週六(11/29) 1.選舉花招 2.愛情的影響

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Campaign Ads and Taiwan’s Electoral Demography (thinking-taiwan)

After well over half a year of campaigning, Taiwan’s “nine-in-one” mega-election will conclude in little over a week. As campaigns enter the final dash before the finish line, the principal message in their ads and punditry has begun to shift gear.

Campaign messages in Taiwan seem to follow a consistent three-act sequence: brand building, negative campaigning, and finally positive reinforcement. Early on, the talking points tend to focus on building their candidates’ personal narrative so as to increase name recognition among voters — a voter who doesn’t recognize who you are is less likely to be bothered enough to queue up at the voting booths to vote for you, and s/he may rather take the election day break as a personal day off. For the two principal Taipei mayoral candidates, for example, their official narrative arc might are essentially a variant of the following:

Sean Lien (連勝文): An Ivy League-educated international financier whose professional experience as a global high-flyer gives him more than a few ideas about how to make Taipei a great city. His Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) bona fides are demonstrated through him taking a gun shot in the face while campaigning for the KMT on the eve of the 2010 mid-term election. This fact, in the eyes of some, helped rally KMT voters in the eleventh hour and helped the KMT escape the 2010 elections with a narrow victory. Literally, Lien “took one for the team.”

Ko Wen-je (柯文哲): A rags-to-riches self-made man whose commitment to the less privileged is best demonstrated through him voluntarily giving up his U.S. green card so that as a physician he could care for the Taiwanese people more than for the more well-to-do American patients. His supposed commitment to transcend Taiwan’s divisive party politics and political gridlock is illustrated by the fact that he happened to be both a strong critic of the KMT and the head of the emergency medical team that took care of Sean Lien’s injury on the night of the aforementioned shooting.

Once the personal branding is done, in the later phases of the campaign negative tactics begin to emerge as a way to influence electoral turnout for the other camp. For example, Lien and his pundits criticized Ko’s character and ideology. Specifically, they questioned Ko’s integrity and his hospital unit’s financial records, as well as hinting that Ko is either a closet independence ideologue himself or a puppet of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party. 
What do you think about Taiwanese elections?
What do you think about Taiwan’s electoral candidates?
What do you think about Taiwan’s electoral campaign negative tactics and electoral campaign ads?
Talking about if you were an electoral candidate?
What polices and social well-being you really care about?
What do you think about Taiwanese Politian’s?
What do you think the two political parties in Taiwan?
Do you think the electoral ways have the best-designed?

What love does to you: the physical effects of falling in love (cosmopolitan by Rebecca Twomey)
Turmoil in your tummy, pounding heart, loss of appetite… it’s no great discovery, we all know what falling in love does to us. But why do our bodies betray us when we want to seem cool, calm and collected in front of our new object of lust? Cosmo unveils the side affects of newly-found love and explains why they happen?
Love at first sight
Beware of the green-eyed monster, we all know his curse! Recent research carried out by the University of Delaware in the states found that having pangs of jealousy could make us temporarily blind. In the study women were shown a selection of images and had to find a ‘target’ image. The test took a turn when the women were told their men were rating images of girls in terms of attractiveness. The jealous types failed to spot the target meaning their vision was impaired, dubbed, ‘emotion-induced blindness’.  To make sure you’re not blinded by jealousy read our tips on beating the green-eyed monster.
The chemical curse
Aside from heartbreakingly hot looks, a pant-wettingly good sense of humour and the ability to make you happy every day, there's something else, other than your man, that gives you that injection of intense feelings. "When we feel that initial attraction to someone, a cocktail of chemicals, phenethylamine, dopamine, and oxytocin are released," says sexpert Simone Bienne. "They keep your senses extra alert and give us the urge to bond and attach. As these secretions increase, our attraction to the object of our desire intensifies, and we get more and more of those dizzy feelings." So our desire to our man every day is down to chemicals and not neediness - phew!
Sweat stakes
With these ‘love chemicals' pumping away through your system, things start to get physical and along with the feelings of euphoria comes the not-so-fortunate functions of the body that make your desirability plummet faster than Jordan and Peter Andre's relationship. The palms of your hands will probably start to sweat and as your innocent excitement increases you'll start to feel light-headed so make sure you don't hold hands, until you've calmed down and eat something before you meet your man.
Bulging beats
Falling in love is almost identical to the classic fight or flight response we have during any stressful event like a job interview. Your heart pounds so hard that you believe it can be heard by the world and is showing through your top cartoon style. While your heart is pounding with passion it speeds up and the blood is diverted away from your non-vital organs like your stomach so you may suffer with that light, ‘butterflies-in-tummy feeling.
Look into my eyes
Do you find it hard to maintain eye contact when talking to your latest crush? While you're battling against the blushes, your eyes will deceive you  - your pupils will dilate, and it'll have nothing to do with bright lights. Pupils are associated with positive emotions and your mind will want to know more about the man you're flirting with.
What are the physical effects of falling in love?
Did you feel pounding heart, loss of appetite when fell in love?
How to flirt with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
How to make someone fall in love with you?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Did you feel excitement when held hands/first kiss with your girlfriend?
Do you feel jealous when fall in love? How to handle jealousy?

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