週四 (10/18)1.一輩子 賺多少? 花多少? 2.賽車競速 三人喪命

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「How Much You Will Earn」的圖片搜尋結果
一輩子 賺多少花多少?
This is Exactly How Much You Will Earn and Spend In Your Lifetime 
Bridget Casey  moneyaftergraduation

The amount of money you will earn and spend in your lifetime is fixed, you just don’t know what the number is yet.

This might sound like a painfully deterministic perspective, but it’s worth keeping in mind when you assess your spending. Human beings are notoriously short-sighted when it comes to making predictions about the future, but these normal blind spots seem exacerbated when it comes to finances. I’ve read a number a personal finance articles about how bad people are at saving for retirement because we’re terrible at making a guess at what our future selves will want, but I have yet to read one that talks about your money in the context of a lifetime bank account with a fixed balance that you are simply withdrawing from every day.

People often say money is infinite but time is not. They are wrong.

You can always earn more money but you can never get more time”.

That perspective encourages living in the moment and not worrying about petty things like 7-year car loans. But the truth is your money is probably more fixed than you’d like to admit. You probably won’t get much more than what can be predicted for your current age and level of education.

I know none of us want to think of ourselves as statistics, but it doesn’t hurt to use data as a baseline to make judgments about how you’re doing.
If you have a Bachelors degree, you will earn approximately $1.8 million in your lifetime.

That’s it. That’s all you have.

About $360,000 of it will go to income taxes, so don’t think you’re rich now or anything. The number is even more depressing if you split for gender. Men earn on average almost $1 million more over their working lifetime than women. I assume this is the result of The Motherhood Tax. But for the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume everyone gets $1.8 million, which comes to just shy of $1.5 million after taxes.

You’re going to burn through this money much faster than you think. So fast you won’t even realize it is happening. Assuming you start burning money at age 20 and die at 80, you’ll have 60 years of spending and consumption. Trust me, you don’t want more. You can’t afford it. Below is a breakdown of what an average person’s lifetime earnings and spending might look like:

How much you will earn and spend in your income

Your numbers might be more or less, depending on a myriad of variables.

Maybe your first home was more or less expensive, or your education was free or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Maybe you have a spouse that’s splitting many of those major expenses with you. Maybe you’ll never own a car, or maybe you’ll have four children. And maybe you’ll live to 90 years old, I don’t know. Life is long and varied. The above is not meant to be a prediction OR a guide. It’s merely a template for you to start making some guesses and assumptions about your own financial situation.
 car crashed into sidewalk
賽車競速 三人喪命
Illegal racer shows no remorse after kil...
Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- An unlicensed driver who smashed his car into a Taipei sidewalk killing three people last night, showed no remorse for his actions and bragged about being in a gang.

The driver, 21-year-old Hsieh Ya-hsuan (謝亞軒), while racing his rented black Toyota against his friend in a white car surnamed Huang (), suddenly lost control of the vehicle, smashing into a sidewalk on Nanjing East Road section 4, killing three pedestrians, at around 5 p.m. yesterday. The three killed included a 66-year-old driver of a truck and his 64-year-old wife, who were loading recycling together, and a 64-year-old security guard standing nearby them.

When Hsieh was taken in by police for questioning, rather than showing remorse for the death of three people, he demonstrated a sullen attitude and told police "I am a bad boy" and "I am a member of the Zhongshan Alliance [中山聯盟]," reported Liberty Times. However, despite his lengthy criminal record, police this morning denied that Hsieh was a known member of the gang, reported Apple Daily.

According to local media reports, Hsieh formally worked as a night club promoter, but is currently unemployed. He already has a long criminal record including drug offenses, assault, DUI, public endangerment, among other crimes.

Hsieh had already committed a number of crimes in his teenage years, but his criminal record from that period was closed when he turned 18 and police did not retain his files. At the scene of the accident, Hsieh passed an alcohol test, but he also had a record of traffic violations.

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