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「giving in gift」的圖片搜尋結果
How important is gift giving in a relationship?       quora

Everyone loves gifts! Who does not, as gifts have a unique warmth to them. Everyone who has been gifted knows the feeling. It feels great to be of importance to your loved ones & even more better to be appreciated with gifts! This is precisely why the role of gifts cannot be overstated in any relationship - especially in relationships of the heart! Gifts do indeed make the heart grow fonder, which is precisely why we would like to explain to you the importance of gifts in relationships!

# Gifts play a pivotal role at every stage of a relationship between a girlfriend & a boyfriend. In spite of this, many a times we notice that couples do not exchange a lot of gifts. Although love gifts aren't the only things essential to building a relationship, they sure do help express your love & feelings at times when words tend to fall short.

# Love gifts can help you initiate a relationship with a guy or girl you may have been crushing over since a long time. Your gifts don't have to extravagant or over the top ones - even a budget - friendly gift presented beautifully can convey the deepest feelings & emotions of your heart.

# Once you are in a relationship, it is mandatory to gift each other to appreciate their presence in your life. Gifting when in a relationship invokes feelings of happiness, gratefulness & anticipation. If your relationship has just begun, start with romantic love gifts. In case your loved one is practical & not very romantic, invest in practical gifts for boyfriend or girlfriend but do add in your romantic touch to them by having them personalised.

# Women usually love gifts that are romantic & these make them feel appreciated, admired & loved in a relationship. On the other hand buying gifts for boyfriend makes him feel that he is contributing his best to your relationship & will make him try harder towards making your relationship sweeter! Gifts thus have the power to maintain relationships in the long run, so make sure you gift your partner!

# Gifting can also help when your relationship is on the rocks. No relationship is problem free & this is where gifting can help you! A small gift item accompanied by a well written love note addressing the issue of importance during this strenuous time will be one of the best gifts for boyfriend. Gifts also help ward off bitter feelings & jealousy which can arise in young relationships. The simple act of gifting can surprise your partner & make them cherish you. If you are a man gifting his girlfriend, make it a point to remember all the small first moments you two have shared as a couple & gift her on those days!

Gifting is rightly said to be an art. You should master it in order to add the best to your relationship. Always make sure that the gift comes from your heart & personalise it to suit your partner & make it unique to them. Remember that a little thought given to the right gift can go a long way in smoothing rough edges in your relationship & increasing your reputation as a boyfriend or girlfriend!
  「people skill」的圖片搜尋結果
The People Skills You Need To Succeed At Work
Jacquelyn Smith   forbes.com

Patience with others. “If you're patient with others and can keep a level head in stressful situations, it will definitely be noticed by management and perceived as a very strong asset,” says Amy Hoover, president of Talent Zoo. “When your boss is forced to deal with a situation where people have lost their cool he or she will certainly remember the troublemakers when the next promotion comes available.”

The ability to trust others. You can only accelerate your career if you’re trustworthy. “Without it, you can’t get projects done or get cooperation,” Taylor says. “No one can operate in a vacuum for long.”

Knowing how and when to show empathy. “Having the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes is a key people skill,” says Ryan Kahn, a career coach, founder of The Hired Group, star of MTV’s Hired! and author of Hired! The Guide for the Recent Grad. It allows us to create relationships with others, provides insights into people’s motives and allows us to predict responses.

Offer support, sympathy and feedback in your daily business life,” Taylor suggests. “It will bring you positive emotional returns – part of ‘corporate karma.’” If you contribute to a dehumanized company, both you and your employer will have limited growth potential, she says.

Hockett reminds us that things are not always black and white, and in order to have effective relationships with others we need to show compassion where appropriate. “In a perfect world there would be no hiccups, but life happens and knowing when to show compassion when others face challenges is important.”

Active listening skills. Hearing someone and actively listening to them are two different things, Hockett explains. Most people hear someone speak and start to form a response in their mind (or worse, starting talking) before the person finishes what they’re saying. “The key is to actively listen, which takes more time but produces better results. It means you listen without interruption and then take the time to think and form a response before replying. It takes practice, but it pays off.”

Taylor says the axiom “we were given two ears and one mouth” speaks volumes. “Be a good listener and remain sensitive to the needs of your workers and boss. This people skill can be practiced; and once honed, you’ll see the difference in the positive reaction of those around you.”

Genuine interest in others. People know when you’re truly interested in them, Kahn says. “If you’re not showing a genuine interest – asking thoughtful questions and considering about their answers – your interaction can actually have an opposite effect to the one intended. Take care to remember names, dates and important life events.”

Good judgment. Good judgment is a key people skill that comes directly from learning, listening to others and observing the world around you, Kahn says. “It allows you to wisely select friends and associates, determine reactions and responses, and make sound decisions.”

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