周二(10/28) 1.生死相依2.廣告與購買習慣

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couple' euthanasia新東方網
  An elderly husband and wife have announced their plans to die in the world's first 'couple' euthanasia - despite neither of them being terminally ill.

  Instead the pair fear loneliness if the other one dies first from natural causes.

  Identified only by their first names, Francis, 89, and Anne, 86, they have the support of their three adult children who say they would be unable to care for either parent if they became widowed.

  The children have even gone so far as to find a practitioner willing to carry out the double killings on the grounds that the couple's mental anguish constituted the unbearable suffering needed to legally justify euthanasia.
  The couple, from Brussels, are receiving regular medical treatment for age-related ailments.
  Francis has received treatment for prostate cancer for 20 years and is unable to spend a day without morphine and Anne is partially blind and almost totally deaf.

  They always go out shopping together because they are both scared that one day the other will not return home.
  They decided that life in a care home was not an option because of their fear they would end up bedridden without the strength to insist on euthanasia.

  They planned to commit suicide on February 3 next year, their 64th wedding anniversary, by placing plastic bags over their heads after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

  'We want to go together because we both fear of the future,' said Francis. 'It's as simple as this: we are afraid of what lies ahead.

  'Fear of being alone and above all, fear of the consequences of loneliness.'
What do you think about euthanasia?
Do you agree or disagree with euthanasia?
Do you think euthanasia should be legal?
What to do if your loved one is terminally ill?
What to do if you are terminally ill?
What do you think about animal euthanasia?
How to deal with the fear of loneliness?
Euthanasia - pros and cons of mercy killing?


How Advertising Manipulates Your Choices and Spending Habits (Adam Dachis/ lifehacker)

You see ads every day, whether it's on a web page, before a movie, or in the middle of a TV show, and it's easy to say "they're just ads" because, at worst, they feel like a nuisance or interruption. A lot of people have difficulty accepting the idea that ads are manipulative because we want to believe we're in complete control of our choices. While the concept of advertising isn't inherently problematic, we've moved on from the "Eat at Joe's" sign to far more complex and sometimes even moving, cinematic messages that are designed to create significant memories of a product. These memories are created because an ad succeeds at making us feel something—whether it's good or bad—and that emotional response can have a profound effect on how we think and the choices we make. Not all advertising is bad, but we're going to take a look at what's problematic, what isn't, and ways you can avoid the negative effects associated with so much of what you passively experience.

The Problem: Advertising Is for the Rich, Not You

Advertising exists because there's a product a company wants to sell and they want people to know about it so they can buy it. This much is obvious. Sometimes that product is a cleaning spray or a microwave oven, but often it's yet another article of clothing, a gadget, another meal out, or something else you don't necessarily need. These advertisements aren't for the average person with a small amount of spending cash, but rather they're for the rich.

Rich people don't make up a large portion of any population, but they're the ones with money to spend. They can see an ad, decide they want a product, go buy it, and it has very little effect on their wallet. The problem is that we all see the same advertising but can't necessarily afford the purchases. We all want the lifestyle of the rich, as we see it depicted in television, film, and commercials.

How advertising manipulates our choices and spending habits?
How does advertising influence people?
What type of advertising has the most influence?
Pros and cons of advertising?
How to avoid the temptation from advertising?
How to stop the desire of buying stuff?
How to be a wise buyer?
Are you a compulsive shopper?













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