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Study: Laughter Really Is Contagious (livescience.com)

If you see two people laughing at a joke you didn't hear, chances are you will smile anyway--even if you don't realize it.

According to a new study, laughter truly is contagious: the brain responds to the sound of laughter and preps the muscles in the face to join in the mirth.

"It seems that it's absolutely true that 'laugh and the whole world laughs with you," said Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at the University College London. "We've known for some time that when we are talking to someone, we often mirror their behavior, copying the words they use and mimicking their gestures. Now we've shown that the same appears to apply to laughter, too--at least at the level of the brain."

The positive approach

Scott and her fellow researchers played a series of sounds to volunteers and measured the responses in their brain with an fMRI scanner. Some sounds, like laughter or a triumphant shout, were positive, while others, like screaming or retching, were negative.

All of the sounds triggered responses in the premotor cortical region of the brain, which prepares the muscles in the face to move in a way that corresponds to the sound.

The response was much higher for positive sounds, suggesting they are more contagious than negative sounds--which could explain our involuntary smiles when we see people laughing.

The team also tested the movement of facial muscles when the sounds were played and found that people tended to smile when they heard laughter, but didn't make a gagging face when they heard retching sounds, Scott told LiveScience. She attributes this response to the desire to avoid negative emotions and sounds.

Older than language?

The contagiousness of positive emotions could be an important social factor, according to Scott. Some scientists think human ancestors may have laughed in groups before they could speak and that laughter may have been a precursor to language.

"We usually encounter positive emotions, such as laughter or cheering, in group situations, whether watching a comedy program with family or a football game with friends," Scott said. "This response in the brain, automatically priming us to smile or laugh, provides a way or mirroring the behavior of others, something which helps us interact socially. It could play an important role in building strong bonds between individuals in a group."
What are the benefits of smiling and laughing?
Stress relief from laughter? Ideas for relief stress?
Do you like listening jokes? Why or why not?
What are the advantages of listening some good jokes?
Do you think funny people are t more successful in life?
Reasons why humor is a key to success at work?

How to be a really cool guy?

Taking Risks   (goodlifecoaching)

There come times in everyone's life when you're faced with a choice that involves risk. Perhaps you want to change careers, move to a different place, quit your job and start a business, begin a new relationship, have a child. Creatively, you may be faced with a choice of doing what you know is marketable or going out on a limb with your own vision, or giving up a steady job to follow your creative pursuits full-time.

Risk is, by nature, scary. It's uncertain and unpredictable. You're heading off into uncharted territory. You may lose your life savings or lose face. You risk criticism and humiliation, or having to pick up the pieces and start all over again. You're giving up what you know for what might be. The rewards can be great, but so can the cost.

So, why would anybody want to take a risk?

    ~ Risk gives you an opportunity to open up to your talents, interests, abilities and dreams.

    ~ Risk teaches you to set clear goals and follow through.

    ~ Risk allows you to feel powerful and proactive, making things happen rather than waiting for them to happen to you.

    ~ Risk opens you up to new ideas, skills, opportunities and experiences.

    ~ Risk allows you to grow and discover new things about yourself and the world, to develop your strengths and talents.

    ~ Risk allows you to conquer your fears.

    ~ Risk is exhilarating. It makes you come alive.

When it comes to risk-taking, there are two extremes. Some people are afraid to take even reasonable risks, wanting guaranteed results. This can result in a life that's flat and lackluster. Others take risks easily, believing that their willingness to leap makes them courageous. But taking major risks without thinking them through is foolish, and such people often find themselves picking up the pieces of shattered dreams.

While you don't need to agonize over every decision, it's the big, life-changing risks that we face only a handful of times in our lives that can stop us in our tracks. But if we don't step up to the challenge, we may find ourselves living a life that bores us, that has no dynamics or color. By avoiding any kind of risk, we systematically shut down our world, making it smaller, flatter and grayer.
Is taking risks necessary to success?
What to do when face with a choice that involves risk?
What to do when change careers, move to a different place, quit your job and begin a new relationship?
When it comes to risk-taking, who you ask advices and who you ask for help?
How to make a big decision without regret?
Why people scare to take a risk?
How to conquer your fears?


Cheers 2014/11/07 







有一天,公車在北門的十字路口停下來許久,當時還沒地下化的火車不知何時才會從遙遠的地方到達,而平交道才終於開啟通行。我擠在公車裡,忽然覺得一切“déjà vu”,就是法國人說的「似曾相識」。怎麼現在的這一切,有一種早就都經歷過的感覺?昨天的感覺就是如此,同樣在這裡的塞車車陣中;前天、大前天,甚至這幾個月來,可以說都是如此。生命不只是重複,簡直就是跳針的唱片重複著永遠一樣的聲調。我開始思索:現在我才開始要踏進社會,難道未來的一切,都是這樣一成不變的日子嗎?









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