周六(12/14)1. 看見台灣2.違建/混米/廢水3.口語訓練

 周六聚會 12/14
周六( 12/7) 聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm 地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710
 (沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局
 先看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  0976217450 


12/21 聖誕趴  禮物交換聯誼 18:30--21:00 地點:BAR蛙蛙漫吧 台北市大安區八德路232樓(參加者請帶禮物)
忠孝新生4號出口  詳情聯絡 Sherry 0987271314  阿財0935597759 

 周六聚會 12/14

1. 看見台灣看見汙染
2. 違建/混米/廢水
 3. 口語訓練

'Beyond Beauty' prompts gov't action   China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Minister of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), Sung Yu-hsieh (宋餘俠), said yesterday that inspiring documentary Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above, has prompted the government to assemble a task force, as well as drafting 16 topics of discussion that covers 3 major issues.
Numerous viewers of the Golden Horse Awards-winning documentary have aspired to act against further pollution and environmental deterioration on the island. Many who previously assumed that they had done their civil obligations by following the government's current garbage disposal laws have walked out of the theater feeling that their efforts have been insufficient upon further reflection, and have since encouraged the Taiwanese government to act. After attending a screening of the documentary, Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) also made a personal promise to director Chi Bo-lin (齊柏林) that he will definitely take action toward solving the problem,

However, the issues surrounding the big problem spans to various branches within the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Ministry of the Interior (MOI) and the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). In an effort to consolidate various difficulties in communication between authorities, Chiang requested that Deputy Minister of the Interior Chien Tai-lang (簡太郎) assemble a task force that will be advised by the RDEC and will aid in speeding up the solution-finding process. The task force will convene on Nov. 29 for deliberation on 3 major topics: the illegal mining of sand and gravel, excessive use of public lands, and the future development of public lands

 MOI to standardize land use in Cingjing   China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Minister of the Interior Lee Hong-yuan (李鴻源) yesterday said there will only be one set of maps and land analysis methods that will be used by both the central government and local government to handle land overuse issues across the country.
The land over-utilization at Cingjing Farm (清境農場) has been a central issue at the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) over the past week. Lee's remark came after hostels at Cingjing Farm and the Nantou County Government argued that the MOI's recently released initial land analysis results were reckless. The results of that analysis showed that over 60 percent of Cingjing Farm lies in a middle- to high-risk zone for natural disasters.


1. Have you ever seen this documentary? And what do you think of this film?

2. In your viewpoints, where are the stunning natural sceneries in Taiwan? Recommendations for most beautiful scenic place in Taiwan?

3. What do you think about land overuse issues?

4. What do you think about Cingjing Farm (清境農場) issue?

5. Why should we protect nature? Why is environmental protection so important?

6. The economic consequences of destroying Taiwan’s natural-- how can you help protect it?

7. Recommendations for great places and travel ideas to visitors in Taipei?

 Chyuan Shun rice to be pulled from shelves
The Council of Agriculture (COA) yesterday officially revoked Chyuan Shun Food Enterprise Co.'s (泉順食品) certificate of food dealership for mislabeling packaged rice, marking the first such revocation in 60 years.Lawmakers demand ASE pay NT$3.7 bil. for dumping
Q:What do you think about packaged rice issue?
Dumping wastewater
Four Kaohsiung City councilors yesterday urged the local government to seek NT$3.7 billion in compensation from Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE, 日月光) Inc. for dumping wastewater containing strong acids and heavy metals from its K7 facility in Kaohsiung City into the Hou-chin River.
Q:What do you think about Dumping wastewater issue?
說吧!英文讀書會名人名句 2013/12/13

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

Love each other or perish.

 周五聚會地點: 快提café  7:00PM-- 9:30PM
(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向前走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局看到康是美
從信義房屋旁的巷子進入) 連絡電話: 0976217450   Billy
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12/21 聖誕趴  禮物交換聯誼 18:30--21:00 地點:BAR蛙蛙漫吧 台北市大安區八德路232
忠孝新生4號出口  詳情聯絡 Sherry 0987271314  阿財0935597759
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Fraud Crime Group (decision4u.com)
 Fraud crime groups pretended to be customer service staff of China Telecom, police, prosecutors and staff of finance institutions, and committed fraud crimes to those mainland Chinese residents by overdue telephone bills, money remittance in saving accounts. The fraud crime by this group is quite delicate as layers of roles in up, middle, and down streams while they were contacting with Chinese victims. Their modus operandi contains:

1.First step, they connected with victims randomly by IP phone, had them recall by pressing "9" to call center of crime group.

2.The first female customer service staff claimed that victims forget to pay overdue telephone bill, interest of loans, overdue utility bill…etc., or perhaps victim's ID was counterfeited, and requested victim to call police.

3.They transferred the call to police faked by other male partners in the group. The faked police asked victim to change PIN code of bank account from ATM by their instructions in order not to be defrauded or detained by prosecutors, and transferred all funds in victim’s bank account to a dummy account.

4. Or second-line members pretended prosecutors or officials of financial institution to request victim to transfer all funds from bank account to a dummy account of crime group in order to avoid the risk of account information breaching. Later on, swindler group withdrew all funds from dummy account.
Phone sex scams on the rise Taipei Times By Tung Han-ni and Jason Pan

A fraud ring was broken up by police in Kaohsiung, who say that more than 100 men fell prey to the scam, some of which paid out more than NT$1m

More than 100 Taiwanese men have recently fallen victim to scams in which they give money to women who seduce them over the phone, police said.

The syndicate was based in China, but has couriers to pick up money and female go-betweens in Taiwan, police said.

In many of the cases, victims believed a tragic story told to them by a woman on the phone, such as that they were destitute or had to pay big medical bills for sick family members, police said.

Once the victim has fallen for the story, they do what they can to help out their “newfound love,” including putting their houses up for collateral or taking out bank loans, the police added. However, the men end up with nothing but an empty bank account and, for many, a broken heart.

1. Do you think” fraud crime” serious in Taiwan?
2. Have you ever been cheated by a fraud? (Or your friends)
3. Ways to avoid phone fraud? Ways to avoid scam on the internet?
4. Have you ever been cheated by dating and romance scams?
5. What are you going to do, if there were a pretty girl asks you to provide money, gifts?
6. Why those men are easily falling victim into sex scams?
7. How to avoid being a victim of phone sex scams?
8. In your opinion, should gornvement increasing the "cell phone fraud punishment?

“The yelling of lost dog” (casuallinguists.wordpress Casual Linguists Jr.)

敗犬 Women who are beautiful and clever, but still single after suitable age for marrying are lost dogs (負け犬), women who are common and mediocre but married are dogs that win.”——Sakai Junko
This new invented term “負け犬”comes from a 2006 Japanese novel “負け犬の遠 吠え” which means the ‘yelling of lost dog’.
The author Sakai Junko mocked herself,by describing herself as a ‘lost dog’ since her situation is like  a dog that loses its home which implies a person who don’t
have places to settle and don’t know where to go. Yet, more specifically, ‘the lost lady’ is more suitable since lady implies beautiful and intelligent.
But it is not easy to be a ‘lost lady’, what are the criteria?
1.Over age 30  2.Beautiful  3.High education and qualification
4.Full involvement in their career  5.Successful career  6.But NO lovers
The 'leftover' women: China defines official age for females being left on the shelf as 27 (dailymail.co.uk By Peter Simpson)
The derogatory name has caused an outcry among millions of ambitious young and educated females who claim they have been thrown on the scrap heap.China has upset its young female population by labelling those who fail to marry by the time they are 30 as ‘left over woman’. The Communist government ordered its feminist All-China Women’s Federation to use the derogatory term in several stinging articles about the growing number of educated, professional, urban and single females aged 27-30 who have ‘failed’ to find a husband and are now  deemed ‘undesirable’.Pretty girls do not need a lot of education to marry into a rich and powerful family. But girls with an average or ugly appearance will find it difficult,’ reads one article titled ‘Leftover Women Do Not Deserve Our Sympathy’. The derogatory name has been picked up by the state media and stuck, causing an outcry among millions of ambitious young and educated females who claim they have been thrown on the scrap heap - and who bemoan the low quality of suitors. The conservative country is going under rapid changes with more women shunning tradition to wed and raise a family early. But the government wants to shame them into marrying young to counter the growing and serious gender imbalance among the of 1.3 billion population. Selective abortions because of the one-child policy means far more males are born then females - 118 boys to 100 girls. The government is also worried hordes of unmarried men roaming the country could spark social havoc. Leta Hong-Fincher, an American academic studying at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said: ‘Since 2007, the state media has aggressively disseminated the left over term in surveys, and news reports, and columns, and cartoons and pictures, basically stigmatising educated women over the age of 27 or 30 who are still single.'
1. What do you think the terms ofthe yelling of lost dog/ ”the 'leftover' women”?

2. What's the right age to get married? (for women)? (for men)?

3. Why modern women don’t want to get married?

4. What are the good reasons to get married while you're young?

5. Are educated women to blame for the declining marriage rate?

Reasons women delay marriage?

6. Are women delaying marriage because they're being too picky? ?

Is great or bad to get marry later?

7. Do you want to marry handsome dumb man or ugly smart man?

Do you want to marry beautiful dumb woman or ugly smart woman?

8. Ways to find the right partner or spouse?

大嬸聲如嫩妹 騙宅男60  20131209

直到今年九月,李男不甘心再撥打鍾女電話,她接通後又掛斷,令李男覺得一切是騙局報警,高市警方上周傳喚鍾女,到案的竟是一名大嬸,她供稱兩人是借貸關係,願每月還一萬元直到還清,警方偵訊後,全案依詐欺罪函送法辦。檢警破兩岸詐騙集團 31      中央社







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