning of an event, but most prophetic traditions believe that only unique individuals can voice a genuine prophecy.

While prophets and soothsayers are often dismissed as crazy in modern industrialized culture, they once held immense power in their societies and were revered by people of all classes. Many prophets were associated with religions; the Ancient Greeks, for example, sought to understand the will of the gods through the oracles who resided at the temple of Delphi, while Romans used temple augurs to seek out information about future events. More ancient religions included priests and priestesses who entered sacred trances to communicate with the gods and relay information to the people in the form of a prophecy. Many primitive and animist religions also contain the concept of prophecy and soothsaying, usually carried out by a priest, witch doctor, or shaman.

How to Tell the Future    wikihow

Developing Your Extrasensory Perceptions
Learn the difference between premonitions, precognitions, and prophecies. Any time you get into future-telling, a lot lingo starts getting tossed around. It can get confusing. Keeping terms straight can untangle a lot of mystical mumbo-jumbo and make the techniques and the simple tricks a little more fun for the beginner.[1] •Precognition means awareness of the future, through direct knowledge or some other kind of perception, like dreams. Most precognitive experiences occur in dreams, and most occur 24-48 hours before the occurrence.
Premonition involves the feeling that something might happen, but not the knowledge of what it is exactly. Premonitions might include feelings of foreboding or "hunches" that something "feels right." These can be just as significant as precognition, and much more reliable.
Prophecy refers back to the ancient Greek sense of time, with the future being fixed and immutable. A prophecy is a knowledge of a future that will definitely happen, without question. For something to be prophecies means that it cannot be changed.
What are your opinion about the raining prophecy from the temple? 
How to Tell the Future? 
Do you know what is “Extrasensory Perceptions”? (超感官知能)
Could somebody prediction about something that is going to happen?
How to understand the will of the gods?
What do you think about tarot prediction/ crystal balls prediction?
What do you think about Taiwanese fortune tellers?
What would you do if you could see the future?

「Foods that prevent from cancer」的圖片搜尋結果
Foods that prevent from cancer    forum.china.org

Step 1: Pick some blackberries(多吃黑莓)
Pick up some blackberries; they contain twice the antioxidant content of blueberries. Strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries are cancer-fighters, too.
Step 2: Spice up your life(多吃咖喱,生姜和桂皮)
Curry lovers, rejoice! Turmeric, the spice that gives the popular Indian dish its yellow hue, inhibits the development of cancer. Ginger runs a close second, followed by cinnamon.
Step 3: Eat your broccoli(多吃甘蓝)
Eat your broccoli. It contains isothiocyanate, a compound that fights several cancers. While Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and arugula also have ITCs, broccoli is king because it has a particularly potent kind called sulforaphane.
 Broccoli sprouts have the highest concentration of sulforaphane.
Step 4: Eat & drink your greens(多吃绿色蔬菜,喝茶)
Munch on watercress and drink green tea. Both increase the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants in your blood, and watercress protects your DNA from changes that can trigger cancer.
Macadamia nuts contain almost as much selenium as Brazil nuts.
Step 5: Order the fish(偶尔吃吃鱼,对身体也是有益的)
Eat fish a few of times a week. An Italian study found that people who eat fish twice a week reduce their risk of developing several cancers by 30% to 50%. Go with Omega-3-rich fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna.
Step 6: Reek of garlic(吃蒜也是对身体有好处的)
Indulge in garlicky foods. Fans of this pungent bulb have a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer because cooked garlic inhibits cancer cells from growing.
Step 7: Don't fear fungus(不要害怕吃菌类食物)
Consume more Asian mushrooms — in lab tests, shitakes repressed cancer cell growth. Also try maitake, zhu ling, enoki, and red reishi mushrooms.
Step 8: Eat an apple a day(每天吃一个苹果)
An apple a day may keep the oncologist away. Studies have found that when pulverized apple skins were placed in a petri dish with colon cancer cells, the cells’ growth was inhibited by an impressive 43%. So don’t peel before eating!
The lowest rates of cancer in the world are in the Japanese regions Uji and Shizuoka, where most of that country’s green tea is harvested. People in those areas drink more high quality green tea per capita than residents of any other area of Japan.
Do you know any Foods that prevent from cancer?
How to eat healthy?
Do you believe that Spice food prevent from cancer?
“Green tea that increase the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants” Do you like drink tea or coffee?Why?
Why japan has lowest rates of cancer in the world?
Why Japanese have long life expectancy?
Do you believe that saying an apple a day may keep doctors away? 

老天爺打臉不下雨 主委怒嗆神明:「我不幹了!」



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