周六(10/27) 1.不滅的熱情 2.感的幸福

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    星期六 聚會時間為下午4:00-6:00
Why passion is important | Karina's Thought

1. It Builds Confidence – when you’re passionate about something you’re confident in doing it and carrying out tasks associated with it.  If you fail, you’re ready to get back up and go at it again.  Passion gives a natural level of confidence to and about the thing it’s associated with.

 2. You Never Stop Growing– passion encourage you to learn and gain knowledge in a specific thing.  The desire to gather all the information you can about what your passionate about is inevitable.  You never stop growing in your area of passion.

 3. It Delivers Profit -someone once told me years ago, use your talents and knowledge as gifts to edify and profit.  If you’re passionate about something it becomes a talent in which you harbor.  Passions can be a way of life that produces income.

4. It Precedes Happiness – succeed or fail, when you make an attempt to go after , live in, or work with your passion happiness is always the end result.  Even if you fail, your passion drives you to success.

5. You’re being Honest with yourself– if there is nothing else you know, or unsure of, it’s the one thing, or may be several things, you are passionate about.  So the chase and thrill that comes with your journey is rewarding.  Your motives are pure and honest.  If you profit greatly from your passion, the feeling of satisfaction you receive is superior to the amount of profit.

6.  Direction in Your Life is established– you know where you are going, or at least where you want to go.  Knowing and following your passion helps you not miss your target.  The last thing you want to do in life is walk around in circles without a sense of direction

7.  Survival – perhaps one of the most important reasons on this list.  Alexander Hamilton said “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”.  Living your passion gives you something to live for.  It can be a sense of security, because of that, you stand for what’s apart of you. Do you know and are living your passion?

8.  Passion gives you the ability to focus.  It gives you purpose and clarity. Passion allows you to narrow your sights on a particular target.

9. Passion also inspires.  It is so strong that you are willing to suffer to see your passion become a reality. Passion comes from the Latin word “passio” which means “to suffer.” It is what you hunger for so intensely that you will sacrifice anything to have it.

10.  Passion is influential.  Passionate people attract attention. When you attract the attention of others, you become an inspiration to them and, therefore, an influence.
Hacking Happiness: Science Backed Ways to Feel Good Virtually All The Time


1. Celebrate Small Victories

You have some success every day, so commit to finding it and say, “I did it!” You will not conduct a symphony at Carnegie Hall every day. You will not lead starving hordes into the Promised Land every day. To feel good regularly, adjust your expectations so you can be pleased with something you actually do. This doesn’t mean you are lowering your expectations, or “full of yourself,” or losing touch with reality. It means you are lingering on your gains the way you already linger on your losses (which I’m sure you can imagine is not a key for how to feel better).

Celebrating small steps triggers more dopamine than saving it up for one big achievement. Big accomplishments don’t make you feel happy forever, so if you always tie happiness to a far-off goal, you may end up frustrated. Instead, learn to be happy with your progress. You will not be celebrating with champagne and caviar each day. You will be giving yourself permission to have a feeling of accomplishment. This feeling is better than external rewards. It’s free, it has no calories, and it doesn’t impair your driving. You have a small victory every day. Why not enjoy it and feel good in the process?

2. Take Small Steps Toward a New Goal

It doesn’t take much time or money to step toward a goal. Just commit ten minutes a day and you will feel momentum instead of feeling stuck. Ten minutes is not enough to move mountains, but it’s enough to approach the mountain and see it accurately. Instead of dreaming about your goal from afar, you can gather the information you need to plan realistically. Your goals might change as your information grows. You might even learn that your fantasy goal would not make you feel happy. Those ten-minute investments can free you from unnecessary regret and help you find a hill you can actually climb and feel good in the process. Your ten-minute efforts can define manageable steps so you’re not just waiting for huge leaps that never come.

Take action, don’t just daydream. Spend your time on concrete action. Don’t spend it fantasizing about quitting your day job or pressuring others to help you. It’s not their goal. Dig into practical realities instead. Do this faithfully for forty-five days and you will begin to feel better and have the habit of moving forward.

3. Divide an Unpleasant Task into Small Parts

Everyone has a dreaded task they’d rather forget about. It might be the mess inside your closets or the mess inside an important relationship. One method for how to feel happier is to commit to spending ten minutes a day on your dreaded task. You don’t need to have the solution when you start, only the willingness to keep stepping.

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