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Here's What You Need to Know About Internet Trolling         lifewire   by Elise Moreau

If you have a strong social presence online, or if you at least consider yourself to be pretty active in online communities, you may have experienced what many savvy Internet users call “being trolled.” It might sound funny, but truth be told, internet trolling can get pretty nasty and isn't always a laughing matter.

Being trolled, or the act of trolling, is something we all have to deal with increasingly as the Internet becomes more social.

What Does It Really Mean to Go'Trolling' Online?

Wikipedia defines it as:

"Someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.”

Those who aren’t quite familiar with the Internet slang definition of “troll” or “trolling” might automatically think of the mythical creature from Scandinavian folklore. The mythological troll is known to be an ugly, dirty, angry creature that lives in dark places, like caves or underneath bridges, waiting to snatch up anything that passed by for a quick meal.

In some ways, the mythological troll is similar to the internet troll. The internet troll hides behind his computer screen, and actively goes out of his way to cause trouble on the Internet. Like the mythological troll, the internet troll is angry and disruptive in every possible – often for no real reason at all.
Where the Worst Trolling Happens

You can find trolls lurking around almost every corner of the social web. Here are some specific places that are well known to attract trolls.

YouTube video comments: YouTube is notorious for having some of the worst comments of all time. Some people even say “it’s the trailer park of the Internet.” Go and have a look through the comments of any popular video, and you’re bound to find some of the worst comments ever. The more views and comments a video has, the more troll comments it’ll probably have as well.
Do you know what is internet trolling?      
What do you think that the attract trolls make nasty comments on social media?
How to handle negative comments on social media?
How to deal with negative people?
How to bring positive messages in an online community?
What to do when you cause trouble on the internet?
Pros and cons of watching YouTube video?



Hailey Fort is not your average 9-year-old girl.   metro.co.uk

When she was five, Hailey Fort saw a homeless man on the street, and asked her mum how they could help him.

Hailey and her family bought the man lunch, and since that day the schoolgirl from King Fort, Washington, USA, has been working to help homeless people in her local community.

A year later, at the age of six, Hailey began growing vegetables to donate to the local food bank; last year she grew carrots, peppers, peas, beans, tomatoes, berries, cucumbers, and melons, and donated an impressive 128 pounds worth of fruit and veg.

In the past few years her charity work has expanded, and she also now raises money to donate other much-needed supplies including toiletries, feminine hygiene products and coats, and has even recently purchased 10 PO Box addresses to help homeless people to apply for jobs.

But now Hailey has decided to step her already impressive efforts up a gear, by building mobile shelters from scratch.

Talking to US news network WRCB, Hailey explained that the first shelter is for her friend Edward, who has fallen on hard times since losing his job at a local supermarket.

She explained: ‘I don’t really want him to be rained on by all the bad weather we get here,’

She went on: ‘He’s really nice… He’s easy to talk with.’

Amazingly, Hailey is building the shelters almost entirely on her own under the supervision of her mother, and is a dab hand with power tools which would send most grown men into cold sweats, including nail guns, hydraulic staplers and electric drills.

And Edward’s shelter is just the start. Hailey hopes to build a further 10 shelters for other homeless people in her area.

Explaining what inspires her to do this work, Hailey simply said: ‘It just doesn’t seem right… I think everyone should have a place to live.’

What an incredible little girl.
What do you think of this 9-year-old girl?  
Have you ever helped homeless men?
How to help them homeless people?
What are your opinion about food bank?
Have you ever tried growing vegetables by yourself?
Why some people are difficultly to apply for jobs?
How to practice random acts of kindness?


女孩的名字叫 Hailey Ford(海莉·福特),
遇到了 Edward,一個流浪漢,
Hailey 拉著母親的衣角問:
那時候,Hailey  5 歲。

Edward 高興得當場落淚。
在街上,Hailey 又遇到了另一個流浪漢,
他叫 Billy Ray,一個退伍軍人,
無家可歸的他再次激起了 Hailey 的愛心,






她把食物送給了流浪漢 Billy
那時候,她只有 6 歲。

她的鄰居開始幫助 Hailey
擴大了"Hailey 菜園"的生產規模,

 Hailey 不斷學習種菜的知識,


當地的流浪漢很多都和 Hailey 成為了朋友,


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