周五(11/21) 1.招財貓與風水2.療癒食物

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feng shui use of the lucky cat - Thinkstock Images/Getty
Question: Is the Lucky Cat Used in Feng Shui?
Is the lucky cat really used in feng shui? I thought the lucky cat is Japanese, and feng shui is Chinese. If it is Ok to use it, please explain where to place the lucky cat in my home. Thank you!

Answer: Yes, the lucky cat is sure used in feng shui. Even though feng shui originated in China, its successful modern application involves more than just the knowledge of Classical feng shui concepts or traditional feng shui cures.

A good feng shui home combines the classical concepts with the modern ones, and this applies as much to the design of the home as to the selection of feng shui cures.

The Japanese name for the Lucky cat is Maneki Neko, which translates as the Beckoning Cat. The name obviously comes from its posture, as the lucky cat sculpture is always depicted with an upright paw, sometimes still, and sometimes moving (if battery operated).

The lucky cat is most commonly used in businesses, such as retail stores, restaurants, offices open to the public; and less so in the home. The lucky cat is also often called the fortune cat and the money cat, so as you can guess it is mainly used as a wealth and prosperity cure, as well as, of course, a good luck one.

Look at it as a more friendly version of fu dogs in a slightly different application. Yes, the cat is soft and welcoming, it is beckoning you to come inside, but it also serves as protection. It has the freshness of white and red colours accentuated by some black and gold, and a paw raised high that is beckoning but can also be a gesture of protection.

Traditionally, the lucky cat is holding either a round gold coin, or an ancient Japanese coin with slightly rectangular shape. It also has golden bells or other adornments, such as a red neck scarf. Gold and red are considered celebratory colours in Asian cultures, which combined with the freshness of white give the lucky cat a special energy people feel drawn to.

The fact that the lucky cat is mostly used in businesses does not mean you cannot use it in your home, if you so desire. As this is a money cure, the logical place for it would be the Wealth & Money area of your bagua (Southeast) or your home office. (fengshui.about.com)

Is the lucky cat really used in feng shui?
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Comfort food is a lie?! (dolly.com)

Whenever we’re feeling a little down in the dumps, our first instinct has always been to grab a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and settle in with a rom-com.

But a recent study published in the Health Psychology journal has found that this so called “comfort food” isn’t actually giving us the good feels. Really.

Researchers conducted a study to test the effects of food on a person’s mood, to see if the idea of comfort food is a myth after all.

Do we seriously need a reason to pull together a collection of Zac Efron's hottest pics? Didn't think so.

The participants of the study watched an 18-minute video that would make them feel sadness, depression and anxiety (which very well could have been The Fault In Our Stars!), feelings which commonly lead to the consumption of food.

The saddened individuals then split into three groups: one group was given nothing to eat, the other group was each given a granola bar and the third group was given their favourite comfort food (we choose group three, please!).

Based on what we’ve been made to believe in the past, you’d think that having nothing to eat while upset would have made the hungry group a bunch of blubbering messes, but it turns out that all of the participants were feeling the SAME by the end, regardless of what they ate.

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While it’s devastating that we don’t have a valid excuse to reach for chocolate when we’re not feeling great anymore, the good news is, they were all feeling better.

Sorry comfort food lovers - food had absolutely nothing to do with their uplifted moods.

The results of the study proved that the true source of comfort for our sadness is time, not food.

Happiness was achieved by the boring practice of waiting, not eating.
Can the food you eat affect your mood?
Do you believe that the “comfort food” is actually giving us the good feels?
In your opinion what are “the comfort food” can comfort you when you feel down?
What are you usually do when you feeling a little down?
Does chocolate affect a person's mood?
What are the mood-related food?
What are the food that can boost your energy?

有些人相信享用美食可以療癒心靈,從蛋糕、巧克力、洋芋片等甜點零食,到烤番薯、粥、拉麵,甚至是一碗熱呼呼的湯,都可能成為你的「comfort food」(暫譯:療癒食物)。不過現在卻有研究指出,那些讓你得到滿足感的食物,實際上根本起不了慰藉作用!

根據 The Cut 報導,Health Psychology journal 發佈的一項研究指出,沒有任何食物、包括含有碳水化合物和蛋白質的食物,以及嘗起來美味溫暖的食物,具備舒緩、調整人們壞心情的功能。

在這項研究中,參與者們觀看一支 18 分鐘的影片,其所播放的內容會引發人們沮喪和焦慮。然後這些人被分為三組,第一組什麼都沒拿到,第二組拿到燕麥棒,最後一組得到自己喜歡的療癒食物。結果顯示後來三組人的心情都有變得比較好,而療癒食物則證實無法改善負面情緒,反而是無聊的等待時間讓他們慢慢地快樂起來。

2014/11/04 記者陳于婷 提供者/udn

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