週二(11/18) 1.建設性的批評2.炫富

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How Can Your Practice Constructive Criticism? (wealthy-money.com)

1. Criticize the incident and not the person
The thing that really annoyed me about the man who wanted to partner with me was how he implied that I was insecure because I was a woman and my hormones were constantly changing. He couldn’t tell me what wrong action I’d taken. This is important because criticism brings up feelings of anger and even shame, which can be counterproductive.

 2. Praise people openly but criticize privately

This should be a golden rule for all emotionally intelligent leaders because it’s a matter of respect. No one likes to be publicly rebuked. When you criticize people in public you attack their ego and wound their pride, which has been known to start many wars around the world.

The war of Troy was as much about a man’s ego and pride as it was about a woman, Helen of Troy.

3. Don’t humiliate people when you criticize them

 One of my ex-boyfriend’s once told me that when you criticize people you should have the following order: praise, criticize, praise.

 I think that makes sense, because people respond to praise and gratitude. The more objective your criticism is the less personal it becomes and the less emotionally charged it is.

 4. Celebrate small wins
 This is what Kouzes and Posner calls encouraging the heart: celebrating small wins will keeps people motivated. It’s not always the big things that keep us going. It’s the small wins along the way that keep us motivated – great victories are made of small wins along the way and not one large win at the end.

 Emotionally intelligent people know how to manage relationships, which means that they know how to criticize people without ruining their relationships. As Maya Angelou says, “people will remember what you said and how you looked like, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”
How to criticize constructively?
What to do when someone hurt your ego and wound your pride?
How to deal with unfair criticism?
What to do when you've been humiliated?
How to properly praise someone?
How to persuade people?

Ways to criticize effectively? How to criticize gently?

China’s Newly Rich Flaunting Their Wealth (factsanddetails.com)

Keith B. Richburg wrote in the Washington Post, China’s newly rich love luxury products---imported French handbags, Italian sports cars---and even more, they love to show off their bling. That seems to be creating headaches for China’s communist rulers, who after three decades of exhorting their subjects to get rich are facing growing discontent over a widening income gap. Officials now talk about making sure wealth is more evenly distributed, and how to get the rich to tone it down.

 It doesn’t help the government’s case when the rich keep showing off their bling. Exhibit A might be a 20-year-old woman calling herself “Guo Meimei Baby.” Guo---whose name “Meimei” means “Pretty, pretty”---became a recent Internet sensation in China, and prompted a national scandal, when she posted photos of herself on her microblog posing with her collection of imported Hermes handbags and showing off her white Maserati sports car, called “little horse,” and her (married) boyfriend’s orange Lamborghini, called “little bull.”

 The initial outrage was over suspicion that she was linked to China’s largest, government-run charity. But many here said the “Guo Meimei scandal,” as the story became known, exposed a common, and unflattering, aspect of China’s headlong rush to get rich: a tendency among China’s new super-rich to show off how much money they have. “People like showing off their wealth,” said Yang Xu, who runs a shop called Vogue 2 that specializes in secondhand designer handbags. “The consumption of luxury products has grown too fast. It’s beyond anybody’s imagination.” In his shop, for example, Hermes bags have become more popular than the Louis Vuitton brands for a simple reason: They are more expensive.

 Experts say the phenomenon of showing off wealth is a complex one, rooted in China’s long struggles with poverty and famine and a sense that expensive possessions confer a higher social status. ‘showing off wealth shows that China’s economic development has not been long, and Chinese society’s psychology of consumption is still not mature,” said Hu Xingdou, an economics professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology. “In China, wealth is the only criteria to measure social status. People hope to show they have a higher social status by wearing luxurious brands.”

 “The deeper reason for this showing-off phenomenon in China is that luxury products help your personal confidence,” Ouyang said. “If you wear designer clothes, or carry a designer shopping bag, people will give you more respect. A bartender will give you excellent service. . . . If you go shopping or to have lunch, an Hermes bag is like your ID card---it’s a really important ID card.”
What do you think that Chinese newly rich/Taiwanese rich love luxury products?
What are your opinions about this showing-off phenomenon?
What do you think about the Taiwanese super- rich?
What are your opinions about luxurious brands?
What do you think that the rich showing off their luxurious sports car?
Do you agree that “if you wear designer clothes, or carry a designer shopping bag, people will give you more respect”?
Do you think social status is related by wearing luxurious brands?
帝寶劉媽媽低調賞玩千萬廚具 400萬行頭洩蹤

房市投資名人「劉媽媽」劉月釵昨出席由御邸家具代理的Fendi Casa頂級廚具系列Ambiente Cucina上市記者會,鮮少出席時尚活動的她,因是消費達千萬元的Fendi Casa VIP而受邀出席,她雖低調不受採訪,但Hermes柏金包、蕭邦鑽錶和黃金珠耳環,一身行頭超過400萬元,想低調都低調不了。

郁方()和婆婆陳李春美一起出席活動,放閃表示兩人情同母女。郁方()和婆婆陳李春美一起出席活動,放閃表示兩人情同母女。擁有不少房產的劉媽媽因高價搶標帝寶法拍屋聲名大噪,昨她現身Fendi Casa廚具活動,廬山真面目難得在時尚場合曝光,曾花千萬購買Fendi Casa80周年紀念沙發、客廳家飾,是品牌VIP,現場人員對她諸多保護,一開始不願對媒體指認劉媽媽,還轉達她不受訪的低調態度。

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