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「Internet Trolling」的圖片搜尋結果

Here's What You Need to Know About Internet Trolling         lifewire   by Elise Moreau

If you have a strong social presence online, or if you at least consider yourself to be pretty active in online communities, you may have experienced what many savvy Internet users call “being trolled.” It might sound funny, but truth be told, internet trolling can get pretty nasty and isn't always a laughing matter.

Being trolled, or the act of trolling, is something we all have to deal with increasingly as the Internet becomes more social.

What Does It Really Mean to Go'Trolling' Online?

Wikipedia defines it as:

"Someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.”

Those who aren’t quite familiar with the Internet slang definition of “troll” or “trolling” might automatically think of the mythical creature from Scandinavian folklore. The mythological troll is known to be an ugly, dirty, angry creature that lives in dark places, like caves or underneath bridges, waiting to snatch up anything that passed by for a quick meal.

In some ways, the mythological troll is similar to the internet troll. The internet troll hides behind his computer screen, and actively goes out of his way to cause trouble on the Internet. Like the mythological troll, the internet troll is angry and disruptive in every possible – often for no real reason at all.
Where the Worst Trolling Happens

You can find trolls lurking around almost every corner of the social web. Here are some specific places that are well known to attract trolls.

YouTube video comments: YouTube is notorious for having some of the worst comments of all time. Some people even say “it’s the trailer park of the Internet.” Go and have a look through the comments of any popular video, and you’re bound to find some of the worst comments ever. The more views and comments a video has, the more troll comments it’ll probably have as well.
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「Make You Smarter」的圖片搜尋結果
Habits That Will Make You Smarter   inc.com

Hang out with people who are smarter than you. Smart people have interesting things to talk about. They know how to expand their mind and feed their brain, so spending time with them is good for you on multiple levels. Seek them out at work, in service organizations, and socially.

Remember that every expert was once a beginner. When you have an opportunity to learn something new, you become smarter. Make a point of continuously and consistently acquiring new skills, because life will never stop teaching if you're willing to learn.

Exercise your body. As you're caring for your mind don't neglect your body. Build discipline in doing what you need to do in terms of diet, exercise, and sleep.

Come up with new ideas daily. Carry a journal to jot down ideas when they come to you. Push yourself to be creative and to think in new ways. Review your ideas weekly and edit them as you go.

Do something that scares you. Facing your fears makes you braver, smarter, and better able to withstand what life throws at you. Sometimes the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare you the most.

Replace TV with online learning. Devote your break time to something more productive than social media or binge watching TV. The internet is filled with awesome learning tools. It's a small habit but a big win if you can nourish your brain and advance your career and life at the same time.

Be mindful of what you are absorbing. Everything you take part in is either uplifting or detrimental to your mind. It's important to silence inner and outer negativity--once you do, you begin to play a role in shaping your mindsets and beliefs, which in turn guide your actions.

Share what you know. Learning something new is important, but sharing that knowledge makes what you've learned actionable and meaningful.

Apply your new knowledge. There really is no point in learning something if it doesn't make you smarter or inspire you to improve. The smartest people apply what they know not to become a person of success but rather to become a person of value.

Keep a journal. It turns out that journaling is an important way to become smarter. Taking a few minutes each day to reflect in writing has been shown to boost your brain power. Smart happens when you learn from your experiences.

Be selective. Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends than the average person--at least in part because the smarter you are, the more selective you become. Who you spend time with reflects who you are.
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