周六(5/19)1.為他人做些好事2.情感關係與成功 4:00-6:00

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「Do  Good for Others?」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Do Do a Little Good for Others?

    Find ways to help life flourish and grow. Helping people to arise and maintain good qualities within themselves and their lives is very rewarding of itself. Sometimes a person is just lacking a quality that is really needed in their life right now such as courage or self worth and by helping them to arise It and teaching them how to maintain it you see them succeed and better their own lives. It is a worthwhile thing to do.

    Create things for people. The great thing about creating things for people is that it is not about the money and when you have compassionate motivation, you begin to see your skills develop and prosper as a consequence to the point that sometimes you are able to create things from nothing. Sometimes there can be some financial gain in doing so but for the most part it is just very enjoyable for everyone involved. Try creating a variety of things depending on the situation and what is required.

    Offer to do chores for people. Sometimes people have small jobs that they need doing but just never get round to, perhaps your mother needs her light bulbs changed, or perhaps you can cut the neighbour’s lawn for him or her. Doing this sort of thing encourages good relations between people.

    Set up a regular good deed. This is something that everybody needs to do when they can. If you are in some sort of routine with work or otherwise it is a great time to put this in place. The idea is to do something good in a recurring way. Something that would be included in this is perhaps bringing food for everyone at work or bringing something to your mother every week. Another thing you can do is make sure the graves of loved ones are kept tidy and respectful, or make sure your work’s lunchroom is clean and tidy. Getting into these sorts of habits is a great way to lend a hand.

    Learn how to repair things. By learning how to repair things you open yourself to a variety of ways to help. Material things break all the time and sometimes all it takes is a skillful pair of hands to avoid having to get a new one. People are always grateful when you finish and it is a great feeling to see something you have repaired working or whole again

    Share what you know. By sharing what you know you enlighten people to new things and help them with things they are struggling with. Teaching others skills only makes you more skillful and sharing your knowledge makes you more knowledgeable. People often appreciate you sharing what you know with them because they benefit from it. And so it becomes a good thing for everyone involved.
 Secrets to a Successful Relationship
Theresa E DiDonato Ph.D.

Recommit, everyday. When people think of love, the emotional components of passion and intimacy are often the first to come to mind, but commitment is actually the Number One predictor of relationship satisfaction, especially in long-term relationships (Acker & Davis, 1992). Commitment is a cognitive choice, a decision that individuals make to be in a relationship. Couples who renew their commitments everyday, in words and deed, are situating themselves nicely for a long-lasting partnership.

Be playful. Sure, adult life tends to emphasize productivity and seriousness, but sometimes it's about playing. Playful people take time to prioritize enjoyment, pleasure, amusement, and having fun, and such an orientation in romantic relationships is predictive of satisfaction (Proyer, 2014). This suggests the possibility that play could be an important dimension of a successful relationship.

Put work into the relationship. Back in the 1980s, relationship scholars identified relationship maintenance behaviors as critically important to the sustained health of a romantic partnership. Recent research supports the idea that individuals who actively work on their relationships help make those relationships happy and lasting (Ogolsky & Bowers, 2013). The specific kinds of behaviors that reliably predict relationship success include expressing positive emotions, being open, giving relational reassurances, using your social circle to support your relationship, and readily sharing the work and responsibilities that come with a long-term relationship.

If it's not important, let it go. In a recent study, researchers asked a sample of divorcees why their marriages failed. Participants cited frequent arguing as a major contributor, second only to infidelity (Scott, Rhoades, Stanley, Allen, & Markman, 2013). They described how an argument might start around something minor and then escalate into a major fight. Importantly, these arguments were not productive, supportive, or calm; rather, people recalled significant negative emotions. Finding ways to reduce the frequency of conflict, by letting go of the little things, could add more happiness to a relationship. If conflict does occur, how a couple manages it may be predictive of their relationship success.

When there is conflict, talk it out. Recent research suggests that couples benefit from being flexible in how they respond to conflicts (Overall & McNulty, 2017). When couples are navigating serious conflicts, are secure in their relationship, and have the ability to adapt their behaviors, being direct and oppositional can actually help more than other approaches; however, a more cooperative, affectionate approach may be the best strategy when someone tends to get defensive or when the conflict is minor. In other words, there's no "one size fits all" strategy: Successful couples adapt their approach to a specific conflict as a function of its broader context.

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