週六(10/18) 1. 血型與日本人2.生活更好

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Why is Blood Type Popular in Japan japanvisitor.

In Japan, you are what you bleed. Blood type is a common way of defining temperament and personality, much like horoscopes in Western countries.

It all started in 1931 in Japan. Furukawa Takeji (1891-1940) proposed that there was a link between blood type and personality after working in the administration department of a high school and observing the temperamental differences between applicants.

Furukawa proposed that we humans are simple beings, only requiring two personality types.

His report stated that people of blood type A were generally mild tempered and intellectual, while people of blood type B were the opposite, essentially dividing the population into the good and the bad.

In Japan, blood type has influenced peoples lives in unexpected ways. For instance, some Japanese companies have planned departments around the blood types of their workforce. A baseball coach is reported to have used it in the selection of his teams.

In 1930, after the blood type/personality link was first suggested, a new blank for blood type was added to job application forms, in order to better assess the potential employees' temperament. As recently as 1997, the subject attracted enough attention to warrant four out of the five Japanese TV channels to broadcast programmes on the subject. Even today there is a daily forecast on morning television.

Why so popular in Japan?

90% of the Japanese know their blood type.
40% of Japan's population is Type A

Blood type was a contentious issue in the 1920's and 30's. The interest in blood types in Japan grew as a reaction against Western racism. Scientists in the west found that type B was common in Asia, but rare in Caucasians. As type B was typical in animals, they argued that Asians were inferior, lower on the evolutionary scale. Japanese scientists were keen to disprove this ludicrous theory, debate continued and it became a popular ology.

Interestingly, 90% of the Japanese know their blood type, although whether this is the reason the fad became so popular or a consequence of its popularity is not certain. In contrast, their European and American peers are blissfully unaware of not only their blood type, but also the blood typology phenomenon.

Why do the Japanese care so much about blood type?
Is blood type popular in Taiwan?
Can blood type determine your personality?
What do you think about this article stated that “people of blood type were generally mild tempered and intellectual, while people of blood type b were the opposite”?
What you think about job applicants and blood type in japan?
Do you believe in horoscopes?
Do horoscopes related to personalities?

Ten Ways to Improve People’s Lives  By Edwina Carr.

When you make people feel good, you enhance their self-image and give them energy, hope, and confidence. Below are ten simple ways you can make people feel good.

1. Encourage. What sunshine and rain do for flowers, encouragement does for humanity. Regardless of one’s position in life, everyone needs to hear words of encouragement.

 “Three billion people on the face of the earth go to bed hungry every night, but four billion people go to bed every night hungry for a simple word of encouragement and recognition.”    — Robert Cavett

2. Compliment Sincerely. You can compliment someone for a job well done or on an admirable characteristic you have noticed. If you can’t do it in person, don’t hesitate to use another means like a card, thoughtful email, or text message.

3. Praise Publicly. Boost someone’s confidence by commending their efforts in front of others, either verbally or in writing. You can also do this with people who serve you, such as a store clerk, waitress, or receptionist who has gone the extra mile to assist you.

4. Listen Thoughtfully. Focus on listening, not just hearing. When you are an attentive listener, people sense your care and concern and are comforted that their feelings and experiences are validated.

5. Serve Willingly. The next time you notice that a co-worker is under the gun and needs a hand, volunteer to help. Or offer to assist someone who has a task to do that they don’t want to do.  In doing so, you will help them see themselves as worthy of your efforts and attention.

6. Show Genuine Interest. Ask about something important to them and concentrate on what they have to say. Remembering and commenting on their hobbies, sports, vacations, or family at a later date will prove that you have a sincere interest in their lives.

7. Express Love Unselfishly.  Every person has a primary love language that dictates the ways they prefer to be loved. When we understand and love people the way they need to be loved (not just the way that satisfies our needs), it draws them closer to us and us to them. See a post from my wife Joy about this subject here.

8. Make a Friendly Call. It doesn’t have to be important or a special day, just call to let a friend or family member know you are thinking of them.  Asking how someone is doing is always appreciated.

 “The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated.”   —William James

9. Give a Gift. It doesn’t need to be expensive. It can be a small bouquet of flowers or a card. In this department, it’s most definitely the thought that counts. Hallmark has captured the essence in their advertisement: You cared enough to send. . .”

10. Smile Often. A sincere smile never goes out of style; it can mean different things to different people. A smile can brighten people’s day in an instant, and they’ll appreciate that you made the effort to acknowledge them.
What are the ways to improve people’s lives?
How to make people feel good?
How to encourage people?
How to compliment people? How to praise a woman?
Ways to be more social and friendly?
How to give a great gift to someone
How to be a good listener?






根據日本最大經銷公司東販集團(Tohan)統計,2008 年末前十大暢銷書排行榜中,就有四本談的是血型如何決定個性。出版這四本書的「文藝社」(Bungeisha)表示,B, O, A及AB型各一本的系列套書已賣出超過五百萬本。

文藝社編集長壁谷卓認為這套書的吸引力來自於對自我形象的肯定,讀者會從書中找到他們自己血型的定義,然後發出「類似『就是這樣,我就是這樣! 』這樣的話」。



即便日本總理麻生太郎(Taro Aso)也知道血型的重要性,在自己的官網公佈他的血型是A型,而他的對手,在野黨主席小澤一郎(Ichiro Ozawa)則是B型。





不是所有人都將這種瘋狂舉動視為無害的趣味,日本現在有個流行語叫「血型騷擾」 (Bura-Hara)。

厚生勞動省官員和田山(Junichi Wadayama)表示,雖然多次警告,許多雇主仍在面試的時候詢問血型問題。


信州大學(Shinshu University)心理系副教授菊地(Satoru Kikuchi)指出,血型是由血液內的蛋白質所決定,與個性無關。





1970年代,血型理論捲土重來,沒有醫學背景的血型論支持者能見正比古(Masahiko Nomi)賦予血型理論極大的吸引力。他的兒子能見俊賢現在透過私人組織「人類科學ABO中心」推廣血型理論,他說血型不是用來評斷人或者把人分等級,而是希望將個人潛能發揮到極致並讓人際關係更和諧。


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