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「optimistic or pessimistic」的圖片搜尋結果
What is Optimism?         seemypersonality

Optimism is the overall view that the world is a great place and that things will turn out ok. The optimist believes (for example) that events will turn out for the best, or that people are trustworthy. Most people are generally optimistic about things that have turned out well for them in the past, or about things that have good associations for them. People can also be optimistic about their internal lives and still pessimistic about external world events.

What is Pessimism?

Pessimism is essentially the direct opposite of optimism in that it is the belief that the world is a bad place and that things will turn out for the worst. You may be pessimistic for example about the prospects of getting a new job, or about your partner forgiving you for an indiscretion.
How we test for Optimism

The Benefits of being Optimistic

    Live longer
    A 10 year study on elderly revealed those with a positive outlook not only live longer they're also less likely to require permanent care. Optimist live roughly 8-10 years longer than pessimist.
    Beat Cancer

    A 1 year follow up in a study on 101 French head and neck cancer patients found that optimistic people were less likely to die.
 Better Overall Health
    An Australian study on 9501 women found optimistic people had greater overall health. The study used the SF-36 survey which measures overall vitality, mobility, pain and many other factors.
 Enjoy more love
    A longitudinal study on dating couples found optimist enjoyed more satisfying and longer lasting relationships. It seems optimistic people were more hopeful about the future and were subsequently more constructive during relationship adversity.
 Career Success
    A longitudinal study on MBA graduates revealed optimist found jobs more easily and were more likely to be promoted.
Less Stress
    Numerous studies into the relationship between our outlook and mental health have demonstrated that being optimistic improves our overall well being, stress included.
 「what if today is your last day」的圖片搜尋結果
What If Today Was Your Last Day?               theodysseyonline

Life goes by in the blink of an eye.

What if today you took your last breath? What if "I'll just do it tomorrow" became your last words? The truth is that we never know when our time is going run out. We never know when we will see our last sunset or hear our last sounds. What if today was your last day? What would you do differently today if you knew it was your last? Would you say hello to a stranger? Or, would you sit inside contemplating what your contribution has been? What story will others be told when they ask who you were? Have you reached the same destination that you originally set out for when you first started your journey? Or, has your journey become the destination?

The meaning of this writing is not to cause depression, but to shed some light on what it means to live. We were not meant to work, pay taxes, and die. Living seems like such a simple concept. One thing we know for certain is that we are going to die one day. Will you be able to look back one day and say you lived your life to your fullest and greatest potential? Stop putting off what you can do now for tomorrow. Tomorrow turns into next week, which quickly turns into next month, and before you know it, three years goes by and you never took that road trip.

One day, there will be no tomorrow. Life is a privilege. Live it as if tomorrow is your last day. You want something? Go out and get it. Life is a game and if you put in enough effort, one day your dreams will become the tangible reality you've always wanted. Live your life in such a way that you never look back and wonder "what if?" What if I took that trip? What if I asked that girl out? What if I changed my major? What if? What if? What if?

One move can change your life. One move can start you on a journey to become the person you know you can be, and to become the person you were destined to be. You're never too old or too young to do great things, regardless of if you are 15 or 75. You want to change the world? Then do it. You want to be the best weather man to ever exist? You can do that. No dream is too big or too small. A dream is an individual concept that only you can pursue. Only you will know when that dream has been fulfilled. Life goes by in a blink of an eye.

Seize the day and make it your own. Make every day better than the last. Most importantly, do not be afraid to fail. If you are afraid to fail, you will never take the first leap of faith which is the most important step towards reaching and goal. As George Eliot once said said, "It is never too late to be what you might have been." So, I'll ask you one last time: What if today was your last day?

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