周六(10/13) 1. 有人就是要害死你 2. 成功 靠的是運氣嗎?

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
Telltale Signs Your Friend is Stabbing You In The Back
Chris Ellis  lifehack.org

They give you a compliment and you feel like you have been slapped.

You have heard these right? “Nice sweater! I didn’t know they sold such nice stuff at the Goodwill” or “Nice dress, if your legs were longer, It might look good.” There is a million and one ways one can take a compliment and serve it backhand to you. If you get upset or defend yourself, you are being mean, petty or too sensitive.

They are only happy with you if you let them win at everything

This type of person is so insecure that they cannot be made wrong in any way without completely blowing up. They will defend a ridiculous position in an argument to the death just to avoid being wrong.

Any slight disagreement you have with them turns into a giant upset where they insist that you are cold heartedly trying to destroy them.

The truth is that every word spoken or every idea put forth by them is designed to get you under their control so that you can be used by them. Any means of doing this will be used including destroying your life, your relationships, your confidence and ultimately, your sanity. They can be very convincing.

They are jealous of your other friends.

A person with this personality tries to control all of your communication for their own perceived benefit. If they feel that you are getting too attached to someone else, they see it as a threat and work directly or covertly to destroy your relationships.

Harmful lies are invented and spread without any thought of the havoc they wreak.

 They take pleasure in other people’s pain.

Anyone who laughs at or Is happy when others are in pain physical pain or mental discomfort, is nutty. It is not a normal human attribute to want others to feel pain or to be upset. Quite the contrary, mentally healthy people seek to help people and eliminate their sources of pain.

There are some people who do laugh when something painful happens but this is a reaction to shock or discomfort. You can tell when someone is really taking pleasure in someone else’s pain. This is a huge red flag.
  「successful people owe much more to luck」的圖片搜尋結果
成功 靠的是運氣嗎?
Successful people owe much more to luck than we thought
By Harry Pettit

Being smart and talented isn’t enough to make you successful, according to new research. The world’s most successful people are simply the luckiest, a simulation of a thousand 40-year careers shows.

Bill Gates' background helped him

While we know luck plays a role in success, scientists say that up until now its influence has been widely underestimated. Previous research has shown that top performers are often the luckiest people, who have benefited from rich-get-richer dynamics that boost their initial fortune.

Chengwei Lau of Warwick Business School said: ‘For example, Bill Gates’s upper class background enabled him to gain extra programming experience when less than 0.01 per cent of his generation then had access to computers. His mother’s social connection with IBM’s chairman enabled him to gain a contract from the then leading PC company, generating a lock-in effect that was crucial for establishing the software empire. Of course, Gates’s talent and effort play important roles in the extreme success of Microsoft. But that’s not enough for creating such an outlier.’

In a new study, scientists at the University of Catania in Sicily, Italy, created a computer model of 1,000 virtual people. Some people were given more talent, intelligence or money than the average worker, while others were given less, to mimic real life. During a 40-year career, some individuals experienced ‘lucky events’ – opportunities to boost their career that they could exploit using their talent or intelligence. But some were also hit by ‘unlucky events’ that took wealth away from them. At the end of the 40-year simulation, the scientists looked at the characteristics of the richest individuals. It showed that while successful people tended to have some level of either talent, wealth or intelligence, those who rose to the top were almost always the luckiest.

It is evident that the most successful individuals are also the luckiest ones, and the less successful individuals are also the unluckiest ones,’ the researchers, led by physicist Professor Alessandro Pluchino, wrote in their paper.

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