周六(10/20) 1. 月暈效應 2. 今天廢話了嗎?

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新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
What is halo effect? - Definition from WhatIs.com

The halo effect is a form of cognitive bias which causes one part to make the whole seem more attractive or desirable. This concept can be applied to people, products, brands and companies.

This phenomenon can be triggered by various positive traits and is strongly linked with first impressions. Physical attractiveness is a common factor in the halo effect, as someone who is perceived to be more attractive will be assumed to have other positive personality traits and abilities.

Confirmation bias can strengthen the halo effect. Once a positive opinion of a person or product has been formed, positive interactions with that person or product are seen to reinforce that favorable opinion, but negative interactions are often disregarded.

An example of the halo effect is in a job interview. The candidate is much more likely to be hired if he or she appears attractive and friendly to the employer because the employer will associate those external, positive qualities with intelligence, capability and talent, regardless of whether the candidate actually has those characteristics.

Advertisers and marketers often take advantage of the halo effect in their promotions. One common way of doing this is celebrity endorsements. When consumers see a celebrity in an advertisement, the product seems more desirable because of the celebrity's popularity. Another common use of the halo effect is when e-commerce websites offer free shipping when customers spend a certain amount of money -- the promise of free shipping puts the products in a more positive light.

Businesses also use the halo effect by releasing one popular product, which then boosts the appeal of the rest of its products because of that initial product's popularity. For example, Apple's success with the release of the iPod made other Apple products sell better because of the brand association. Car vendors take advantage of this effect as well and often release a model with many special features to make the rest of the line seem more appealing.
Why does most of the people talk nonsense
 by Quora

I know exactly how you feel at times. Most people lives are generally hectic and the few enjoyments they have like TV sitcoms, actors/actresses, are just a way to find common ground. After all, many people watch the same programs. Talking about actors is a way to avoid opening up about themselves, but this is generally in large groups where a lot of people don't know each other or are uncomfortable about getting too personal.

Humour is also used by many as a way to avoid being nervous or again trying to find a mutual topic, making fun of others. Politics and religion are hot button topics that can cause a lot of disagreements, arguments and so on. Best to avoid.

Some of my friends don't follow politics, global issues, educational programs and so on, but after some catching up, a few of my famous naughty jokes, they enjoy getting updated on news and topics ranging from DNA to endangered species or black holes.  It has lead to some really creative and lively conversations and discussions.

I know its tedious sometimes, but just walk around and if you hear a conversation that you might want to add to, join in. You can always segway it to another topic. I love really interesting conversations as well, whether astronomy, physics, animal species or anything educational, but a lot of people don't follow them. Finding those who do, or wishing to hear or learn is tricky but a lot of people are interested. Just don't talk down to people, that's a big turn off.

People talk about what they're interested in. Except "bitching", I don't find any of the things you mentioned "nonsense". They are not nonsensical and you are not a retard. Neither they nor you need to change. You just need to find the right circle of people who'll share your interests.
You probably are an introvert but introverts meet other introverts and talk about the coolest things in the galaxy. But it will help you socially if you don't judge others (like you did now). Also if they ask you to join, just smile and admit that you're no good with these topics.  It's fine if you don't find their topics interesting. You'll find many people who'll be interested in politics, history etc. In fact there may already be 1 or 2 people in your social circle who're interested in at least one of the topics you like. Just be a little kinder to the people around you.

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