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Reasons Why Men Cheat  Ruben Christopher
There are several websites on the internet as you can imagine that are devoted to the subject of why men cheat and they all list different various reasons as to why. We must also understand that there are two main types of cheating, physical and emotional. For our intents and purposes we will address the physical cheating and some reasons why men do it. I have taken the top reasons from these sites. However cheating is a complex issue that is a sign of a much larger problem with in a relationship because the reason behind why the cheating started is important.
So what are the top reasons men cheat?
For some men the cheating is all about revenge, you know that thing that is a dish best served cold. Well some men do it to get back at their girlfriends or wives for having done it to them. They see it as their right, she cheated on me, and so it's okay for me to do it back to her. They might see it as the only way to get back at her or to even the score. Make her feel the way she made me feel when she cheated on me type of thing.
The Thrill
For some men there is really no logical reason why they cheat other than for the thrill of it. The feeling of every time you do it you might be caught, the excitement of it all is what they crave and not the actually sex. Though I suppose the sex would be like a bonus.
Their girlfriend/wife makes them feel like less of a man
Some would say they cheat because their wife or girlfriend makes them feel like less of a man. That their woman demeans them or belittles them to the point that they don't feel like a man, that they are not treated very well by their wife/girlfriend. And why their spouse may have a point and valid reasons for the name calling etc…it is only going to serve to drive them into the arms of another woman who will treat them better.
Not attracted to their wife/girlfriend anymore
Many men overtime become less attracted to their women and because of this lack of attraction; they cheat on their wives/girlfriends with other women. This is especially true the longer the relationship goes on because overtime women (and men) get lazy. They get comfortable and just don't put as much effort into looking good for their mate. And for men this is a huge issue because a lot of men base everything upon looks. Men must be and stay sexually attracted to their women or they will stray to other women who turn them on and fulfill that attraction.
Reasons why men/women cheat?
Why do people have affairs?
What they are different forms of cheating in a relationship?
Is revenge cheating ever worth it?
How to deal with a cheater?
What to do when you catch your boyfriend/ girlfriend cheating?
What to do when your lover or spouse is no longer attractive?
What to do when a girlfriend/a wife makes man feel like less of a man?
The smart phone disease
July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month – a time to recognize the importance of using our digital devices respectfully. Here are some tips to help you avoid the lure of your phone and stay in the good graces of your coworkers, clients and friends.
Don’t be tempted
It’s hard to ignore a ringing phone, or that beep, buzz or chime. We instinctively want to address it. To avoid the temptation to look at your phone when meeting with others silence your phone and put it away where you can’t see it.
Make the person in front of you your priority
 The person or people in front of you should be your focus, not your phone. It is very disrespectful to look at or answer your phone when you are in the company of others. It’s like turning your back and ignoring them. Silence your phone and stash it before your meeting.
Wait to eat that donut
 Whether it’s a client or a friend no one likes hearing you eat or slurp in their ear. A Clise Etiquette newsletter reader vented in an email to me, “I don’t know what people are thinking when they are chawing away on the phone while talking but I immediately want to hang-up on them. Do people just feel that comfortable doing this because they know you?”  He has a good point. Whether you know the person you’re talking to or not, wait until you’re finished with the call to consume anything.
Don’t be a distracted driver
 I know we hear this all the time and I also know how tempting it is to look at your phone or send a quick text when you’re driving. I have been guilty of this. But, what helps me to not be tempted is to silence my phone and put it in my purse. I remind myself that nothing is more important than my safety. When I take my eyes off the road it only takes a second to get into an accident. Is that text or phone call really worth your life or the lives of others? I don’t think so.
According to textfreedriving.org you are 23 times more likely to get into an accident when you text and drive.
Be present
 When you are in a theater or performance of any sort, don’t text, check your email or look up the latest sports score. The light on your phone is distracting to others. And, remember why you are at the movie or play in the first place – to enjoy it. Turn your phone off and put it away so that you can be present for the performance and not bother others.

A New Smartphone App Could Detect Mental Illness 

Those diagnosed with bipolar disorder have notorious difficulty adhering to their medications. Not only do mood modulations require medication adjustments, but people who experience episodes of mania often develop, as one of their symptoms, the conviction that medication is unnecessary. This makes patients often noncompliant at the moment they have the greatest need for the stabilizing effects of psychopharmaceuticals.

What are the tips to help you avoid the lure of your phone?
How to have proper smartphone phone etiquette?
Does it bother you when people talk loudly on their cell?
Pros and cons of having a smart phone?
How to deal with smartphone addiction?
Should mobile phone use be banned in movie theaters or restaurants?
Is it rude to use your smart phone during screenings?
Telling us new smartphone App functions ?

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