週四 (4/13)1.《下班後的黃金8小時》/時間水蛭 2.新貧窮線

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Book Review: The Other 8 Hours     by J.D. Roth    getrichslowly

Before I started Get Rich Slowly, I was a slacker. I’d get up in the morning and drive to a job I hated where I gave almost no effort. When I came home in the evening, I’d fritter away my time: I watched TV, played Magic: The Gathering, and — most of all — whiled away the hours with World of Warcraft or other computer games.

As I started my financial turnaround, I made a conscious decision to make better use of my time. I slept for about eight hours a day, and I worked for about eight hours a day, but I could use the other eight hours for anything I wanted, including finding ways to get out of debt and build wealth. I believe this decision changed my life.

Obviously, I’m not the first to realize that the smart use of free time can contribute to a better life. Many others have made this discovery, too. And in Robert Pagliarini’s recent book The Other 8 Hours, the author lays out a plan to help readers “maximize your free time to create new wealth and purpose”.

Here’s how Pagliarini describes his thesis in the book’s introduction:

    This book is about the 8 hours in the day when you are not working or sleeping. This “free” time is the most valuable resource you have to achieve your ideal life…How you spend the other 8 hours determines where you are in life, your happiness, your weight, your level of debt, the satisfaction you have with your relationships, the car you drive, the languages you speak, your love life, your education, the places you travel, your bank account balance, and just about everything else that is important to you.

The Other 8 Hours is divided into four sections, each of which lays out the author’s case that it’s what you do in your free time that determines whether you achieve your goals — or simply get by. Let’s take a quick look at each part of the book.

    Get 9 hours out of 8. The book suggests you can get more time to do what you want by outsourcing parts of your life. You can also boost your time and income by taking a second job that lets you multitask.
    Practice limited multitasking. Pagliarini says you can make the most of your time by “chunking” mental and physical tasks together. For example, you might listen to an audiobook while driving to work. Or do brainstorming/planning while exercising every day.
    Tap into the power of positive thinking. The author emphasizes the needs for “sparks” that help trigger the behavior changes you’re after. (I’m trying to implement sparks in my own life to improve my fitness, by the way.)
    Use technology to your advantage. Don’t use technology for its own sake, but don’t be afraid to use a tool if it’s going to improve your life and give you more time. (I’ve recently begun using DropBox, for example, because it reduces the time I spend shuffling files around.)

The Other 8 Hours has an entire chapter on LifeLeeches, those seductive activities that suck all of our time. These include the obvious — blogs, television, videogames — but also some subtle LifeLeeches such as maximizing, gossiping, and disorganization.
Are you a slacker?
Do you drift away your time: watched TV, played computer games after work?
How to make better use of your time?
How to “maximize your free time to create new wealth and purpose”?
What are your opinion about “Life Leeches”?
How to use technology to your advantage?
How to practice limited multitasking?

How to get rid of bad habits?
「New poverty line」的圖片搜尋結果
New poverty line        chinapost   By Kuan-lin Liu

Taipei residents earning NT$22,000 a month — an infamous number that has come to represent wage stagnation in Taiwan — are about to move into the lower-middle income bracket.

Wang Yu-hua, who graduated from the history department of a Taipei-based university five years ago, said she was astonished to find that she would qualify as a "lower-middle" income earner beginning next year.

She said that for a long time, her monthly salary had remained virtually unchanged due to Taiwan's stagnant economy.

"I would try to change jobs for better pay but I might risk losing my present employment as the job environment is so bad," she told The China Post.

The Taipei City Government announced Thursday that it would raise the city's poverty threshold by NT$382 for the upcoming year, taking the city's poverty line from NT$15,162 to NT$15,544.

Once the NT$382 increase takes effect, anyone making less than NT$15,544 a month would qualify as a low-income person.

People like Wang who make less than NT$22,207 a month would qualify as a lower-middle income individual starting in 2017, a fact is drawing media attention because the current minimum wage for Taiwan workers is NT$21,008 a month.

According to Taipei's Department of Social Welfare, the poverty line for low-income individuals and households was calculated based on the city's latest median household income figure.

Households that make less than 60 percent of this figure qualify as low-income households. This median household income figure, which differs by city, cannot exceed 70 percent of the national per capita income for households to qualify.

Furthermore, the threshold that separates the lower-middle income bracket from the middle class is equal to 1.5 times the minimum cost of living for the city.

Taipei's minimum cost of living for 2016 is NT$15,162 — a figure reached by dividing the household income by the number of people in the household.

In other words, the rising poverty threshold is a reflection of Taipei's increasing costs of living.
What are your opinion about New poverty line?
What are your opinion about People who make less than NT$22,207 a month would qualify as a lower-middle income individual?
What are your opinion about Taiwan's stagnant economy?
Do you want to change jobs for better pay?
What are your opinion about costs of living in Taipei?
What are your opinion about Social Welfare in Taiwan?
「New poverty line」的圖片搜尋結果
貧窮線調整 對民眾有何影響?



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臺北市 15544元
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臺中市 13084元
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高雄市 12941元


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