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I’m proud to be gay (businessweek)
Throughout my professional life, I’ve tried to maintain a basic level of privacy. I come from humble roots, and I don’t seek to draw attention to myself. Apple is already one of the most closely watched companies in the world, and I like keeping the focus on our products and the incredible things our customers achieve with them.

At the same time, I believe deeply in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, who said: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ” I often challenge myself with that question, and I’ve come to realize that my desire for personal privacy has been holding me back from doing something more important. That’s what has led me to today.

For years, I’ve been open with many people about my sexual orientation. Plenty of colleagues at Apple know I’m gay, and it doesn’t seem to make a difference in the way they treat me. Of course, I’ve had the good fortune to work at a company that loves creativity and innovation and knows it can only flourish when you embrace people’s differences. Not everyone is so lucky.

While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now. So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.
Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. It’s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It’s been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It’s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you’re the CEO of Apple.

The world has changed so much since I was a kid. America is moving toward marriage equality, and the public figures who have bravely come out have helped change perceptions and made our culture more tolerant. Still, there are laws on the books in a majority of states that allow employers to fire people based solely on their sexual orientation. There are many places where landlords can evict tenants for being gay, or where we can be barred from visiting sick partners and sharing in their legacies. Countless people, particularly kids, face fear and abuse every day because of their sexual orientation.

I don’t consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I’ve benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it’s worth the trade-off with my own privacy.

What do you think about that the CEO of apple is gay?
What ago you think about the discrimination of gay and lesbian in workplaces?
Is sexual orientation important in workplace?
Should celebrities be more protected from the media?
Do you support same-sex marriage? Do you support gay rights?
How to accept that you are gay? How to accept that you’re friend who is gay?
How to admit to your parents you're gay
What are the types of job discrimination in the workplaces?

10 Ways Travel Will Change Your Life For The Better (thoughtcatalog By Matthew Kepnes)
You become more social
It’s sink or swim on the road. You either get better at making friends or you end up alone. You learn to make friends out of strangers and get more comfortable approaching new people. You get better at the small talk. When I first started traveling, I was an introvert and uncomfortable talking to strangers. Now, I find myself able to talk to people like we’ve known each other for years.

You get more adventurous
When you become confident in your ability to do anything, you do everything. Skydive. Jump off cliffs. Conquer your fear of heights. Eat bugs. Whatever. You got this. It’s all part of the journey and the more you put yourself in uncomfortable situations, the less uncomfortable they become. Soon, it’s all par for the course.

You learn to read people
When you don’t know the language, non-verbal communication becomes even more essential to reading people and situations. Being able to read body language can tell you a lot about your surroundings and keep you away from bad situations. You learn how to communicate with people using non-verbal skills (I once had to do “choo choo” to get to the train station). Traveling to places that don’t speak your language helps your ability to understand body language.

Travel broadens your horizons
As Mary Anne Radmacher said, “I am not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” Once you travel and experience other cultures, your perception of the world changes. It teaches you about the commonality people around the world share. You’ll learn that we are not so different after all.

You’ll learn to make it anywhere
If you can handle traveling in foreign countries or living in a new place, you can do anything. After I moved to Bangkok without knowing a soul and left having established an everyday life there, I knew I could repeat that process anywhere and I had no reason to be worried about going to unknown places.

It will make you more employable
You’ve traveled the world alone, handled awkward situations, and dealt with a lot of different kinds of people. In short, you learned a lot of soft people skills that can’t be taught in school. This ability to work well with others and navigate different situations can give you a real edge in job interviews.

It will give you friends around the world
After years of traveling the world, there are few places I can go where I don’t know someone. During your own travels you’ll make friends and always have a place to stay and a friend to show you around.

Can travelling change our life for the better? Benefits of traveling?
What are the ways to broadens our horizons
Is travelling good for depression?
Tips to help relieve depression and heartache?
What are the best places to visit in Taiwan/around the world?
How traveling/backpacking can boost our social skills
How to become a more social person?
What are the career skills that travel will improve?


Apple 執行長提姆庫克(Tim Cook)出櫃了!

根據 Bloomberg Businessweek 稍早的新聞披露,庫克自述「So let me be clear: Im proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.」(所以讓我講清楚,我很驕傲是個同性戀,而且我認為作為一個同性戀是上帝賜給我最偉大的禮物)。驚天一句,讓這位過去一直以來傳言是同性戀的執行長,終於真相大白。

他補充道,公開隱私對他來說並不簡單,自己也不是個活躍份子,但當他知道如果「Apple 執行長公開是同性戀」這件事情,可以幫助許多正在掙扎的人,讓孤單的人感到力量,可以激勵人捍衛平等,就算犧牲隱私,這樣就是有價值的了。


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