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「learn from painful experiences」的圖片搜尋結果

How Your Hardships Can Make You Better, Not Bitter   consciousmagazine.co

By Sarah Beauchemin

Suffering is part of the human condition. No one escapes this life untouched by pain and heartache. Hardships, when they happen, often arise out of the blue and can plague us for what seems like forever. It’s easy to get dragged into the undertow of resentment.

But a world that’s connected by bitter people is not a world that’s connected at all. When we stew in our own sense of injustice, we can’t see outside ourselves. We can’t feel empathy for others. We can’t truly care about others. And we definitely can’t induce change.

Which is why it’s so important to understand that your hardships can and will make you a better person. You will emerge stronger and happier than you ever imagined, by believing in a few important points.


Though clichéd, it’s true: everything happens for a reason. Those reasons lead us to better things. But in the midst of a downward spiral, we lack perspective, something that’s very dangerous because it’s a bitterness trap. One way to regain perspective is to take inventory of the hardships in your life thus far and list the positive outcomes of each. Try to remember how long those results took to emerge; this will help remind you that hardships -- like anything else -- are a process, but they do have an end.


Many of us were raised by parents of a very different generation. They believed that success was reached by choosing a path and committing to it – forever. Hardships remind us that this is far from true, by showing up when we’ve gone too far down the wrong path. They urge us to turn left instead of right at the next fork in the road.

What’s more, they strengthen us by forcing us to let go of the stuff that weakens us. It’s simple: we can’t grow until we cut the rope. There comes a time when our tribulations' bitterness and resentment will no longer serve a purpose. Identify the parts of your life most affected by your hardship. Which areas were you most unhappy with? How has your struggle freed you from having to live those out any longer?


Remember that world-changing memoir written by the guy who never revealed any of his personal struggles? Me neither. Inspiration is rooted in hardship, and from it flourishes happiness. Some of the most powerful influencers of good have gone through the roughest, lowest ordeals. Tales of overcoming adversity create powerful human networks. When we come to see one another for the amazing, resilient beings we are, we start to truly believe change is possible.

Hardships are agonizing. But it’s how we choose to deal with them that will transform our pain into growth. By recognizing the positive impacts of our struggles, we become stronger, more capable agents of change. We become the path towards better, leaving the bitter behind.
How to deal with your hardships?
Does enduring hardship can make you better and stronger?
Is life a constant struggle?
What are the tips to help you overcome struggles?
Do you agree the saying that “everything happens for a reason”?
How to inspire yourself?
Is change always a good thing?
How to live a more meaningful life?
Pension protesters vs. Tsai administration       chinapost.com.tw

President Tsai Ing-wen said violence "would not slow the pace of reform," after protesters outside the Legislative Yuan physically attacked lawmakers prior to a review of two pension reform bills.

Protesters, many of whom camped out on the streets Tuesday night, criticized the government's use of barbed wire to barricade the Legislative Yuan.

Several demonstrators attacked lawmakers entering the Legislature for the committee review of the two pension reform bills. The protesters also clashed with members of the media, with a news vehicle's windshield was smashed in the melee.

Government officials attending other legislative committee meetings were also physically confronted by the demonstrators, despite a heavy police presence.

Tsai said the violence would "most definitely" be subject to police investigation.

She urged those out on the streets to remain rational and calm, imploring the demonstrators to "give the country a chance ... (and) give the next generation a chance."

Tsai said "irrational action" would not earn the demonstrators public support, adding that the intentional fanning of conflicts would not obstruct the government's determination to carry out reform.

          The president said the issue at hand had already been fully discussed in public forums, citing the work of the pension reform committee, as well as regional and national conferences and public hearings.

"In my capacity as president, I offer a word of thanks to the civil servants," Tsai said, adding that their understanding had given the pension reform effort some space to be carried out.

She added that the reform would also give the next generation of civil servants hope for the future.

What do you think about the pension reform issue?
Do you think the retired civil servants get too much money as pension?
What are your opinion about pension protesters attacked lawmakers physically?
What do you think street demonstrations in Taiwan?
How to "give this country a chance? How to give the next generation a chance?
Do you think that the next generation in Taiwan has bright future?

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