週二(10/21) 1.食物文化2.伴侶 外表重要嗎?

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Food habits from around the world  BY Lucy Ballinger body+soul

"Japan has very low obesity rates. We think this is primarily due to their diet, but also due to cultural factors that view thinness as very fashionable, especially in women," Dr Sacks says.

Traditional Japanese food, such as sushi, is low in saturated fats, while being high in fibre and packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s from the fresh fish. The nutritious staple of rice is filling, while tofu and seaweed are full of protein. Seaweed is also rich in zinc, antioxidants and vitamins A and C.

The Japanese might know the secret to living a long happy life too. They have the highest life expectancy in the world – 86 years old for a woman, which is two years higher than in Australia, the Lancet reported.

The Netherlands
Streets filled with bikes, and healthy-looking couples cycling along beside each-other may sound like a stereotype of the Dutch, but it is largely being bike-mad that keeps Holland’s population healthy. As a result just 10.4 per cent of men and 10.1 per cent of women are in the obese category.

The traditional diet involves a lot of fish, some of which is eaten raw, as well as a wide variety of fruit and vegetables such as green beans, beetroot, spinach, asparagus, berries and plums. The traditional dish Stamppot consists of mashed potatoes and vegetables served alongside a small serving of meat.

Although their diet is associated with lashings of rich food, cheese and wine, just one in six of the French population is considered obese. This is largely due to their “everything in moderation” mantra and balanced eating habits.

"The French eat very slowly and have very small portions," Professor Clare Collins says. "Even though they do eat foods that are high in saturated fat, they only have a very small amount."

The French also love their wine, though they never go overboard. "While they also drink red wine, which is beneficial in terms of reducing heart disease risk, they consume it in moderation," Professor Collins says.
What do you think about Japanese food?
What do you think about sushi and sashimi?
Why do Japanese people live so long?
What do you think about cycling?
Why is cycling popular in the Netherlands?
What do you think about Dutch cuisine?
How to determine a good Quality wine?
What do you think about French food?

未來伴侶 外表重要嗎?
Should a Spouse's Physical Appearance Matter? catholicmatch

A recent study found that physical beauty is the highest priority for men in choosing a mate. Before you women reply with the typical "Lifetime Television" response condemning men as being shallow, consider this: the same study found that women placed physical attraction second only to how much money a man has. The pursuit of money would hardly seem to be a nobler goal than the pursuit of beauty!

That study sheds light on the whole "trophy wife" phenomenon. A woman who is pretty enough to have any man she wants seeks the richest guy she can find, and a man who is rich enough to have any woman he wants seeks the prettiest woman he can find. Donald Trump leaves Ivana for Marla (and so on and so on) and Anna Nicole Smith married a rich old geezer. They all seem to be rather shallow people. They all got what they wanted. Both sexes are equally superficial…or driven by basal/preservation instinct.

Beautiful women have more romantic options and opportunities. However, in my opinion, only about 5% of the population falls into the truly beautiful category. In some geographical regions this percentage may be higher; Italy has a surplus of beautiful women, as does Cuba and the American south – but, these regions also have the best food and, as obesity is not considered attractive by most men, it all balances out in the end. So, 95% of the population is not beautiful, but about 90% of folks get married. Most women are average in appearance and most women find mates; how is that?

One last aspect of this whole physical attraction thing, that I feel should be addressed, is society's concept of beauty. Over the past few decades the women who have been held up as the ideal of beauty in our culture are pencil thin, flat chested waifs. Frankly, I think the only people who think the ideal woman should look like a boy are the homosexuals who dominate the fashion and entertainment industries. Androgyny is not a quality to which one should aspire. This is unhealthy and just plain wrong. Arguably, the two most beautiful women America has ever produced were Marilyn Monroe and Ava Gardner. Those gorgeous creatures would be considered fat by today's standards and not even allowed in the entertainment industry. Here is a newsflash for the promoters of pop-culture: Men like breasts, and hips and curves! Anyone who thinks Angelina Jolie is more attractive in her current anorexic state than she was 10 years ago is sick. Paris Hilton is disgusting. Anyone who promotes such misguided images of beauty should be tarred, feathered and pushed off the left coast!
Should a spouse's physical appearance matter?
What do you think that physical beauty is the highest priority for men in choosing a mate?
Do men only care about looks?
Do rich men really attract women?
Why beautiful women marry less attractive men?
Do men find very skinny women / fat women attractive?
In your opinions, is Angelina Jolie an attractive woman?

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