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Cartiers in Beijing The rich in China are generally characterized as thinking only about money and themselves and having little a social conscience. Many are quite ostentatious with their wealth. They run around in expensive cars; live in gaudy mansions; send their children abroad to school so they can brag about it; wear flashy clothes and diamond studded Rolexes; and act with a certain haughtiness that comes with knowing that in China having money allows one to behave as if they are above the law. A lot of people with money travel around with an entourage.

China is now the No. 3 buyer of Rolls Royces. In 2006, demand in China for the new $381,000 Phantoms was so high that Rolls Royce hired 200 new employees and required existing workers to put in double shifts. Items offered at the Shanghai Millionaire’s Fair include diamond-studded cell phones, French chocolates and $100,000 purebred dogs. At the second annual fair in 2007. 11,000 people showed up.Italian luxury brands are highly sought after. One woman at a luxury shopping mall in Shanghai told Reuters, “I definitely would not buy any named brand products that are “Made in China “...It’s a real turn off...If you are rich and buy fakes, you would really lose face.”

The Chinese elite enjoy golf, skiing and even polo (See sports). In a survey in 2007 rich Chinese listed traveling as their top leisure activity while spending time with their families places a distant seventh. In another survey 67 percent of millionaires said they were sacrificing their health for money.

 “More Chinese professionals and entrepreneurs than ever are settling abroad, partly due to dissatisfaction with their home country’s rigid political system. Latest polls in China show that at least 60 percent of residents in upper-income brackets had either completed procedures for emigration to Western countries or were about to do so [Source: Willy Lam, China Brief, Jamestown Foundation, May 6, 2011]

Horse breeding and riding are becoming increasingly popular among China’s nouveau riche. The owner of Beijing door factory, who own three thoroughbreds, told AFP, “Horse are a hobby for me, not investment objects. Riding is a form of communication without language, where man and horse try to understand each other. In 2008, there were more than 100 riding clubs in the Beijing area, up from 80 a year before. The Equuleus International Riding Club was founded near an upscale villa compounds outside of Beijing in the 1990s mainly to meet the needs of the expatriate community but now is used mostly by wealthy Chinese. Many of its 100 or so horses are retirees from the jockey clubs in Hong Kong and Macao.
What do you think of the lifestyle of the rich in china?
What do you think about the rich Chinese?
What do you think about rich young guys run around in expensive cars?
What do you think about luxury brands?
Why Chinese people love luxury goods?
What you should do with your extra money?
If you had a lot of money what would you do?
Why do some people hate rich people?

Listening to Complainers Is Bad for Your Brain(inc.com)

Do you hate it when people complain? It turns out there's a good reason: Listening to too much complaining is bad for your brain in multiple ways, according to Trevor Blake, a serial entrepreneur and author of Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life. In the book, he describes how neuroscientists have learned to measure brain activity when faced with various stimuli, including a long gripe session.

Even worse, being exposed to too much complaining can actually make you dumb. Research shows that exposure to 30 minutes or more of negativity--including viewing such material on TV--actually peels away neurons in the brain's hippocampus. "That's the part of your brain you need for problem solving," he says. "Basically, it turns your brain to mush."

So, how do you defend yourself and your brain from all the negativity? Blake recommends the following tactics:

1. Get some distance
"My father was a chain smoker," Blake confides. "I tried to change his habit, but it's not easy to do that." Blake knew secondhand smoke could damage his own lungs as well. "My only recourse was to distance myself."
You should look at complaining the same way, he says. "The approach I've always taken with complaining is to think of it as the same as passive smoking." Your brain will thank you if you get yourself away from the complainer, if you can.

2. Ask the complainer to fix the problem
Sometimes getting distance isn't an option. If you can't easily walk away, a second strategy is to ask the complainer to fix the problem.

"Try to get the person who's complaining to take responsibility for a solution," Blake says. "I typically respond to a complaint with, 'What are you going to do about it?'" Many complainers walk away huffily at that point, because he hasn't given them what they wanted, Blake reports. But some may actually try to solve the problem.

3. Shields up!
When you're trapped listening to a complaint, you can use mental techniques to block out the griping and save your neurons. Blake favors one used by the late Spanish golfer Seve Ballesteros during a match against Jack Nicklaus--a match the crowd wanted Ballesteros to lose. "He was having difficulty handling the hostility of the crowd," Blake says. "So he imagined a bell jar that no one could see descending from the sky to protect him."
Do you hate it when people complain?
Do you think that being exposed to too much complaining can actually make you dumb?
How to handle negative comments?
How to you get yourself away from the complainer?
What are the ways to enhance your problem solving skills?
How to deal with difficult people?
How to save yourself from toxic people?

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