周二(12/17)1. 2013「假」2.菜英文!

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「假」 | 2013
Word selection contest chance for nation to discover blessings (China post)
Numerous scandals over fake food ingredients have struck hard at the very foundations of confidence in consumer safety. Cottonseed oil mixed in products sold as “pure” by Tatung Changchi Foodstuff Factory and Flavor Full Foods resulted in a cascading scandal. Most nauseatingly, rotting ingredients were allegedly added as a cheap replacement in some products.

Fifty-seven characters are in this year's competition. UDN is publishing the entries gradually, and gave a sampling on Saturday. There are words that reflect the undesirable, unwanted parts of society such as fake () chaos () discard (), and there are also words expressing the mood of discontent, like dampened (), melancholic (), confused (), and annoyed (). Counterbalancing

In the word contest, choosing a negative word can also mean purging the country of this year's ills.

We have to look at Taiwan's position in perspective. Taiwan is still blessed with its extraordinary bounty of a modern economy, a world-class living standard and a relatively well-educated, well-off populace.

Of course, we also need to give an honest account of the problems that plague society. The problems of stagnant wages for new entrants in the labor market, which have flatlined over the past two decades, threaten to destroy hope for young people in a highly intense struggle for livelihood. Taiwan, despite its relative equality, still has too many people falling into poverty. National identity is a perennial issue, and the country continues to face strong pressure to innovate and fend off competition from increasing regional integration.


1. What do you think the scandals over fake food ingredients this year?

What do you think about fake products in Taiwan?

2. What do you think the negative characters are in this year's competition?

Why people choosing a negative word in the word contest this year?

3. What do you think about the business competition in Asian countries?

4. What does the fake word mean for you?

In your opinion, which character you would chose to represent 2013?

5. Do you satisfy your salary? How much salary will make you happy?

What do you think the living costs in Taiwan?

6. Do you think Taiwan has a good perspective next year?
Poor English hindering careers of majority of office workers: poll(Central News Agency )
Taipei, Dec. 8 (CNA) Almost 60 percent of office workers in Taiwan said their lack of English language skills has hampered their ambition to pursue an ideal job, according to the results of an online survey released Sunday. According to a survey conducted by 1111 job bank on people's English interview experiences, 55.26 percent of office workers said they needed English skills at work. In terms of how often English is used in their workplace, 12.79 percent said they used the language every day, 14.16 percent said they needed to use it often, and 28.31 percent said they had to use it from time to time. The other 44.74 percent said they need not use English in their jobs. Jobs related to engineering research and development, medicine (especially in an academic setting) and construction and facility management required the most frequent use of English, the survey said. Many office workers considered their English to be poor, and 59.36 percent of respondents said they gave up jobs they dreamed of because of that, the online job bank's survey found. Asked how they try to improve their language skills, 61.11 percent of office workers said they read English publications while 53.33 percent said they learn by watching movies. Over 37.78 percent make friends with foreign nationals to practice their English. Daniel Lee, the job bank's public relations director, said it was unfortunate that many office workers, who have decent English writing skills, had to give up the pursuit of their dream jobs because they were not confident in speaking English at work. In today's highly competitive job markets, companies are asking for English skills and computer literacy as basic requirements in hiring office workers, he said. The survey, which was conducted between Nov. 6-20 through e-mail questionnaires, received 1,095 valid responses and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.96 percentage points with a confidence level of 95 percent. (By Wu Ching-chun and Maia Huang) Poor English hindering careers of majority of office workers: poll


1. Do you think that lacking of English language skills has hampered job applicants to pursue an ideal job?

2. Do you think that college grads with foreign language skills will have better job?

3. Is English language skill important in your job?

Will English be important in your future career?
Why is it important to learn English for your future career?
4. What are the pros and cons of learning English?
5. Ways to improve English language skills?
6. Could your language affect your ability to earn more money?
Do you think your income related to English language skills?
7. Would you like to work in foreign company?
How to get a job in a foreign country?
「假」 | 2013年度代表字









台灣2012年大學畢業生起薪,是亞洲4小龍國家中唯一沒有成長的地區。擁有1 3000人的王品集團董事長戴勝益直言:「台灣年輕人起薪低,最大原因就在不會講英文,22K的元凶就是菜英文!」他更哀嘆:「企業人才難尋!」











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