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ASE apologizes for discharging toxic wastewater (DIGITIMES)

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE) on December 10 apologized for dumping toxic wastewater from its K7 plant into a river in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan and said it has mapped out plans to prevent the reoccurrence of such incidents. The Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of the Kaohsiung City Government has levied the plant with a fine of NT$600,000 (US$20,246) for discharging wastewater containing strong acid and heavy metals, including nickel. The EPB said that the toxic wastewater was detected during a water quality inspection conducted on October 1 along a river adjacent to the K7 plant and later found the source of the pollution was traced back to the plant. The EPB also accused ASE management at the plant for discharging the wastewater maliciously as the plant had tried to hide their dumping of wastewater into the river by diluting the plant's highly acid effluent with tap water prior to testing. Noting that ASE also violated related environmental protection regulations for three times in 2012, the bureau will seek to recover illegal income earned by ASE through such practices and it has ordered a halt to the plant's operations.

Chinese city of Harbin shrouded in smog as air pollution soars (telegraph.co.uk)

Chinese city paralysed by smog as Beijing announces new measures to tackle air pollution in the capital

Thick smog enveloped a major Chinese city for a third day on Tuesday, with schools and a regional airport shut and poor visibility forcing ground transport to a halt in places. Images from Harbin, a northeastern city of more than 10 million people and the host of a popular annual ice festival, showed roads shrouded in smog, with visibility in some areas reduced to less than 50 metres. Flights remained severely delayed, after more than 250 flights were cancelled at the local airport on Monday.

Cans of fresh air are up for sale in China (MailOnline)

Cans of fresh air are up for sale in China as a multimillionaire looks to capitalize on the country's foulest fortnight for air pollution in memory. Chen Guangbiao, who made his fortune in the recycling business and is a high-profile philanthropist, is selling soda pop-sized cans of air, purportedly from far-flung, pristine regions of China such as Xinjiang in the northwest to Taiwan, the southeast coast. He says 10 million cans have sold in the last 10 days as pollution levels climb to record highs. 'I want to tell mayors, county chiefs and heads of big companies: don't just chase GDP growth, don't chase the biggest profits at the expense of our children and grandchildren and at the cost of sacrificing our ecological environment', Chen said.


1. What do you think the dumping wastewater issue? How to deal with it, if you were an official of EPT.

2. What do you think about water pollution issue in Taiwan? What can we do?

3. Do you think the water pollution is so serious now? How to punish factories polluting the river?

4. How to protect our natural water resources?

5. What do you think about air pollution issues?

6. What causes air pollution? Ways to reduce air pollution?

7. What do you think about that cans of fresh air sale in china?



Types of Man that You Should Never Marry


If you have caught this man cheating, if the man that you want to marry has done it more than one time you should re-think marrying him. If he has cheated in your relationship before you get married, that's a warning sign. Heed it. It really isn't worth the cost in the end.


Finding yourself in a situation that he likes to control what you do, you need to get away from the relationship and never marry such a man. A man that likes to control your actions now will be even worse when you get married.

Physical Abuser

A man that has physically abused anyone, ever, is definitely someone that you should extract yourself from immediately. This is a dangerous situation and not worth what it could cost you.


A man that won't work isn't worth having. A man should take pride in himself and his ability to work hard to earn a living. If he won't work hard to get the things he wants or needs then he won't work hard in the marriage to make it work. If he doesn't have a job or the ability to keep one, get away from him, at least until he proves himself.

Drug/Alcohol Abuser

If a man is addicted to drugs or alcohol it only makes sense to stay away from him. Substance abuse often leads to physical abuse later on. It can also lead to verbal abuse. Although these things may not happen, the chances are that they will.

Types of Women you Should NEVER Marry( by admin nomarriage.com)

 “Gold Digger.” You can spot this money grubber a mile away, but in case you have been fooled before, here are a few tips to know If she’s digging for gold. • Does she seem to make everything about money? • Does she always seem to light up when something expensive is in front of her? • Does she ask a lot about how much money you make? • Does she find herself worth in the most expensive shoes, clothes, food etc? If any of those were answered yes, then you’ve got a gold digger on your hands and you should put your wallet away before she scans your credit cards.

the “Overly Feminine Feminist.” These are the woman power men hating non-shaving ladies you’ve probably seen protesting women’s rights all around the country. Now before a million women get all up in arms and decide to make a men hating rally about this, you should know that feminism is NOT bad, but it does have its limits. If a woman gets mad because you open a door for her or pull out a chair at a nice restaurant because “she can do it herself” then, well, let that door smack her in the face a couple times while you’re NOT holding it open for her and see how she feels about that. If you were to marry a woman like this your life would end up a living hell.

the “Overly Sensitive.” We all know women are more sensitive than men and for the most part we enjoy that, but if every little thing becomes some kind of fight because you hurt her feelings, then you’re going to have to walk on egg shells forever. We enjoy comforting women when they ACTUALLY need it, however if every single time you “seem to have a tone in your voice” she bursts into tears and runs into the bedroom a mess, we honestly don’t care anymore. This type of woman will seem great at first because she will need you and want you around a lot and really be into you. That’s all fine and dandy until she’s cries more than a 40 year old redneck on his second case of beer.

1. Signs your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating?

2. What if your man/woman had cheated on you twice, what should you do?

3. Is a cheating spouse worth it?

Reasons why men cheat? Reasons why women cheat?

4. What types of man/ women that you should never marry?

5. What are the signs of a controller?

6. What do you think about the “overly feminine feminist?”

7. What do you think about “gold digger”?

What you think about material girls? How to spot a gold digger?

2013/12/17 聚會照片


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