週四 (9/20)1.如果可以長生不老2.快速生活型態影響

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How Long Do You Want to Live?

SINCE 1900, the life expectancy of Americans has jumped to just shy of 80 from 47 years. This surge comes mostly from improved hygiene and nutrition, but also from new discoveries and interventions: everything from antibiotics and heart bypass surgery to cancer drugs that target and neutralize the impact of specific genetic mutations.

Now scientists studying the intricacies of DNA and other molecular bio-dynamics may be poised to offer even more dramatic boosts to longevity. This comes not from setting out explicitly to conquer aging, which remains controversial in mainstream science, but from researchers developing new drugs and therapies for such maladies of growing old as heart disease and diabetes.

 Aging is the major risk factor for most diseases,” says Felipe Sierra, director of the Division of Aging Biology at the National Institute on Aging. “The National Institutes of Health fund research into understanding the diseases of aging, not life extension, though this could be a side effect.”

How many years might be added to a life? A few longevity enthusiasts suggest a possible increase of decades. Most others believe in more modest gains. And when will they come? Are we a decade away? Twenty years? Fifty years?

Even without a new high-tech “fix” for aging, the United Nations estimates that life expectancy over the next century will approach 100 years for women in the developed world and over 90 years for women in the developing world. (Men lag behind by three or four years.)

Whatever actually happens, this seems like a good time to ask a very basic question: How long do you want to live?

Over the past three years I have posed this query to nearly 30,000 people at the start of talks and lectures on future trends in bioscience, taking an informal poll as a show of hands. To make it easier to tabulate responses I provided four possible answers: 80 years, currently the average life span in the West; 120 years, close to the maximum anyone has lived; 150 years, which would require a biotech breakthrough; and forever, which rejects the idea that life span has to have any limit at all.
「the fast paced life style affects」的圖片搜尋結果
What are the pros and cons of a fast paced life?     quora

The disadvantages are that you don’t have enough time. For example, spend time with friends, family, do what you want in free time. BUT! You don’t have free time when you have fast paced lifestyle. Also it takes a harm to the health, because people don’t take care of them, that’s why it leads to different mental health issues, mood, behavior disorders, because they are full of red mist, anger. Because of this we have physical, emotional, mental problems. Anyway, the result is people who have fast paced lifestyle likely to die earlier.

The benefits are that when you are overscheduled and spread yourself too thin, it safes us. Because when you are in a hurry, you don’t think that the life is a difficult thing. Fast pace lifestyle can be interesting. For example, when you aren’t at home from morning till late evening, because you are involved in so many activities. There are people who think that to live in a fast pace is normal. They prefer career and money more than family and get a gratification from fast pace and being busy.

Give people something new and they will come up with problem or solution. The old generation accustomed to slow life. They do not understand the rat race because they do not see the point of that. May be they live are longer because they did not have gadgets and they chatted and looked into the eyes of someone they have known for a very long time.
There are some aids of fast-paced life, for instance: person came from a little town to the big city. Person is changing fundamentally with new lifestyle beginning with mindset and ending with waiver of habits. As I know changing of habits are the good way of successful life. Sure, there are some bad sides of fast-paced life such as impossibility to relax fully, problems with sleep schedule and gastric problems because we eat junk food in order to be not late at work.

In spite of them make us stronger, mentally better and more flexible.

A fast paced life has many cons as well as pros. I'll start with the pros. Firstly, it simplifies our life. It is really easy for us to wash clothes in a washing automat and get to work by car. This is all due to the evolving technology. Secondly, in a rapidly developing life, a person can develop differently. For example, we can well master of IT, cooking, economics and management at the same time. Because for this there is every possibility if you remove laziness. You can ask whether it is possible to develop in a slowly developing pace of life? Of course you can. But in this case, the person will not have such thirst and haste to absorb all the information and develop.

Let's talk about the cons. In the fast pace of life, people are constantly chaotic lifestyle. They during the rush hour to work and get stuck in traffic jams. They lose their temper because they can not reach their destination in a timely manner. They can not control anger and because of this they swear and this leads them into a rage. People are used to being connected and do not want to skip a stop to the fast paced of life. Because of this, they can not enjoy life to the fullest. They do not pay enough time to the family, friends, themselves. They can't eat enjoying, walking in the morning to work breathing fresh air, reading classics, meditating. They miss many small pleasures of life.

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