週二(10/30)1.萬聖 變裝 2.塑料带来的问题

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埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
「costume party」的圖片搜尋結果
萬聖 變裝
Halloween Costumes - The History and Origins

Of the many best loved traditions in America, the donning of costumes is at the top of the list. Many, many years ago, in times past, adults began dressing in elaborate costumes for Halloween parties, also known as Masquerade parties, long before it became an annual event for children. Dressing up in Halloween costumes is a recent tradition that developed in the twentieth century. The first store bought Halloween costumes were not available before the 1930's.

With the holiday being very loosely based on old Celtic legends about the closeness between the mundane world and that of the spirits at this time of year and the Catholic Church's celebration of their saints, it is no wonder that Halloween costumes have taken on a rather macabre appearance.

The modern Halloween holiday is loosely based on the old Celtic holiday, Samhain, when the veil between the "real" world and the spirit world was considered to be very thin. There is little wonder why Halloween costumes have a creepy and spooky, or even down-right frightening appearance.

Halloween Costume

With the advent of Hollywood movies beginning to appear all over the country around this time, actors like Lon Chaney, known for his Wolf-Man character and Bela Lugosi, who brought to life the vampire Count Dracula, gave the country the perfect creepy inspiration for Halloween costumes.

Witches, blood thirsty vampires, moaning ghosts, vicious werewolves and many other frightening monsters became the popular choices of trick or theaters every where. Thus the American idea of a creepy Halloween was born. Dressing in costumes gives one the opportunity to "let their hair down" and be someone else for a while, all in good fun of course.

Halloween Costume

With the increasing popularity of "tricks or treats", children soon joined the adults in costumes and before long Halloween night was filled with spooky, creepy, frightening, or even funny and cute costumed folks going door to door begging for goodies.

Some enterprising business person saw the marketing possibilities for Halloween costumes and soon there was much more available than just frightening monsters. A veritable plethora of pirates, fairies, clowns and superheroes, such as Batman and Superman began showing up alongside more traditional costumes. This idea continues to develop with the changing times and current costume trends include firefighters and police officers as well as various military uniforms from around the world and historical outfits like Roman soldiers or even a medieval Knight.
  「plastic addiction  中文」的圖片搜尋結果
Our single use plastic addiction   | Conservation Guide
Beth AlexanderBloggerLondon 

A Persistant Problem

As pollution, environmental damage and climate change slowly become buzzwords in our everyday lives, more and more of us are becoming increasingly aware of our impacts on the environment. However, there is an everyday convenience, a sinister product of a recalcitrant nature that’s causing great environmental problems; single use plastic.

Single use plastics or disposable plastics, as their name suggests, are used only once before they are thrown away and consist of items such as straws, plastic bags, water bottles, coffee cups, drink stirrers and food packaging. These single use plastics infiltrate our everyday lives and we now consider them a normality and a convenience. It is our addiction to these plastics that has driven a demand for their production and in turn, a global environmental problem.
The Facts

Plastic has only been in mass production for around 50 years, and globally we produce around 300 million tons of plastic each year, half of which is single use or disposable. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form, they are then mined and manufactured into single use plastics, shipped across the world to be used for a couple of minutes and then thrown away. Its numbers like these that highlight our addiction to convenient items making us increasingly aware of our environmental impact and need for a more sustainable alternative. Us Brits use around 7.7 billion water bottles a year, and as not all of us recycle, 5.5 billion of these end up as waste. With plastic bottles taking 450 to 1000 years to decompose we should really start to reuse our disposable plastics and grasp a better understanding of what is happening to these so called throw away plastics in our environment.

Once they have been disposed of they will end up in landfill where they will not fully biodegrade but breakdown into tiny particles, releasing toxic chemicals which make their way into our food chain and water supply – it is not yet known the full implications of this on human health. If these plastics do not make it to landfill they inevitably find their way into our oceans, and it is here where the greatest environmental damage is caused. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish, imagine swimming in a sea of plastic?

What Can Be Done?

With such an overwhelming quantity of single use plastics available to us in our everyday lives, it can be difficult to see where or how we could begin to change and reduce its impact. But by simply just being made aware of this issue is a starting point. Ask yourself the question; do I really need to use a straw at the bar? Could I reuse my water bottle next time I go to the gym? These tiny changes reduce the demand for production, in-turn reducing the waste ending up in our oceans.

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