周二(12/31) 1.激勵自己 2.天才的條件

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本次聚會  為2013年 最後一次聚會  2013年中  也許您面對許多困難來自工作中或生活中
 讓我們來找一些激勵自己的方法 讓新的一年  生活更有活力    Billy 在此祝福好友們 新年的一年天天好心情 活力百倍
Ways to Inspire Yourself at Work (Dave Kerpen)

1) Read a book.

There are thousands of great, time-tested books available for inspiration and motivation. I'm currently reading another amazing, timeless, inspirational book that is having a profound impact: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

2) Exercise.

Sometimes you just need to get the blood flowing. Go for a walk, or a run, or a workout. There are two great advantages of exercise: First, it's healthy for your body. Second, it forces you to spend time thinking - time when you can't be on your smartphone or otherwise distracted.

3) Write a thank you note.

Not a thank you email, or a thank you text, or even a thank you phone call - a physical, hand-written thank you note. Tony Robbins said, "Gratitude is the antidote to the two things that stop us: fear and anger."

4) Perform a random act of kindness.

The ironic and amazing thing about acts of kindness is that they end up being kind-of selfish, because you feel SO great after doing them. Open a door for people leaving it for awhile. Help an elderly lady cross the street. Buy a homeless man lunch. Retweet a bunch of people. Whatever you do, take your mind off of yourself and your problems and focus on helping another person. You'll come back feeling rejuvenated.

5) Read inspiring quotes.

Reading a book or even an article can take more time than you have to spare sometimes. So it's worth looking at inspiring quotes from great leaders, writers and thinkers of the past.

6) Listen to music.

Plato said, "Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue." Looking to educate your soul? Or perhaps just to let off some steam and feel better about the work before you?

7) Watch an inspiring video.

As inspiring and uplifting as music can be, video can be even more inspiring. Whether it's your favorite movie, or, if you don't have time, a short video you find through a quick search on YouTube, you can get in a good mood in just a few minutes.


1. Ways to inspire yourself at work?

2. What are the advantages of reading books?

3. What are your ways to improve your mood when you're feeling down?

How to motivate yourself and improve your life?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of music?

5. What are the advantages of doing exercise regularly?

6. Why helping others is good for your health?

What are the benefits of gratitude?

7. What are the advantages of watching inspirational films?

8. Your new year resolution?

How To Be A Genius (Forbes Scott Berkun)

Have a great, or horrible, family

Picasso, Mozart, Beethoven, Einstein and Goethe are popular geniuses whose parents were interested in their creative lives. Mozart and Beethoven both had fathers who were professional musicians and they were taught by them during childhood to play instruments. Can you guess what Picasso’s dad did? Yes, he was a painter, and he spent many hours with young Pablo.

But lousy families can make geniuses, too.

Beethoven’s dad was cruel, torturing him during practice sessions. Unlike many child prodigies who burn out at adolescence, Beethoven kept his passion for music. Leonardo da Vinci barely knew his father.

Isaac Newton was also born to a single-parent home and hated his stepfather. From that broken relationship may have come the seed of unrest that fueled his independent life and ideas.

Be obsessed with work

Show me a genius and I’ll show you a workaholic. Van Gogh produced 2,000 works of art between 1880 and 1890 (or 1,100 paintings and 900 sketches). That’s four works of art a week for a decade. He didn’t even get started until age 25. Da Vinci’s journals represent one clear fact: Work was the center of his life. He had neither a spouse nor children. Picasso was a machine, churning out 12,000 works of art. He said, “Give me a museum and I’ll fill it” and made good on that boast. Shakespeare wrote more than 40 plays, plus dozens of sonnets, poems and, of course, grocery lists. These are people who sacrificed many ordinary pleasures for their work.

The debate over talent vs. effort is moot: History makes it clear you always need extraordinary effort.

Have emotional or other serious problems

For all their brilliance, most geniuses did not live well-adjusted lives. Picasso, Van Gogh, Edison, Einstein and Nietzsche (and most major modern philosophers) were often miserable. Many never married or married often, abandoned children and fought depression.

Newton and Tesla spent years in isolation by choice and had enough personality disorders to warrant cabinets full of pharmaceuticals today. Michelangelo and da Vinci quit jobs and fled cities to escape debts.

Kafka and Proust were both hypochondriacs, spending years in bed or in hospitals for medical conditions, some of which were psychological. Voltaire, Thoreau and Socrates all lived in exile or poverty, and these conditions contributed to the works they’re famous for.

Happily positive emotions can work as fuel, too. John Coltrane, C.S. Lewis and Einstein had deeply held, and mostly positive, spiritual beliefs that fueled their work.


1. How to be a genius? Ways to be a genius?

What we can learn from geniuses?

2. Can lousy families make geniuses? Does family background affect achievement of a person?

3. Want to be smart and successful? And how to make yourself smarter?

4. Do you want to make friends with smart people?

5. Why so many guys like pretty but stupid girls?

Do girls prefer dumb good-looking guys or smart less-attractive guys?

6. How to maintain your passion for success?

7. Can live poverty helped lead to success? How poverty affects career performance?

天才的條件  【《科學人》第138期】

【撰文/賽門頓(Dean Keith Simonton);翻譯/謝伯讓】






天才的第二種定義和20世紀前半葉出現的智力測驗相符。如果標準智力測驗的分數夠高,也就是在心理學家特曼(Lewis Terman)所提出的原始智力測驗中獲得140分以上、通常落在前1%者,就是所謂的天才。這兩種定義沒有什麼共同點,許多擁有超高智商的人並沒有創造出原創且能成為典範的作品。莎凡特(Marylyn vos Savant)就是其中一例,她曾是《金氏世界紀錄》認證現今仍存活之智商最高的人。她在週日報紙副刊中的專欄「向瑪麗蓮求教」並沒有在科學、藝術或是新聞工作上引發任何新風潮。許多傑出人士也沒有天才等級的智商。例如,榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎的電晶體共同發明者蕭克利(William Shockley),其智商就遠低於140。因此,卓越的成就似乎是較為有用的認定方式。

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