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Food waste --the supermarkets that encourage us to buy more  

Are you guilty of throwing away food? Many of us end up binning unwanted, uneaten or out- of-date food while millions of people in the world starve.

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation estimates that 33 per cent of food produced is chucked away. This fills up landfill sites and creates greenhouse gases.

Part of the problem seems to lie with the supermarkets that encourage us to buy more. They offer promotions such as buy-one-get-one-free (BOGOF) that tempt us to stock up on food that we'll never be able to consume. In Europe alone, people throw away 100 million tonnes of food every year.

But the problem isn't just us throwing away leftovers in the fridge or cupboard. Although we all love the convenience, price and choice of food that supermarkets offer, a lot of food is discarded before we even see it. Some stores reject fruit and vegetables because they're the wrong size or shape. And shoppers are equally to blame because they demand that items like these look perfect.

BBC reporter, Caroline Hepker, looked into the problem in the USA and said "Food waste is a huge issue in America. Forty per cent of all food goes uneaten and it's a problem that starts long before you get to the dining room table."

Another issue is the 'sell-by' and 'use-by' dates printed on food packaging. This confuses shoppers, including me. Anything older than a 'sell-by' date makes us think it is old and the food has gone off. But, in fact, this is just the date until which supermarkets can guarantee its freshness.

Meanwhile, in some parts of the world, people are struggling to buy even the most basic food. A report by the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation found that there is enough food for everyone - just a lot of inefficiency. So what can be done?

Apps and websites that distribute excess food are becoming more popular. And food banks are being set up too. These are charitable organisations people donate food to. It's then distributed to those who have difficulty buying their own food.

Perhaps the best idea is that we all think twice before we fill our baskets up with too many groceries and we put pressure on supermarkets to change some of their wasteful practices. How much food do you waste?(BBC)

What do you think this article mentioned “the supermarkets that encourage us to buy more”?
What do you think uneaten or out- of-date food fills up landfill sites?
Who should be blame for throwing away food?
What are the Ways to Prevent Food Waste at Home?
Who should be blame for creates greenhouse gases?
How to Be a Smart Shopper? How to Be a Frugal Shopper?

How Can Food Banks help the needed people?

Does Hollywood have a negative impact on the world? (helium.com)
Yes (Angela S. Young)
Hollywood has influence, no one would argue that, but is it a negative influence? I would have to say, in the most part, yes it is. There are several ways in which 'Hollywood' and it's 'stars' negatively impact our world.

One way is in the clothing they wear (or don't wear). Younger and younger children are trying to dress like their idols. In my day, their idols would have been classified as 'bad women' and hidden behind closed doors. Today they flaunt their nakedness and sexual gyrating in our living rooms every day. I personally turn the channel (or don't turn it on), but I know a lot of people who do not. Some of them don't even realize the effect these people are having on the next generation.

celebrities have a negative impact on our world because they are 'stars'. They are held to a higher level than the average Joe and accorded 'idol' status. They are given far too much money and far too much respect for what they do. Along with that status should come an extra load of responsibility for their words. Whether we like it or not, our kids are looking to them, and they have a major impact on our clothing, our opinions, our politics, our religious beliefs and more. What a sad, sad thing.

No ( Carlena Renee' Doggett)

Hollywood should be taken for what it is and not for reality. A lot of people confuse the two and don’t know when to draw the line that separates them. People look to celebrities and those who are in the public eye as idols. They watch them, they read about them, they follow them, and they sometimes look to them as inspiration and role models. What a lot of people fail to realize is that they’re looking at people that are honestly no different than themselves.

It’s more common now for plus sized women and men to embrace their size and love themselves for who they are because of the inspirational plus sized commercials and celebrities embracing that community. With more celebrities and people of Hollywood participating in the awareness of diseases such as heart cancer, breast cancer, and HIV/AIDS it’s more common now for people affected with those illnesses to feel cared for and not left out of society and forgotten.

Hollywood is also encouraging others to contribute more to those less fortunate. Look at the disaster that went on in Haiti and the support that Hollywood has given them. They’re all over T.V and in magazines encouraging people to donate whether it’s money or time and they’re showing us different ways that we can come together to help the many people in need which is a great thing. So you ask me does Hollywood have a negative impact on society and I say “No, absolutely not!”
Does Hollywood has a negative impact on the world?
What do you think Hollywood celebrities/ Taiwanese movie starts?
Should movie starts come an extra load of responsibility for their words?
What positive impact does entertainment have on youths?
What do you think that movie starts making big money?
What do you think about movie starts and charitable causes?
What do you think movie start and paparazzi?

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