周四 (5/3) 1.香蕉讓你睡好覺?2.說聲對不起

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「banana and insomnia」的圖片搜尋結果
Do Bananas Help You Get to Sleep?   spaexperience

How can bananas help me sleep?
Experts often tell us that if we want a good night’s sleep, we should consume foods containing magnesium, potassium, tryptophan and Vitamin B6. Guess what? Bananas contain all of these in one neat little package!

Let’s have a look at some of the ways that these substances can help ease us off to sleep:

Magnesium helps promote sleep by working as a natural muscle relaxant. It induces the same state of relaxation that you feel right before you fall asleep by assisting the function of GABA, a inhibitory neurotransmitter that causes the brain to shut down at night so we can sleep. 

  Potassium works in synergy with magnesium and has been shown to be useful for people who have trouble staying asleep at night. Potassium can also be used to help lessen the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome.

Tryptophan is a powerful essential amino acid, and studies have found that its natural sedative effects can help you fall asleep easier and stay asleep for longer.

Vitamin B6 is needed to make melatonin, which is a sleep-inducing hormone that helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Bananas are rich in this helpful vitamin.

Bananas also contain carbohydrates, which are known to promote sleep, and yet they are a guilt-free snack—a medium-sized banana only contains about 100 calories!
How can eating bananas improve wellbeing?

Few of us pay much attention to how much quality sleep we get, yet getting enough of the right kind of sleep is as essential as eating, drinking and breathing. We need sleep so that our bodies can repair themselves and our brains can make decisions and process information.

Not getting enough sleep can have wide-ranging implications, including a decline in motor coordination, reduced memory function and concentration, lowered sex drive and an increased risk of depression and weight gain. It also increases our risk of serious illnesses such as diabetes and cancer.

So, anything we can do to help naturally improve sleep quality is important and worth considering. As bananas are so readily available and contain so many good sleep-enhancing properties, they are an excellent choice for a bedtime snack.

A lovely way to have your evening banana is to put it in a smoothie, along with other sleep-inducing goodies like milk, turmeric and honey. We love this recipe from the BBC Good Food website. Not only is it wholesome and calming, it’s also delicious!
Do bananas help you get to sleep?
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 「Saying “Sorry」的圖片搜尋結果
Why Saying “Sorry” Is So Important
Kelsey Frizzell   tinybuddha

Little Girl Apologzing

Sincere apologies are for those that make them, not for those to whom they are made.” ~Greg LeMond

When I was growing up, every time I took my sister’s toy or called my brother names, my mother would grab me by the wrist and demanded that I offer an apology. What’s more, if the apology didn’t sound meaningful enough to her, I had to repeat it until my tone was genuine. An apology was the basic reaction to any mistake.

Now that I’m older, I see apologizing as more than just a household rule. My younger self didn’t understand the complexities of human pride and self-righteousness, but my older self does.

Now, I see family members refusing to talk to each other for years after an argument just because neither side wants to be the first to let go of their pride and “break down and apologize.” But who decided apologizing was a sign of weakness?

I think we’ve reached a day and age where showing emotional vulnerability can be viewed as a positive rather than a negative quality.

People are becoming more aware of ideas like empathy and sensitivity, and everywhere we are being encouraged to talk about our feelings, to seek help, and to connect with others. Gone are the days of keeping everything bottled up inside to suffer alone.

As we move forward in this time of self-knowledge and self-discovery, it’s vital to acquire the ability to recognize our own mistakes. Nobody is perfect, and we all will do something to hurt another person at some point in our lives. The difference, however, lies acknowledging that we have done something wrong.

This was hard for me to grasp, because I was taught that an apology should be an automatic response.

It took me a long time to realize what it meant to say “I’m sorry” from the heart. Apologizing just for the sake of apologizing is meaningless. We cannot genuinely apologize if we can’t admit to ourselves that we made a mistake.

This is where humility comes in. Can we look at ourselves in the mirror and say that it was at least partly our fault? Can we take that responsibility?

Placing the blame on someone else is easy. Making excuses and skirting the subject is easy. Assuming the full weight of blame on our own shoulders, however, is very hard.

I learned this the hard way with a childhood friend of mine. As we grew older, we started becoming more competitive in the things we did together, and eventually the playful competition went a little too far.

It became a game of silently trying to prove who was better, and we ended up hurting each other over our pride.

We refused to apologize or even address what was going on because neither wanted to be the one to “give in.”

The tension kept growing, breaking apart our friendship. I wish I could go back now, because if I had taken responsibility for the mistakes I made, we probably could have resolved it easily and saved our friendship.
Why saying “sorry” is so important?
How to make peace through apology?
Is shame stopping you from apologizing?
What to do when you hurt the one you love?
What are the ways to mend relationship /friendship?

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