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12月份 活動:

12/7  KTV歌唱 板橋星聚點 新北市板橋區中山路一段1

11:00AM—2:00PM 有餐點 詳情聯絡Billy 0976217450

12/8 淡水---八里自行車活動  詳情聯絡阿財0935597759

12/21 聖誕趴  禮物交換聯誼 18:30--21:00 地點:BAR蛙蛙漫吧 台北市大安區八德路232

忠孝新生4號出口  詳情聯絡 Sherry 0987271314  阿財0935597759


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Film bids to save nation by showing its marvels    By Tsai Yung-wen 蔡永文 On Sunday afternoon on Nov. 5, I went to see the new documentary Beyond Beauty Taiwan From Above (看見台灣) with my family. When we emerged from the movie theater, I was left with an intense mixture of emotions. I found the documentary very moving it had an element of pathos, but also a sense of purpose.

The movie makes an emotional impact right from the beginning, when the viewer hears the first line of Wu Nien-jens (吳念真) narrative: If you have never seen this before, it’s just because you were never tall enough, as an impressive view of the Central Mountain Range rolls across the screen, accompanied by powerful music played by the Prague Symphony Orchestra.

It was quite an opening. This, then, is Taiwan, our beautiful island, our Ilha Formosa. Thanks to the work of Taiwanese director Chi Po-lin (齊柏林), who flew over these vistas to capture them on film, everyone is now tall enough to witness the beauty, but also the pathos, of Taiwan.

This aerial documentary employs three elements that make it so special: aerial imagery, Wu’s narration and a soundtrack that perfectly complements the visuals. As the camera soars and swoops high above the nation, the elegant beauty and the sheer majesty of Taiwan made my eyes well up with tears.

'Beyond Beauty' prompts gov't action (China Post )

Numerous viewers of the Golden Horse Awards-winning documentary have aspired to act against further pollution and environmental deterioration on the island. Many who previously assumed that they had done their civil obligations by following the government's current garbage disposal laws have walked out of the theater feeling that their efforts have been insufficient upon further reflection, and have since encouraged the Taiwanese government to act. After attending a screening of the documentary, Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) also made a personal promise to director Chi Bo-lin (齊柏林) that he will definitely take action toward solving the problem,”He has prompted the government to assemble a task force, as well as drafting 16 topics of discussion that covers 3 major issues.


1. Have you ever seen this documentary? And what do you think of this film?

2. In your viewpoints, where are the stunning natural sceneries in Taiwan?

Recommendations for most beautiful scenic place in Taiwan?

3. Where are the most beautiful coastal views in Taiwan?

(Ex: the east coast, the northeast coast)

4. Why should we protect nature? Why is environmental protection so important?

5. The economic consequences of destroying Taiwan’s natural-- how can you help protect it?

6. Recommendations for great places and travel ideas to visitors in Taipei?

7. Recommendations for best Taiwanese food?

Alcohol Drinking Can Be Both Good and Bad For You (voa)
Millions of people around the world have a glass of wine with dinner, drink a beer at a sporting event, or accept alcoholic drinks at a party.

 The use of alcohol dates back more than 10,000 years. From then until now, alcohol has played an important part in human civilization. It is used in cultural and religious ceremonies, at social gatherings, and even for medical purposes.

Records of alcohol’s effects date back to ancient times. Alcohol has been called both a tonic and a poison. And medical experts continue to debate its value.

There has been a large amount of research done on alcohol and its effects on human health. Much of the research has examined the harmful effects. But, some research suggests that having one to two drinks of alcohol a day may offer some health benefits.

Several large studies have shown that this type of moderate drinking may lower the risk of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, ischemic stroke and diabetes. Moderate drinking has also been linked to a reduced risk of death from heart attack and a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

Ma lauds ROC health policies at global forum (Taiwan Today)

President Ma Ying- jeou said Nov. 23 that Taiwan’s new zero tolerance drunken driving regime has proven effective in lowering traffic deaths and protecting public health, making it an excellent example of the World Health Organization’s Health in All Policies strategy.
1. How good is wine for our health?

Wine: how much is good for you?

2. Pros and cons of drinking alcohol?

3. Is drinking alcohol a problem? How much alcohol is too much?

4. How to prevent drinking and driving?

What are the most effective ways to prevent drunk driving?

5. What to do if you married an excessive drinker?

And how to change your spouse's drinking habits?

6. What do you think the penalties for drunk driving in Taiwan?






11/29 英文讀書會聚會 Ophelia問到遺產 英文如何表達 使用的是heritage

Billy 介紹 inheritance heritage的用法

inherit an inheritance


1. When I was 20 I inherited an inheritance from my grandmother.

2.. She spent all her inheritance in a year. 


 cultural heritage


1. Spain's rich cultural heritage


2. English poetry is one of their great heritages.


Billy 介紹 ApologyApologize的用法

Apology (noun) 道歉---- an act of saying sorry:


1. You should make an apology to her for your carelessness. 

2. I have an apology to make to you - I'm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.

3. I owe you an apology - I'm afraid I forgot to send that report.a letter of apology

Apologize道歉 (verb)

----to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused them problems or unhappiness:

1. I do appologize for giving you the wrong dish.

2. I appologize for not arriving on time.





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