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NSC predicts shortage of doctorate holders within 10 years (2013/11/28)

 Reports of doctorate holders having trouble finding suitable jobs have led some prospective students to shy away from pursuing advanced degrees. The National Science Council warns that this will lead to a shortage of doctorate holders, especially in high-demand fields such as IT and telecommunications.

 When a doctorate student at National Chengchi University chose to sell fried chicken instead of taking a teaching assistant job that paid NT$50,000 a month, it took many by surprise. Now Sung Keng-lang’s business is so good that he plans to open a second branch. One thing that didn’t surprise Sung was to hear that fewer students are pursuing PhDs.

Is doing a PhD a waste of time?

 In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. It is an introduction to the world of independent research—a kind of intellectual masterpiece, created by an apprentice in close collaboration with a supervisor. And yet, one thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction. Some describe their work as “slave labour”. Seven-day weeks, ten-hour days, low pay and uncertain prospects are widespread. What many find dispiriting is the fact that, due to an oversupply of PhDs, the promise of an academic job has been yanked out of reach. The number of PhD positions is unrelated to the number of relevant job openings. Meanwhile, business leaders complain about shortages of high-level skills, suggesting PhDs are not teaching the right things. The fiercest critics compare research doctorates to Ponzi or pyramid schemes. So, is doing a PhD a waste of time? 


1. What do you think about the doctorate holders having trouble finding suitable jobs?

2. Is doing a PhD a waste of time? The benefits of having a PhD degree?

3. Does higher education really lead to higher job opportunities?

4. Does a degree guarantee you a good job? What are the pros and cons of higher education?

5. What are your ideal jobs?

6. What do you think of unemployment rate in Taiwan?

What are the causes of unemployment?

7. How to reduce unemployment? Ways to improve unemployment rate?
Man sues ex-wife over ugly kids and wins! This sad and bizarre story will leave its mark.

Man sues ex-wife over ugly children and wins: Daughter's looks 'horrified' him (examiner.com)

Man sues ex-wife over ugly kids and wins! This sad and bizarre story will leave its mark.

A man sued his ex-wife over having ugly kids and he won. His ex-wife was ordered by court to pay him $120,000 in this bizarre case. This story started out with the man suing his wife because she gave birth to an ugly baby girl, but once DNA tests proved that the child was his, he sued her for having ugly children. He did this on the grounds of 'false pretenses' after finding out his ex-wife's beauty was due to plastic surgery before they met, according to “Fox and Friends First” on Friday, Nov. 8.

The Chicago Now radio station reports that Jian Feng, a Chinese man, sued his wife when she gave birth to an ugly daughter. He accused her of having an affair because the child did not look like him or his wife. When the DNA tests came back naming Feng the father of the girl, the wife came clean.

Apparently the kids look like his wife, but before she had $100,000 worth of plastic surgery in South Korea before the couple ever met. It is obvious that looks are important to the couple, who look like the Chinese version of a Barbie and Ken doll. The wife spent a small fortune to look like she does today.

The husband took his now ex-wife back to court to sue her for giving him three ugly kids. He sued her on the grounds of false-pretenses and won. The judge ruled that the wife never told Feng about the procedures “duping him into thinking she was beautiful. The judge order the ex-wife to pay Feng $120,000.

No matter how you try, there’s no way to sugar coat this horrible thing this man said about his kids. He explained in his own words how his superficial lawsuit came to be:


1. What do you think about the case of Man sues ex-wife over ugly kids?

2. Should you tell your spouse about your cosmetic surgery? If you underwent a cosmetic surgery?

3. What Are The Pros & Cons Of Cosmetic Surgery?

4. is Cosmetic Surgery the Right Choice to boost people’s confidence?

Can Cosmetic Surgery help Transforming One’s Live?

5. Is It Okay To Ask My Girlfriend To Get Plastic Surgery?

6. Is cosmetic surgery good or bad?

Reasons why People Give for Having Plastic Surgery?

7. Will plastic surgery save one’s marriage?

Are plastic surgery girls easily to marry rich men?



 [[博士雞排店長 宋耿郎]]




老婆太醜:生女醜的不可思議婚前整容被丈夫狀告索賠75萬  和訊網

一名馮先生在女兒出生後發現她長得很醜,完全不像她媽,便對妻子的長相產生了質疑。 丈夫懷疑妻子對自己不忠,面對丈夫的指責,妻子只得承認自己曾花約60多萬整容。 該男子認為妻子是詐騙手段騙自己與其結婚,將妻子告上法庭,要求離婚並賠償其精神損失費。 不可思議的是,他居然得到了75萬賠償。



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