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How to make instant connections
Posted by: Team Tony   tonyrobbins.com

Rapport is created by a feeling of commonality. When we have something in common with someone, we feel more comfortable. The more comfortable we feel, the more we enjoy ourselves. And the more we’re enjoying ourselves, the more we enjoy the company of others. Sounds like a great way to make new friends, right? That’s because it is!

Now, most of the time, we use our words to build rapport. We do this by asking questions, like “Where are you from?” and “What do you do?” But words are only 7% of how we communicate. If words were graded on how well they communicate mood and feelings, their parents would never see the report card.

Ninety-three percent of who we are, and what we respond to, is nonverbal. And because we gravitate towards those like us, or those who are what we aspire to be, a great way to create rapport is to match and mirror the people we meet.

If their energy is high, increase yours to match. If their energy is low, level yours off to show you’re of kindred mind and spirit. Talk with your hands if they do. Raise or lower your voice with theirs.

You can mirror people’s methods of touch. Match the strength or delicacy of their handshake. Reciprocate an encouraging shoulder pat and you’ll communicate more than words can.

Use your sensory acuity to determine someone’s proximity boundaries. Remember that people who invade your space may need that to create rapport for themselves. If more space is needed, accommodate that.

Breath mirroring is easy to do, and it stabilizes comfort while creating a more intimate connection in any situation.

Posture, facial expressions, tempo and tone – the list goes on and on. Nod your head in conversation if you notice your partner does so. Cross your legs with theirs. Even speak slower if they take more time with their words, or faster if they like to hold conversations in the speed lane. (Watch the full video from Tony.)

They won’t be able to tell why they like you, but they will!

People in politics employ these techniques often. Hillary Clinton’s anonymous Chipotle run revealed her preference for the burrito bowl, but it also represented an exercise in mirroring. By strolling into a chain restaurant sans security or entourage, she hoped to create rapport through mirroring the casual lunch routine of many Americans.

Many politicians use this strategy to convey closeness with voters. We make snap judgments on people based on their style first. And initially, the style of your body language and demeanor will be more influential than the substance of what you say.

Do these long enough, and eventually your counterpart will begin mirroring you. This is called pacing and leading.

We naturally mirror those we feel a connection to, but the reverse has proven just as powerful. And we can organically stimulate that meaningful connection in others by initiating the process ourselves. This turns everyday interactions into an experience that leaves people with a lasting, positive impression of you. And just as importantly, you with a lasting, positive impression of them.
Seven NT$10 million special prize receipts yet to be claimed for Taiwan receipt lottery
Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- A total of 15 receipts carry the winning numbers for the NT$10 million (US$334,000) special prize from the January to February period, but there are still up to seven winning receipts yet to be claimed as of Saturday, May 19, according to the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

Also for the January-February draw, there are two winning receipts for the NT$2 million grand prize that have yet to be redeemed. The ministry reminds prize winners to come forward to claim their winnings prior to its expiration date, July 5, 2018, or the money will be forfeited.

According to MOF, the winning special prize receipts included a NT$19 purchase of Wang Wang Senbei Cracker (旺旺仙貝) at a 7-Eleven in New Taipei City's Banqiao District, a NT$350 food purchase at a PXMart store in Taichung's Dadu District, a NT$40 purchase of Coca-Cola Zero at a McDonald's restaurant in Nantou's Puli Township, and a NT$58 purchase of food at a 7-Eleven in Changhua's Yuanlin Township.

The other three winning special prize receipts were a NT$35 purchase of a male urine pot at a MedFirst store inside the National Cheng Kung University Hospital, a NT$1,626 food and grocery purchase at a Carrefour store in Kaohsiung's Nanzih District, and a NT$25 purchase of tuna onigiri at a 7-Eleven of THSR Zuoying Station in Kaohsiung.

As for the two unclaimed grand prize winning receipts, one was a purchase of NT$300 ticket for the 2018 Taipei Auto Show, and the other was a NT$75 parking ticket at Inan168 Parking in Taipei City's Zhongshan District.

Announced on March 25, the Taiwan receipt lottery winning number for the NT$10 million speical prize for January-February, also known as the uniform invoice lottery, is 21735266.

The winning number for the NT$2 million grand prize is 91874254.

The winning numbers for the First Prize are 56065209, 05739340, and 69001612. If all the digits on your receipt match any of the three numbers just mentioned in the right order, you have won NT$200,000.

If you have the last seven digits in the right order, you can receive NT$40,000 (US$1,300); if you have the final six digits, you will receive NT$10,000, and if the last five digits are the same, then the prize is NT$4,000

With the four final digits in the right order, the holder of the uniform invoice can receive NT$1,000 and with the three last numbers right, NT$200.

As for additional prizes, there are two numbers this time: 591 and 342. The last three digits of receipts with one of these two numbers will garner a NT$200 prize.

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